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This is a city nestled in a forest. The verdant trees obscure the bright sunlight. The quiet morning seems to be able to vaguely hear the insects crying, while the moist air seems to tell peace and tranquility.

It is only different from most cities in that at this moment there is a semi-circular light purple divine spell shield covering the entire city ’s sky, although the hazy halo that slowly flows with the energy flow seems to be telling mysterious And the beautiful atmosphere, but in fact the existence of this city undoubtedly represents the deepest tragedy belonging to a race.

Yes, here is the Eternal Forest. This city covered by the divine spell is the Spirit King Court in the Eternal Forest … or this is a World that is completely different from the former Spirit King Court, because in today ’s There is no happy laughter and cheerful voices of elves in the city, and there is only a piece of despair and sadness left in this land.

Perhaps speaking from a certain perspective, Faerun Plane ’s Elf Race has reached the edge of destruction. After all, the sudden outbreak of the plague ca n’t continue to spread in the eternal forest. There is no meaning to be stopped. More than 9% of the elves have been compromised. “It is said that the terrifying epidemic from” Whisper of Destruction “raged and lost its life. The other surviving elves are also destined to withstand the life of fear in the shelter of a divine spell sky. Their most trusted prince” Aykar “Almost the only savior of these remaining elves.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of the remaining elves, their Mr. Aikal is indeed an uncompromising “Good Alignment Class Holder”, to know that the “pious” lord is the priest of the god of life. , He is the most devout Goddess believer, he possesses the power of Radiant Moon level and possesses many powerful divine spells. It is said that even a long time ago, Ms. Seciona had clearly stated that Aikar was “the most trustworthy.” “The powerful elf, such Legend characters can solve the unscrupulous” little plague “sooner or later, right?

The hope in the desperate situation is really too important. The survivors in the Spirit King court believe that their high priest is running for the redemption of the entire Faerun Plane Elf Race, and their life, Lord Goddess, will still be kind. His glory spread to the entire eternal forest.

They believe that a plot derived from evil will scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, just like the darkness of night will be completely counted by the glory of Mira and Chicasa.


The facts are not the same as most people ’s imagination, because while the few remaining millions of elves are still trying to pray and find a way to solve the plague, their trusted “pious” lord obviously has nothing like their imagination. In this way, “exhaustion” will find a way out for Spirit King.

In fact, at this moment, Aikal not only did not “exhaust all his thoughts” as ordinary people think, he also sat on an empty and splendid palace table and enjoyed a delicious fruit pie.

Mr. “Call of Life”, who is leisurely, comfortable, and confident, is like a young King tasting his breakfast. But compared to the hustle and bustle of the usual Royal Palace, there is no waiter in his hall. Here, only the golden-bright and dazzling floor with engraved static patterns intersects the precious stones on the ceiling. Here is only … … a holy priest in white robe and a black robe … mysterious guest.

Among the fragrant fragrance of the fruit pie, the early morning atmosphere is really quiet.

“Don’t you taste the home-cooked food that has just been baked? Mr. Bai Ye, although the newly hired chef is just a young girl, her fruit pie craftsmanship is really remarkable. I personally think it’s quite a wizard Taste. “

Controlling Divine Power put a hot fruit pie in front of the black robed man across the table, the nobility etiquette shown by the smiling Aikal was meticulous.

It must be admitted that this fruit pie looks really delicious. The hot jam is mixed with the flesh. The sweet and sour plums just relieve the trouble of pure sweetness, and the round shape is exquisite. Pifen was fragrant, and delicate drawings were carefully carved on it.

It’s just that expressionless black robe guests don’t seem to at all taste the food, and haven’t waited until the slow and floating fruit pie approached themselves. The thrust from Magic has pushed this so-called “hometown food” to the side. .

Obviously, the black robed man sitting at the dining table and staring at the priest in front of him is the Punk from Hatak Plain … projection.

“I don’t need anyone to help me change my surname, Mr. Aikal. Besides, is this surname of Baiye removed from the record by Spirit King Court?”

“It was true before, but then I restored it. Although the Spirit King court did not have a precedent to remove a surname and restore it, but the rule is that the dead are alive, right? I think those are too decadent and rigid.” The rule “has long been abandoned by the times, so I have restored the last name for you and your family and your mother.”

“Oh, understood.”


Chatting has never been easy, and it ’s even harder to find a suitable topic. For example, now, with Punk ’s very casual word “Oh, understood” blurting out, the atmosphere in the grand palace immediately becomes Embarrassed.

Isn’t it damn dead?

“Okay, it seems that you really don’t care about the surname and so on, alas, I really have done more than that. Next, let’s talk about the business, then please ask Mr.” Whisper of Destruction “to visit the next For what purpose? Is it to trade Magic resources? “

Seeing that Spellcaster really doesn’t care what family and surname, and a little helpless “pious” is really no way, but fortunately, it is worthwhile for an “Evil Archmage” to come to the project. The things are still quite limited. Therefore, Alcal can understand the reason why Punk visits himself almost without much thought-it must be that the other party does not know where to get the divine spell resource. This is the magic resource collected by Goddess who wants to trade life.

Talking about business is like talking about business. At this time, it ’s boring to take hometown, family, and so on to play emotional cards, not to mention that the Lord of Life at this moment is really suspicious of the “collaborator” in front of him. As the outside world rumored, there was no emotion and absolute cold blood, so …

The next negotiation seems to be destined to be a clash of interests without any moisture.

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