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nobles always consciously divide the circle when attending the banquet, so in the vast hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor, it is not difficult to see that each and everyone nobility are divided into circles that seem to be scattered, but the actual order is very clear, great nobility Conversation with great nobility, little nobility and little nobility, old noble talked together, young nobility children formed a circle to discuss current affairs independently

Even though this banquet is theoretically a serious negotiation to “discuss” save and cure the plague “, its essence as a banquet has not changed at all.

And because the Radiant Moon Priest as a party organizer has not yet entered the venue, the banquet hall is still quite noisy. For example, just near the entrance of the hall, a group of gold and silver, gorgeously dressed nobility The children are talking to each other about an ancient family.

It’s a mysterious legend about the “White Leaf” family.

“Hey, did you know that the High Priest Lord has recently restored the surname of the Bai Ye Family?”

The initiator of the topic is an elf teenager with a fashionable hairstyle.

“Baiye? Isn’t that an elven elf family? I have seen the records of this family in the” Nobility History Book “. It is said that the Bai Ye Family clan had a powerful Master Level Spellcaster long ago, but because of this Spellcaster betrayed the Spirit King court, so the White Ye Family was delisted … Can the de-surnamed surname be restored? “

This is a “science popularization” carried out by a young girl elf with gold-rimmed glasses who looks very quiet.

“Now it seems yes, although it is only a small public announcement, but the Bai Ye Family has indeed reappeared in the nobility record. My father said that the high priest will definitely make some big moves recently, no Knowing this is not one of the “big moves”.

This is another “elf” saying of the elf teenager wearing a brown red robe.

“Restoring a surname and so on is not a” big move “, although historically it does not at all records that the surname was restored after being removed.”

“Is this really in line with the rules? Of course, I don’t have any meaning to question the” pious man “.

“I still think it’s very likely something happened, maybe …”

The discussion of chirp chirp twitter twitter started with the record and status of the surname “Baiye”. These elf teenagers who knew nothing about all kinds of things began to express their opinions in order to reveal their knowledge and vision, although in fact they could not say One came, but …

“That … that I know something about the Bai Ye Family clan. Our” Bandpipe “family is one of the ten six clan groups in the” Nobility History Book “, so we have received a notice from the high priest, we know that now The Bai Ye Family still has only one member. Perhaps this is the reason why the ancient family restored their surnames … “

While the discussion of nobility teenager young girls was heated, they suddenly interrupted their discussion with a clear word. I saw that beside this small circle, there was already an unconsciously dressed girl standing among the unconsciously.

Obviously, this girl is Lotharie who is trying to integrate into the circle of nobility.

“That … as far as I know, the only surviving member of the Bai Ye Family is the Radiant Moon Spellcaster now titled Multiverse-” Whisper of Destruction “Punk Saian, although the terrifying powerful existence has never publicly acknowledged” White Ye “This surname, but after the surname of Bai Ye Family is restored, he is undoubtedly the only successor of Bai Ye Family in law.”


In fact, in many cases, some unpopular knowledge or even unpopular work is still useful? For example, the editor of “Nobility History Book” is one of the “unpopular” occupations that are “usually useless and occasionally easy to attract others’ attention.”

Although in this era of Legendary Powerhouse’s “absolute reign”, the so-called “compiler families” are actually a pure decoration, they not only have no rights or even a job most of the time, but these “symbolic” “But the post often has the opportunity to get access to irrelevant information, such as the” pious person “to modify the” nobility history “to notify them.

Well, it ’s just a notification, meaning.

But at least in front of a group of young nobility children, this is a notification from Legend Class Holder. It ’s important to know that it is important to know that there is a conversation. After all, even the nobles of the elves are very polite. Don’t drive away the people at the banquet under the honorable name, but don’t want to engage in conversations that are not interesting to others, even in the small child circle.

However, it is not the same if you have a chat. Everyone likes to explore the “unknown” or the simple “8 hexagrams”. For example, after Lothari’s loud tone barely fell, several “rich young masters” on the scene turned their eyes on them. It fell on this girl who was obviously from the family of Luo Po.

It must be admitted that the title of “Whisper of Destruction” is too famous in today’s Multiverse. As long as someone says the name, it’s hard to be noticed.

“Hello, are you serious? The only existing member of the Bai Ye Family is really that … Evil Archmage? This … this is too …”

The stylish hair boy expressed incredulity in Lothari’s words, because in the current Eternal Forest who doesn’t know that Punk Saian is the initiator of the spread of the plague? No one knows that he sent his subordinates to use the terrifying disease to force the once prosperous Spirit King court to the brink of destruction.

But why did the priest of the life gods from home suddenly restore the surname of the “Baiye” family? This is too strange and too illogical, isn’t it?

Okay, this little thing that seems to be “chicken skin” seems to be destined to only these nobles children will have the mood to pay attention and have the courage to discuss. If you want to come to other elf nobles, if you are doubtful, you must be impossible. Radiant Moon priest ’s decision, that is, a group of young children of newborn calves do not fear tigers, dared to talk about this kind of thing chirp chirp twitter twitter.

Of course, for Lotharie, who is eager for opportunities, it ’s a rare opportunity to attract attention and improve the living environment. This is a rare opportunity for her to attract attention and improve her living environment. The red-faced girl was still pretending to be calm and bold:

“Of course it is true, don’t believe you can go to the public” Nobility History Book “, the name of” Whisper of Destruction “is now written on it, even with a brief introduction to life, just like those famous in history It ’s the same with powerhouse … Although I do n’t know why Lord “Pious” would do this kind of thing, but … I want to come … After all, how to say “Whisper of Destruction” is also the Radiant Moon Class Holder from our Elf Race … … Throughout history, including the “Whisper of Destruction” and “Pious” Sir, the Spirit King has only seen 2 great existences at the Radiant Moon level. “

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