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Punk’s adventure has come to an end, but he still spends time patiently searching for libraries on the semi-mechanical eye, but he doesn’t know, just on an unremarkable little Plane in Multiverse, a decadent young man in a burlap robe is sitting In a chaotic poor tavern, one after another was drinking inferior liquor.

This is Modific Plane, a small but still prosperous and quiet Plane. According to ancient legends, this Plane was originally only a desolate Half Plane floating in the Astral Plane. The Legendary Wizard transformed it, brought immigration from other Planes, and experienced a long period of development before it became the most popular Modifik.

Of course, the legend is called a legend because it cannot be verified. According to the legend, the powerful Spellcaster, who created Modifac Plane, went on an unknown “outing trip” Never returned, and this World once ruled by Legend Class Holder also gained real freedom …

Maybe it can be called freedom, at least on the surface, Modifiplane has not welcomed the new Legend Class Holder for nearly 200,000 years, and even the “Legend” itself has long been unconscious. Mysterious legends, in addition to those ancient legends, there are only two kingdoms with Pang Sir mouth and wars from time to time. They rule over 2 cities, and the poor people do n’t know the poor. On ordinary days, ordinary people can drink boasting skin in such a tavern only in an occasional time.

There is nothing elegant and so-called, and there is no such thing as elegant and poised. The stained floor and cracked wooden wine glasses are the background tone of this poor entertainment venue, although the pub boss will also follow the tradition. Please invite a lame Bard to sing those People ’s vulgar repertoire of attractive spectacle, but the hustle and bustle of the drunkards ’voices has long been enough to make people ignore the bad singing tunes that ran to the grandma ’s house.

Will people with real status and status come to such places? How can it be?

It ’s like a big boss with a wealth of 10000. It must be impossible to eat a barbecue at a roadside stall. This endless quarrel at night will only make nobility and Class Holder feel disgusted, even the alcoholic is not drinking. I often avoid this place, not to mention the true powerhouses who have a lot of shots.

At least in the eyes of Aina, the maid of the bistro, the guy she meets every day will always be a group of drunken alcoholics, no matter how many years in the past will be no exception, and her little girl who is only 17 years old is always forever. It will only be a wind and dust woman who uses “50 Copper Coin for one night” in exchange for extra wages to subsidize her family. She really matches these drunks and this kind of tavern.

But as the so-called 1000 people and 1000 faces, 10000 things are different, the drunkards in the tavern also have their own differences. Some drunkards are the kind of guys who do n’t have to look for a day and do n’t beat or beat them, and some drunkards are The kind of idiot who boasting loudly when he is drunk, and some drunks … well, or there is a “drinker” and other drunks are completely different, because only this one bite drinks white wine, bitter bite. The sighless man will sit quietly in the most remote corner without noise or noise.

It was as lonely and confused as the moonlight at night.

It seems that although he is sitting in the most typical inferior tavern, he is wearing the worst linen clothes and the worst quality mixed liquor, but his temperament is incompatible with ordinary drunks, of course, no one One of the reasons for chatting with him.

It must be admitted that a weird person who is incompatible with the environment is sometimes very easy to cause curiosity, especially for the girl who is in his youth, this kind of man who is exuding “story” in his whole body is even more It has a very special mysterious appeal. After all, even if the girl’s job is “50 Copper Coin a night”, it does not mean that she does not have the joys and sorrows of normal people, does it?

So on such a noisy and chaotic night, Anna, who avoided the 7 or 8 perverted hands around, was loyal to the courage and pretended to calmly walk towards the mysterious man.

“How about 50 Copper Coin all night? This little brother? I’m the most correct one on this street.”

Gently pulling the skirt up, Aina, who originally wanted to “normally chat” but revealed a white flower thigh, was completely accustomed to speak her escort.

Okay, maybe it sounds a bit too straightforward. It is not necessary to cover up in such a place. The skin and meat business is also a business. The business is to be clearly priced, so not to mention the young man wearing burlap clothes. It’s pretty handsome to take a closer look. If something really happened, Aina felt like she wouldn’t mind.

Well, yes, she does n’t mind “feeling”, after all, she does n’t have the capital to “choose” if she does n’t mind.


“Dang rumbling”.

This is the sound of a Silver Coin dropped on the table.

“Go and get another bottle of wine, and leave me alone.”

Impatiently shouting as impatiently as a real drunk, the man who had a sip of the hard liquor in the light glass looked somewhat muddleheaded and not sober.

Although his unconsciousness does not seem to be affected by alcohol ………

The price of a Silver Coin is quite “not to be seen” in such a tavern. After all, this is the value of Aina’s 2 nights. Not to mention buying a bottle of inferior wine, it is enough to buy ten bottles.

Generally speaking Now that I have received such a generous “tipping” in the hands of such a seemingly unhappy guest, the true old Fox ’s pub maid will naturally follow the guest ’s instructions and bring in a drink instead of trying to possibly cause you to suffer. Beat the unnecessary questions.

But Aina, who is still young, is not an “Old Fox”. She sees that the man in front of her is far more lenient than the general drunkard. She is more curious about her guests.

In the perception of the little maid, those stupid people who do n’t spend the money and do n’t leave the barrel are impossible to take out a Silver Coin. Those who can squander Silver Coin casually are definitely … Industry people!

But shouldn’t such a person work diligently for their livelihood day and night, how could he sit in a tavern and drink and sigh again?

Aina is quite sure that she has seen the man for 5 consecutive nights, and every time the other person drinks, she will use a scary posture of “try to drink herself as much as possible” until 2nd day morning.

So driven by half of curiosity and half of sympathy, this time, while carefully collecting Silver Coin, she did not go to take liquor as usual, but chose to cautiously gently ask the decadent man:

“This … sir, you have been drinking for 5 consecutive nights, so that the human body will collapse, why don’t you go home?”

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