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Just when Blood Claw rushed to Punk desperately, 3 demon wolf summoned loyally followed Punk’s order to plunge to Blood Claw.

“Damn livestock, get away!”

Unsurprisingly, in the face of the simultaneous fight with 3 demon wolf, Blood Claw can only change direction to avoid 2 giant wolf, but even then there is still a demon wolf rushing forward enough to successfully bite the right of Blood Claw hand on.

It is no exaggeration that demon wolf’s bite force is torn gold crack stone, even if Blood Claw has attached a layer of peristaltic plasma to his defense for defense, when the upper and lower jaws of demon wolf are closed, Blood Claw’s arm is clearly uploaded Sounds.

“Damn it, damn it, get out of my sight, get away!”

The huge demon wolf has some weight that matches its reminder. Blood Claw is simply impossible to carry a Charge with such a huge creature that weighs 2 times its own weight, but the demon wolf that received the Punk command is extremely fierce and unafraid of death, even if Blood Claw is born. Use his left hand to pull a wolf leg off the demon wolf, and the demon wolf bite the blood Claw’s arm stubbornly.

Blood Claw watched that the other three demon wolf had turned around and rushed towards himself. The life energy in the body was burning fast like the fat thrown into the brazier. He finally raised a slight despair of the “perish together” thing. .

“Sure enough, I am not a fighting material.”

Thinking of this, Blood Claw’s grinning face could not help but reveal a bitter smile.

At the same time, the other two demon wolf also fiercely bit on Blood Claw. The weight of three giant wolf completely stopped Blood Claw who was still struggling to sprint. The second giant wolf bit off the remaining blood Claw. The left hand.

So far, Blood Claw’s abacus has completely failed, he hasn’t had time to approach Punk from start to finish, and the long-awaited Self-destruction is meaningless.

The night when the western wilderness had entered at this time, the glory of Mira and Chicasa left Faerun Plane once again, and three rounds of different bright moons revealed silhouettes in midair, but the dark clouds hurriedly seemed to be telling the coming of the curtain call.

“It seems time to end this farce”!

Punk is far away from Blood Claw at this time. The spell in his hand is ready to be completed. At such a distance, even if Blood Claw ’s Self-destruction has the power Punk equivalent to Tishachar Self-destruction, it is not afraid of it. Blood Claw, who was entangled by three demon wolf, was also impossible and got out in a short time.

“Blood Claw, even if you are struggling, it’s just like a big Fireball that just crossed the sky just now, it’s just a moment … Now is the time …”


“……… There seems to be something wrong”?

Just as Punk was about to declare the end of Blood Claw ’s life, a strong sense of “violation” caused the spell in Punk ’s hands to pause for a moment. At that moment, he seemed to feel his brain suddenly fainted. But this feeling is too weak, so thin that Punk is not sure if it really exists.

“What happened just now, did Blood Claw use some kind of trump card?”

Punk pinched the prepared Magic Power Compression version “Kinetic Energy Cone” in his hand and kept it secret. His face became deeper and deeper. He intuitively told him that something must have happened just now. As a Level 14 Spellcaster, he My thoughts are impossible. “Illusions” appear for no reason, even the side effects of “Activation Potion” are impossible.

Something must have happened, absolutely impossible is a simple illusion! “

“Anyway, it’s better to solve the enemy in front of me.”

Punk gently shook the head to temporarily suppress the intuition in his heart. He didn’t say much, but expressionlessly released “Kinetic Energy Cone” to Blood Claw.

In the desperate eyes of Blood Claw, Kinetic Energy Cone with no difficulty pierced his head, until this moment, his Self-destruction had not had time to release.

Blood Claw’s headless body fell to the ground like a broken puppet, and the uncontrolled blood quickly spread into a common scarlet.

With the death of Blood Claw, he within the body life energy not belonging to him quickly dissipated. Finally, a large amount of life energy spilled even made the flowers and plants around Blood Claw grow half.

Punk watched the body of Blood Claw from convulsion to complete silence, and then used Divination spell 3 to confirm that the crazy Claw that declared “No one can catch me” was indeed dead, he was sighed. in relief.

In this brief moment, the effect of “Activation Potion” has completely receded. Punk only feels that a lot of fatigue is hitting himself like a tide. Every muscle in his body feels severe soreness, and his brain is even more open. All kinds of sounds were chaotic at the concert.

Punk can be sure that this is the first time he has been so exhausted since crossing, so tired that he is impatient and wants to find a place to meditate for a few hours to rest.

But Punk has no time to rest now. Not only can he not rest, he also has to continue to tighten his energy and be ready to deal with danger at any time, because … he has been 100 points and 100 points determined-just now, his thinking has been moved by others. With the end of the battle and the delay of time, the heavy sense of incongruity has not only decreased but has increased.

“What the hell is going on, what just happened”?

Punk ordered the 3 head demon wolf to form a circle around him, and he also fell into deep thinking, or read his memory deeply.

This kind of inconsistency in thinking cannot be ignored by Punk. You must know that he is not only a Spellcaster with extremely powerful Mind power, but also blessing the Formal Level spell strengthened by Magic Power Compression on the outer layer of his soul anytime, anywhere– ” Mind Barrier “, wanting to silently influence Punk’s thinking speaking from a certain perspective is more difficult than killing him directly.

“Memory, memory, something must have happened before 20 5 seconds.”

Punk closed his eyes and immersed himself in his memory. He began to remember at least a memory of 20 5 seconds over and over again.

“Blood Claw carries out an assault. I order demon wolf to intercept. I fly over a huge Fireball very quickly in the sky. I am preparing spell. The spell is ready to be completed. I kill Blood Claw …. Blood Claw carries out an assault. I order demon wolf. Intercept … “

The more I recalled that Punk’s brows were tighter, because in his thinking, this memory was simply normal and could not be normal. There was no “any” special or “any” noteworthy thing.

“It’s really tricky, it seems that this effect does not come from the memory level.”

Punk’s gloomy eyes opened. He has confirmed that his memory has not been tampered with by anyone. After reading this memory dozens of times in a few seconds, Punk did not find any abnormalities, but that kind of strong “dissonance” It can be felt without “intuition”.

“It’s really tricky. If this” thing “is no longer useful, I have to think about whether to use” Filthy Prediction “.”

Thinking of this, the magic power vortex in Punk’s pupils spun at a rapid speed, and he took out a copy of the Alchemy Potion ——Focus Potion installed in the test tube from the storage ring.

Although Punk is now in this desolate wilderness where there is no shelter, Golem II, who can protect him, is not beside him. Attached Spells of various Magic items have not spent the “cooling” time. The most terrifying thing is that Punk also has He was in a weak state with the side effect of “activated” potion just failing, but he decided to drink this “Focus Potion”.

This is something that can’t be helped. The sudden sense of “violation” is telling Punk at any time-“unknown” has arrived, and it really exists.

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