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Just the next moment Punk avoided the Vik attack, Golem II and “Iron Tower” simultaneously attacked Sword Saint Vik.

“Iron Tower” has deposited a large amount of silver liquid substance on its body. Every drop of silver liquid is slowly expanding and contracting like some life. These substances instantly formed hundreds of layers of onion-shaped spherical armor under the control of Iron Tower , The surface of the armor was raised with densely packed serrated spikes. Iron Tower, along with his shield, was wrapped in 100 ° No-Dead-Angle armor.

Accompanied by hysterical roars like the Antiquity Giant Beast, the huge spherical “onion armor” that wraps around the Iron Tower swiftly spun under the impetus of surging battle energy.

“Die die die”!

The iron ball spins toward Sword Saint Vik at the speed of the breakthrough sound barrier, leaving only a rubble gully on the crushed ground, and even every inch of stone sand is crushed into a powdery dust powder.

At the same time, Punk’s Golem II without the slightest hesitation aimed at Vik and launched Attached Spell.

“Steel Restraint” 3 bursts!

Golem II instantaneously performed all 3 Steel Restraint in less than one second. A large number of steel branches seemed to form dense bushes of thorns. Vik was wrapped in the whole person, and the winding steel coiled around Vik , Together with “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner”.

At this time, the iron ball attack of “Iron Tower” is also close at hand, and it is about to hit the side of Sword Saint Vik’s body in the next moment.

But Sword Saint Vik, who was restricted in his movements, didn’t panic. He was as serious and calm as ever, only with a deep dignity on his face.

“drink”! !

Formal Level Fire Element Battle Skill-Flame Sweep!

Vik loudly shouted, Fire Element Battle Skill was launched decisively, and the condensed and compressed battle energy formed a whirlwind near Vik. The high-temperature and high-pressure battle energy whirlwind was like tearing paper and cutting vegetables. Steel branches, a lot of small iron rods melted into a subway water even at high temperature.

However, “Flame Sweep” alone is obviously not enough. The iron ball of “Iron Tower” swelled to a diameter of more than 3 people on the road. The entire big iron ball slammed into Vik with a crushing attitude.

Faced with a huge iron ball, Vik didn’t use Battle Skill excessively, he just seemed to carelessly swing a sword.

“Damn bastard”!

Iron Tower scolded angrily. He quickly controlled the iron ball to bounce into the air. The huge iron ball seemed to have a spring-like mechanism. The bouncing iron ball dangerously avoided Sword Saint Vik. It seemed that even the battle energy was not entangled. A sword. The iron ball skipped from the top of Vik finally just hit a huge crater on the distant mound!

Iron Tower is not afraid of Vik’s Battle Skill. He has sufficient confidence in his defense, but this confidence is not blind. He can’t bear the attack of Master Level’s attack spell, and Vik’s giant sword “Wind-Cleansing” “Discipliner” has just attached a Master Level attack spell-“Annihilation”!

As a meat shield, “Iron Tower” was obviously unqualified. Because he stopped the attack, Punk’s spell could not be connected, and Lady Boss’s assault had to brake halfway. A set of 3 people and a Golem ” The “storm” was even interrupted easily by Vik’s sword swing without even Battle Skill.

Obviously, no one on the scene is willing to get an “Annihilation”, so before Sword Saint Vik stimulates the Attached Spell, which can only attack once, 3 people can only be in the “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” of the Great Sword Dodge blindly in front.

“Sure enough, you understood” Wind-Cleansing Discipliner “information!”

Vik’s voice fell deep.

“These things are absolutely leaked by me, because the enemies who have dealt with me have not yet lived to leave. The information of Wind-Cleansing Discipliner can only be understood by the kingdom’s top level!”

This “first” Sword Saint stared at the retreating Punk and the others with a somber face, and anyone could see that his seemingly indifferent expression was almost irresistible anger.

“Oh, this is really interesting, it seems that you have been abandoned, they seem to just send you over to die, but unfortunately you dignified a Sword Saint that can almost break through the Master Level but only obediently and honestly when it is controlled by someone The puppets are so sad to the poor level! “

Punk ruthless mocked Vik. He hoped that such words would anger Sword Saint Vik. Anyway, a mad Barbarians is much better than a calm Sword Saint.

“Enough is enough, put away your boring set-offs!”

Sword Saint Vik is worthy of being a powerhouse for a long time. He almost reconciled his emotions in an instant. Although there is still a anger in his eyes, a little anger has not affected his reason.

“My loyalty is absolute”!

Vik loudly said in a general tone:

“Whether it is betrayed or become a weight, regardless of the glory of battle or simply death, as long as it is His Majesty the King’s order, I don’t need to question, as long as it is firmly executed!

Now, since His Majesty the King ’s order is to kill Trelinka, the rebel, then … stop me … die “

One died just after saying that the wings of light of battle energy behind Sword Saint Vik were great. His entire body was surrounded by the whirlwind of battle energy, and a powerful driving force erupted instantly. The direction of Sword Saint Vik’s flight was positive. It is Blood Claw holding Princess Trelinka outside the battle circle.

“I’m close, see Undead, the three people are blocking you, what are you doing to fight me”!

Blood Claw saw Vik who was like a meteorite carrying “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” and killed himself. His pale face had a tendency to turn green. He had just seen an example of being hit by this stroke, and he was also at level XNUMX. The Formal Level powerhouse Naya was instantly killed by Instant kill. Blood Claw does n’t feel that his speed type body is stronger than Naya.

The blood mist blood light burst on him, and within 10% of a second, Blood Claw accelerated from a stagnation state to more than ten times the speed of sound, but Vik’s speed was faintly faster than Blood Claw. Behind Blood Claw was chasing after her, it was blatant to strike Princess Trelinka one strike certain kill.

“I rely on me, rely on me, die to die”

Blood Claw yelled in fear and anxiety. His fear at this time was not pretended. He was really anxious. If it was not for fear of being chased down by three other star killers, Blood Claw had already put Princess Trelinka a long time ago. Throwing Sayya escaped.

“You can’t do it anymore without hiding Laozi, Master Level Equipment at worst I don’t want it, you can find a way to go by yourself!”

Seeing the silhouette of Sword Saint Vik getting closer, Blood Claw flustered and exasperated growled loudly, and a lot of black and red blood painted strange and strange lines on his body. At this time, Blood Claw seemed to throw down a secret method. The princess escaped.

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