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The conceptual “existence and non-existence” have the ability to ignore matter or energy attributes, so for a spell that is outside the specification to some extent, “Mind replacement” or “Mind transmission”, how many things do they transfer or replace at a time It depends entirely on the soul connection between the object and Class Holder and the level of willpower of the person who launches the spell, and when overwhelming majority, the latter’s restrictions are much larger than the former, so since ancient times is good at mind-affecting spell Spellcaster Legend may be in droves, but the Spellcaster that can incorporate Magic items beyond its Class Level into the mind-affecting spell effect is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

It must be admitted that the Radiant Moon Wizard, like Punk, who can force a Brilliant Sun-level equipment and 2 bottles of Brilliant Sun-level potion to smoothly “displace” on the Multiverse simply cannot be imagined in the Multiverse, and it is no wonder At this moment Kane watched Punk’s expressions all showing a lot of incredible ingredients.

But in fact, even if Punk wants to make this “Hell difficulty Mind replacement”, it is destined to pay a great price. After all, even if his own willpower is immeasurable, the concept of overload will still give the soul of Class Holder. Bring amazing load.

Even though the construction Mecha made by Old Eman is now completely under the control of Spellcaster and will not make any resistance to his spell release, the leapfrog arcane magic is the leapfrog arcane magic, and the leapfrog arcane magic is costly. OK, so do n’t look at the Radiant Moon Wizard expressionless at this moment as serene, but in fact the violent Rule pressure just caused a lot of damage to his soul at the moment of the appearance of “Whisper of Destruction”.

You know, this is Punk’s promotion to Legend. No, it can be said that it is the first soul injury in life. It seems that Sharp Pain with countless blades turning in his mind has also become the first “Whisper of Destruction” personal experience- I have to say that this painful feeling is really terrible.

“Hu, is this the feeling that the soul is cracking? It’s really uncomfortable. It looks like I should have no ability and no chance to use” Mind replacement “again in this battle … yeah, and my Golem And the core of energy, this time they all lost … “

A slightly helpless gaze at the distant queen who was glare like a tiger watching his prey, realizing the irritability and heartache that suddenly lost a lot of wealth. There was no time to reply to Kane ’s question Spellcaster without the slightest hesitation. “Noramsy’s quick thinking solvent” breathed into his soul.

Wounded souls are not suitable for receiving too strong stimulation. This is something that any common sense Class Holder is well aware of. In this world, except for a few potions dedicated to healing soul wounds, other 99% of Magic medicine There is no doubt that it can be classified into the category of “strong stimulation”, and Nolamsey’s agile thinking solvent at the level of Brilliant Sun is naturally no exception.

In fact, when this “agile thinking solvent” was directly smothered, although Brilliant Sun’s level of reaction speed returned as expected, even Punk could not help feeling that his soul wound was rapidly deteriorating-this represents the next step In the battle, the Spellcaster with riddled with scars will further lose the ability to resist the blow, and the time he can continue to fight is really not much.

But what else can we do? The brutal battle is never to give anyone even a little breathing time. Enemies with very ruthless strikes are absolutely impossible waiting for their opponents to recover.

In fact, after realizing that his “ring” had only killed an “insignificant” Golem, Kataroland immediately waved 2 scythes towards Punk and Kane.

After all, her armor at the core of the energy has been broken through 2 full layers, the shield on her chest has also been burned by those strange chaotic flames, and her only trump card has been completely exposed. Outside, now with the sharp increase in the intensity of the battle, I have never dared to underestimate the two queens of the construction queen. She has completely put on a desperate drive-it seems that from this moment on, full awareness To the horror of the enemy’s attack power, Kataroland has been forced to take the initiative to attack.

“The first one is you, Kane Bezadas! Ben Miss used to be your best friend, your only loved one, and your most patient Teacher. Why did you betray Ben Miss, and why?”

“Hong long”!

Maybe it’s because you are worried that Punk will use the strange replacement method just now to make her attack useless? Perhaps it is because pure anger and sadness cannot be suppressed? Maybe both of them, anyway, the angry empress queen of construction this time did not try to pursue the “Whisper of Destruction” which quickly moved to the left of herself immediately. She chose to sweep the sickle on the spot and went straight to “Instant kill” “Gun” head.

It must be admitted that this time the Queen ’s attack target was chosen right, because the crazy Knight wrapped in those creeping flames seems to have increased defensive power and reaction speed, but he seems to have completely lost his super skill. With his high-speed mobility, he saw a giant sickle large enough to cut across a tower and cut himself. The crazy Knight with a bad look could only quickly condense the flames on his body into a shield in front of him.

Then in the next moment, the roaring shock wave directly wrapped around the soft Radiant Moon Knight and flew out. It seems that this guy’s bones should be broken into powder in a flash.

“Damn … Saian, you are the main force, this Lord can’t fight this guy head-on.”

Blood splashed, battle energy buzzed, while the bloody and visceral debris was sprayed in the mouth and nose, and the “Instant Kill Gun” almost flying across the battlefield quickly called Spellcaster for help without much thought.

Brilliant Sun-level constructs are really too powerful. Even if they do n’t use any spell method, the lethality they can cause by pure power alone is too ridiculous. Now it ’s just a blow to the front. Almost immediately, he was in a state of serious injury than Punk, and the seemingly angry Ktaroland even chased down with a sickle!

This is not the time to pretend to be handsome. Even if it is humiliating to call someone for help, the crazy Knight can only ask for help as soon as possible, because only in a short moment, the huge but very fast-looking queen has been caught The “Blank Kill Gun” was shot and raised the scythe again, and the flames on the “Blank Kill Gun” began to sway like a candle in the wind.

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