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“Okay, Your Royal Highness Trelinka, hurry back to your people, be careful next time must!”

Blood Claw smiled and ignored Trelinka’s angry eyes. He put “Tears of Spring Water” into his storage ring as it should be by rights. Afterwards, he waved to Princess Trelinka as if he wanted a good friend to bid farewell. .

Princess Trelinka stared coldly at the red-haired Flow Claw. She touched the red mark left on her neck by pulling off the necklace. She seemed to want to say something. In the end, she just took a deep breath, and then step by step Towards the welcome team of Greenvine Family.

When Princess Trelinka walked to the middle of Punk 3 and greeted the team, the old man on horseback also handed out 3 Master Level items.

The next moment, Punk, Blood Claw, Iron Tower shot almost at the same time.

The 3 items are exactly one person, and Punk did not greedily try to take one more. After all, the 3 people still need to maintain a cooperative relationship before leaving Greenvine City, so Punk just put the goal on the old parchment.

Although “Iron Tower” seems to want to get the parchment, he is not as fast as Punk.

Almost at the same time three Master Level items left from Old Warrior, Punk’s ready spell was released.

“Formal Level Conjuration Spell-Improved Mage Hand”

A large hand composed of invisible Ether Energy suddenly appeared, grabbed the parchment floating in the air, and then retracted it at a faster speed. In the eyes of naked eye, it looked as if the air suddenly appeared a twist. The parchment in midair disappeared in the next moment.

Compared to the speed of Punk arcane magic, Iron Tower shoots liquid metal claws from the palm of his hand a bit slower, his claws caught in the empty space.


Iron Tower fiercely glared at Punk, then in midair’s claws turned to the side, grabbing the vaguely dangerous scroll.

Punk ignored the Iron Tower that had written grudges on his face. He looked at the storage ring in front of the Iron Tower without looking at the parchment.

The hatred between Punk and this guy is insolvable. The two of them saw a battle, and Punk was confident of defeating Iron Tower. He was then disinclined to pay attention to a dying person.

Seeing the two “big shots” around him look like this, Blood Claw sneered quietly. He was fighting the fisherman catches both ideas from beginning to end. No one was more attractive than Punk in battle with Iron Tower. spectacle.

But now Blood Claw, the theoretically fastest melee Warlock, can only catch the quill that is about to fall to the ground at the end. After all, the Iron Tower next to him is a choice after he has not caught the parchment. Look like bitter, Blood Claw really dare not touch this guy’s mold at this time.

Punk 3’s open strife and veiled struggle Old Warrior saw clearly. He secretly cursed the three people perish together in the bottom of his heart. Then he turned alertly and quickly left with Princess Trelinka.

“The transaction is completed, the task is over, now … go home!”

Blood Claw said aloud, the first to leave in the opposite direction of Greenvine City. In his view, the two time bombs Punk and Iron Tower were too dangerous, they would fight if they did n’t pay attention, 2 one or two lunatics before the battle Decided to solve the guy who might have the fisherman catches both first, would n’t Blood Claw be bad luck, so the savvy Blood Claw immediately moved away from Punk and Iron Tower, posing as “I do n’t interfere” to hide away Far.

Of course Punk could see Blood Claw carefully, but he didn’t care about this guy at the moment. At this time, Punk stared coldly at the big beans and small eyes of the beans exposed in the iron tower of Iron Tower, and kept walking away from Greenvine City at his feet.

The greasy Iron Tower glanced at the old Warrior under the city on the city wall, and then hated and followed not far behind Punk.

These two people disappeared in the sight of Greenvine City at a very fast speed as if they were just leaving.

On the observation deck in Greenvine City, Old Warrior and Greenvine Family’s patriarch-Dolan Greenvine are standing around Princess Trelinka. Dolan in a gorgeous robe is staring at the three silhouettes going away under the city wall. Almost gnashing teeth asked:

“Your Royal Highness Trelinka, our Greenvine City includes the Goddess of Spring Waters Priest-Miss Davia, a level 12 in addition to the Celengue Master. The enemy looks imminent infighting … do we want …”

Obviously, Dolan didn’t want to give up the family’s inheritance treasure.

“………… Forget it, Official Dolan”!

Trelinka responded with some trembling. She recalled that these 3 people killed Sword Saint Vik. Destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. The general battle scene, especially the Punk, shattered a powerful spell of Formal Level armor. ………… The innumerable black light blades seem to be able to split even the sunlight!

At this time, Trelinka’s thin body could not help but shivered slightly.

“……… Now it is imperative to announce to the whole country the Church of Dawn’s criminal act of trying to slaughter the poor, which is not suitable for many troubles.”

Princess Trelinka was sighed, and said to Dolan heavily.

“But … those 3 items …”

Some anxious Dolan seemed to want to say something, but when he saw Trelinka’s “don’t want to repeat it” expression, he had to shut his mouth silently.

——Dividing line——

How long did the silent movement of Punk and Iron Tower not at all last, probably after a distance of a few thousand meters from Greenvine City, the two people stopped suddenly, without looking at each other, they suddenly did n’t say anything at all. .

“Hong”! !


The huge rumbling sound suddenly exploded, and Punk’s “Kinetic Energy Pressure” fiercely hit Iron Tower, which had wrapped itself into an iron ball.

The solid ground sags in an instant, and Blood Claw, running at the front, notices the energy fluctuations behind it, and quickly jumps away from the center of the battlefield.

Suddenly, Punk and Iron Tower, who entered the fighting state, ignored the Blood Claw, who had been hiding far away. They had already seen each other ’s fighting methods, so there was no temptation for the two people ’s shots. The outbreak of battle entered at first. Intensified stage.

“Hah! !”

Most of the iron balls were pressed into the underground Iron Tower loudly shouted, and the huge iron balls started high-speed rotation in an instant. The dust in the sky exploded, and within a second, the Iron Tower drilled a trench from the underground. The attack range of “Kinetic Energy Pressure”.

The Iron Tower was greeted by a series of attacks that Punk had already prepared.

I saw 5 or 6 deep purple energy vertebral bodies floating next to the Green Staff in Punk’s hands. These vertebral bodies have been released when the Iron Tower just rushed out of “Kinetic Energy Pressure”.

Punk continued to move around the Iron Tower at high speed while firing out five purple energy cones.

“I heard that your turtle shell is very strong, try this now”!

“Formal Level Conjuration Spell-Kinetic Energy Cone” × 5

“Super Magic Skill-Magic Power Compression”!

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