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After 3 confirms that Blood Claw has indeed gone far, Punk slowly relaxes. Although the magic power consumed by the continuous fierce battle has been restored, the fatigue of this high-intensity battle cannot be avoided.

The task of this time was finally over. Punk did not rush back to Sunset City hurriedly. He walked through the jungle, either fast nor slow, and felt a little radiance on the body.

Now Punk is located in an unnamed jungle in the east of Greenvine City. From here, you can walk all the way to the main road of Kingdom of Dylan. The 4 road 8 road even borders with Kingdom of Kamos. The merchant passed, and Punk planned to “borrow” a carriage as the last time.

On the way through the jungle, Punk certainly did not forget to analyze the parchment he got.

Pulling a pure natural green fruit from the tree and putting it in the mouth, Punk took out the old parchment with creases while tasting the fruit with a touch of sourness.

The parchment itself is very common, after all, it is just a piece of information carrying items, and it does not at all display the ability of some Master Level means.

But the reason why Punk can be sure that this parchment has the value of Master Level item, in the display of the Divination spell, the information recorded on this parchment is really only useful for Master Level Spellcaster, so it is 80% recorded With some kind of Alchemy Recipe or spell knowledge.

The information on the parchment is written in the rather sloppy “Begas” language. The “Begas” race has always lived in the deep mountains and old forests, but there are some valuable Alchemy Recipes in their history. Punk also knows this language.

The analysis results of the system are as fast as before. When Punk swallows the delicious fruit in his mouth, all the analysis results are already displayed in his mind.

Type of information: Alchemy Recipe

Recipe type: Alchemy Food

Recipe name: Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew

Ingredients: any 4 kinds of non-toxic Deepman’s “intact stamens”, haze flowers, 70% grass, spine spinal cord, golan lettuce, momopage solution.

Alchemy Potion effect: Drinking for a long time can greatly improve the resistance of toxins, a small increase in Soul Perception ability, there is a very small chance to increase the chance of advanced Legend level 100 to 5% 3 to XNUMX%!

Note: Formal Level organisms need to be consumed regularly for more than 200 years to take effect.

Master Level organisms need to be consumed regularly for more than 1000 years to take effect.

Legend creatures need to be consumed regularly for more than 5000 years to take effect.

Has no effect on Morningstar Level creatures.

“Really, an outrageous recipe”!

Punk cautiously put the parchment back into the space ring, he is very interested in this potion, and can even be called very much looking forward to it, especially the extremely powerful effect it has, the value of this formula even needs to More than the “Activation Potion” that Punk obtained from McNeesey.

Not to mention anything else, just saying “Alchemy Food formula” already has great research value.

To know that Alchemy Food is also called Magic cuisine, its production methods and Alchemy Potion have many comprehending places.

But unlike Alchemy Potion, which can take effect within a short period of time after use, Alchemy Food is an Alchemy potion that is effective for a long time.

If Alchemy Potion is a medicine, then Alchemy Food is a nutritional product. The former not only cannot be taken regularly, but also has a variety of side effects. The most important thing is that the side effects and medicine efficacy of Alchemy Potion are usually Proportional. If there is no means to eradicate side effects, large doses, regular use of Alchemy Potion can almost be said to be chronic suicide.

But Alchemy Food is different. This kind of “potion” is usually mild in nature and basically has no side effects. Even if it is eaten every day, it is beneficial and not harmful.

Of course, there is still a reason why overwhelming majority Alchemy Food has been eliminated by Wizards.

If Alchemy Food is to be effective, the user must consume it for a long time, which requires all the ingredients to be supplied in large quantities and without interruption, and the duration of the supply is as short as 100 years and as long as over 10,000 years, if not With a stable resource supply channel, even mastering the technology of making Alchemy Food is just to satisfy the appetite of that’s all.

There is no doubt that the current Punk obviously does not have the condition to consume Alchemy Food as a staple food for a long time. “Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew” has no effect on him for a period of time, but Punk is not disappointed at all. As for the reason … … Of course because of the last effect of “Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew”-there is a very small chance of raising the level of the advanced Legend to 100 to 5% from 3 to XNUMX%!

This effect is amazing, how difficult the breakthrough Legend is. Not one of the 100000 Peak Master Level powerhouses may have a breakthrough success, but such an Alchemy Food may have a chance to increase the success rate of breakthrough, although it is “minimal “, But that’s enough to make all Master Level powerhouses heartbeat.

Punk can be sure that there must be a copy of this recipe at Archmage Sangers … No, it’s the original version in his hand, the copy in his own hand.

But Sangers apparently failed to consume “Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew” for a long time.

“It’s a pity … in a short time, it’s impossible to get the chance to enjoy this Alchemy Food.”

Thinking of the ingredients of “Simmering Fragant Deep Beings Stew”, Punk laughed secretly.

This Alchemy Food recipe requires “Deepman” as the core ingredient, and still requires 4 different types.

To know that Deepman is a real intelligent creature, they have a fungus body like a mushroom, and they also have a certain spell-like ability. The most important thing is ……… The place where people live is in the depths of various swamps. There is no swamp in the forest area.

And if you want to continuously obtain Deepman as an ingredient, you must enslave a large Deepman tribe, but which one of the large Deepman tribes does not have the Deepman sacrifice Oversee of the Master Level, if the current Punk ran over, who might eat it? .

“But even if there is no opportunity now, it does not mean that there is no opportunity in the future. It is no problem to wait for a group of Deepman to experiment after Master Level.”

Punk put this idea in his heart, and reminded the system to pay more attention to the news of the Deepman tribe in the future, and then collected the ancient parchment.

“Anyway, these bad 7-8 bad things have been solved. Then ……… Huh? What happened?”

Just when Punk had reached the edge of the jungle, and then a few steps away to reach the Kingdom of Dylan main road, he suddenly stopped.

In the distance of the grassy main road, where the earth-yellow road connects with the sky, a faintly discernible flag slowly appeared.

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