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Cullen won, Princess Trelinka, who had lost her mind, soon agreed to sign a treaty with Kingdom of Kamos a month later, and also clearly accepted the identity of “Cullen fiancee”. Successful completion of all tasks and the beauty of Cullen It was a joyous departure from Greenvine City.

While sitting on the carriage, Cullen’s greasy hair fluttered.

But there is another person whose mood may be better than Cullen, this person is naturally Punk.

Punk followed Cullen into Greenvine City. The city did not even have a Formal Level powerhouse above Level 12. Maybe Army of Glory was really exhausted. Punk followed Cullen all the way to Lord Castle. People found.

Of course, Punk is not a Stalker after all, it is impossible to follow Cullen silently into the castle, but fortunately the place where Cullen and Princess Trelinka meet is the castle hall.

This special hall for deliberation not only does not have any warning array, but also is separated from the street outside the castle by a common wall. From the first patriarch of the Greenvine Family who built the castle, the original meaning is “open and Aboveboard, there is no concealment “, but now it is just cheaper Punk.

After Punk used a “probing eye” with perspective, everything that happened in the hall was clearly seen.

at first Punk was disappointed. Neither the Kingdom of Kamos conspiracy nor Princess Trelinka’s entanglement had any meaning for Punk, but when Punk lost patience and was about to leave, Cullen suddenly attracted a thing Punk’s full attention.

Just when Trelinka shouted angrily at Cullen, the seemingly serene but actually nervous Cullen pulled a small object from the storage ring at the fastest speed and hid it in his palm.

Even though Cullen’s movements were fast enough, Punk still clearly saw what he brought out.

It was a simple ring.

I saw a soaring black eagle drawn vividly on the ring. The eyes of the black eagle bright yellow seemed to be full of spirituality as if it had come alive, and the texture of every trace of feathers was carved out.

“Master Level Alchemy Creation, the highest kind”!

After feeling the almost undetectable and flashing Magic fluctuations emanating from the ring, a conclusion immediately appeared in Punk’s mind.

Although the ring’s obvious ability to hide the atmosphere is so strong that the leaked magic power fluctuations are not even noticed by Trelinka, which is close to Cullen, but Punk as a minor supplement to the Level 14 Spellcaster perception ability of the Divination spell is so powerful In addition to the instantaneous recording ability of system, he immediately determined that the magic power fluctuation level on the ring was beyond imagination.

If the breath of “chicken rib” equipment like “Illumination of Dawn 512” is a thin fog, then the breath of this ring is the everlasting hard ice, and the quality will not go to that kind of crude craftsmanship Can be compared.

So Punk immediately determined that it was an extremely high-quality Master Level item, and its quality may be better than the Master Level robe and the “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” held by Sword Saint Vik.

“This is simply a pie that has fallen from the sky. The only thing such a mission can count as battle strength is a small Warrior who has just advanced to Formal, and slaughter that rookie Warrior. Such good equipment is at your fingertips!”

Punk, who was disappointed with the “rescue mission” at this time, decided to take the equipment almost immediately (the Master Level Equipment was only one of Tears of Spring Water in this operation …).

Of course, such a blatant robbery of envoys to steal the national treasure will definitely be jointly wanted by Kingdom of Kamos and Kingdom of Dylan, and even the Guardian Master-level powerhouse of Archmage Sangers and Kingdom of Kamos will also attack the murderer, but Punk But there is no such concern.

Again, with the “Heitzita Magic Box” Divination shielding ability, not to mention 2 Master Levels, even if you pull a few Legends to find together, you can’t find Punk.

There is no worries and the risk is very low. With such a good opportunity to leave Punk, it is not the Spellcaster of Chaotic Neutral Alignment.

So Punk immediately decided to wait until Cullen left Greenvine City to attack.

“It seems that this thing has evolved into” curiosity “. This thing has many uses. If you can’t do it, you will find something unusual and good.”

As Punk carefully left near Lord Castle, he thought happily.

——–Dividing line——

The outskirts of Greenvine City in the cold winter are still very cold. Although it is located in the west of the Kingdom of Dylan, it rarely snows, but with the layer of frost and trees with withered leaves on the ground, the whole environment seems to have a cold feeling. assaults the senses.

The gorgeous carriage is driving at a moderate pace on the official road, and the heavy carriage leaves a shallow rut on the ground. In fact, the 4 good horses can be more than doubled faster, but the owner of the carriage is to avoid The bumps specifically ordered the team to slow down.

“The gorgeous frame is easy to be peeped by Xiao Xiao? Huh, the old fogey driver will be alarmist. How can any enemy dare to attack the frame with Formal Level powerhouse guard in this wilderness?”

Sitting in the carriage, Cullen, who was covered with 2 layers of duvets, clearly warned the old coachman to disdain as beneath contempt. Although he knew that the elderly man was only loyal, Cullen never would think that his decision was wrong.

He used a sterling silver fork to fork a 70% cooked tender beef from the plate into the import, and slowly rubbed the father’s secret ring in his hand.

The ring feels cool and smooth, and feels very comfortable.

Cullen’s self-confidence is very explosive now, and its root lies in the ring in his hand.

As the first heir of the family, Cullen knew this ring, which is the heirloom of their Laira Family, and a symbol of patriarch’s identity. The most important thing is that this ring is a very powerful Magic item, which can not only release powerful attacks, It is also possible to instantly transfer the holders in other countries back to the positioning array of their own family. After activation, there is no Master Level method to simply intercept them.

With the ring, Cullen completely ignored the question of his speed of reaction, and he already thought that the world was going well.

Of course, Cullen ’s father stole such a ring for his son. It ’s not because this rich 2nd generation was used to hold garlic. Cullen did n’t know how dangerous his trip was. Did n’t his patriarch dad know?

King William gave Laira Family the full benefits that required them to send Cullen as a “worthy person” as an excuse to the Kingdom of Dylan.

It’s just that Laira Family really has the power. Elders have decided to let the sideline inherit the patriarch rather than let Cullen, a stupid eater, lead the family, so those people ca n’t wait for this stupid to die in Kingdom of Dylan. William’s intentions also conform to the family’s decision.

The day before Cullen, who thought he was going to live in Peak, his patriarch dad finally decided to prepare a back path for his son in violation of family rules, so he stole the ring race Cullen.

After all, Cullen is his father’s only son. Even if he disappointing again, his dad couldn’t bear to watch him count.

It stands to reason that Father Cullen ’s back path is still very effective. As long as Trelinka does not cut the knife without saying a word, as long as Cullen finds a sign of danger in advance, then even if he only has the reaction ability of the ordinary person, he will have the opportunity to initiate the transmission of the ring. Features.


I’m afraid no one thought that Cullen’s arrogant attitude didn’t anger Princess Trelinka. Instead, it was this ring that brought him self-satisfaction.

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