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The squad of 3 Formal Level powerhouse is completely unstoppable for those Apprentice Level believers. Almost every time it takes only Bahange to smash a hammer to solve most of the enemy’s power.

However, this one after another stronghold is not very useful except for increasing the probability of finding Tishachar. These strongholds are undoubtedly very important, but the strange thing is that Tishachar has not shown any movement until now.

As for the antidote to disease … Unfortunately, there is no shadow of any antidote in any stronghold. Tishachar has never considered how the believers can save their lives after the plague leaked in the “factory”.

“I want to say, that Tishachar is just afraid, she saw that we were already terrified, and could have cried and ran to find her mother, hehe.”

After crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood destroyed 3 strongholds, Bahange looked down on Tishachar more and more. In his view, this kind of guy who was hit by the enemy and kept silent must have no strength. According to Moradin ’s teachings, this kind of The leader is the coward from the bottom to the bottom, which is the existence that Dwarf Warrior despises most.

But neither Concay nor Punk agree with Bahange ’s point of view, among which Punk is snort disdainfully for the idea of ​​“Tishachar ca n’t be afraid”, but he has seen Tishachar ’s madness even without being in the projection state without the slightest hesitation Will the guy who rushes to bite knows to be afraid? This is really a big joke.

But Tishachar ’s actions at this time are indeed very abnormal. Punk has felt a conspiracy breath brewing. He has a vague sense of premonition. If he does not speed up the pace of solving Tishachar … it is likely that he will not only get Legendary Equipment, I am afraid that even my own life must be planted here.

——Dividing line——–

“Okay, this is the fourth stronghold in the front, you can’t take it lightly”!

Punk watched cautiously at a deep valley directly in front of him. After a morning rush and slaughter, the team of 3 came here. It was a huge crack in the grassland, which was as deep as the giant mouth of the grassland. .

From the time when Kingdom of Dylan was not established, it was cut out by a Legend Level Warrior with all his strength. The depth of the crack is unknown, but the width is about ten meters, and the huge crack extends straight forward. Until the connection with the giant stone forest in the distance.

Because the remaining Water Element Ice Attribute ice attribute battle energy of Legend Level powerhouse is too sufficient, so far, biting cold wind is still surrounded by cracks, and within a few hundred miles are Snow and Ice World that is completely different from the grassland.

To be honest, both Punk and Concay believe that Tishachar’s most impossible hiding place is this big crack, for no other reason, because the big crack is too dangerous!

The remaining battle energy of Legendary Powerhouse is not a joke. The frozen gas in this canyon is eroding everything around it all the time. The creatures that have survived the erosion and evolved are at least the existence of Formal Level. They are all crazy monsters without exception!

How risky is it to go out here? If you don’t pay attention, you will die at your doorstep.

But as each and everyone ’s more concealed strongholds were destroyed, this crack was not so impossible. They all said that the most dangerous place is the safest place. If you ca n’t do it, Tishachar is the abacus. Those harsh environments are crazy. Is n’t monster an excellent “gatekeeper”?

The closer to the crack, the stronger the sense of danger. Taking advantage of the three people still some distance away from the crack, Concay quickly reminded Bahange before the war:

“Mr. Bahange, I have to tell you that arrogance is the 1st Step of failure. What we have to face is a powerhouse that masters unknown means. A little slack will lead to an irreparable tragedy.”

Concay seriously reminded Bahange that he was very concerned about Punk’s reminder. After all, Punk is the only Class Holder in the team that is good at the Divination spell, but Bahange obviously does not appreciate it.

“Hmph! I don’t need your brat to remind me, I am also the leader of exploring the remains of Captain, large and small have done more racks than you two together”!

Dwarf was unpleasantly twitched his lips. As an veteran Warrior, he certainly could not accept being preached by a “junior”, so Concay’s tone barely fell, Dwarf rebutted it loudly.

Hearing Dwarf’s so unkind declaration, Concay just helplessly shook the head. Although the concept is completely different, he did not want to argue with Bahange in order to avoid internal strife.

Punk ignored Bahange. He could n’t wait for this guy to keep on neglecting the enemy. It ’s better that he can see Tishachar and rush up. I believe that Bahange would be a qualified meat shield.

However, seeing that Concay and Punk didn’t make a sound, Bahange thought that the two people agreed with themselves, and there was a smug expression on their faces, and their thick beards were all raised.

“Hehehe, when the time comes, the two of you looked behind, and I hammered Tishachar’s head with a hammer, making him dare to stumble on me.

It ’s not that I blew it with you, I once smashed a Giant ’s leg bone with a hammer, and another hammer smashed two Giant ’s heads. The tribe ’s Giant was run by the mountain I chased, if not … “

Well, the inherent skill of the Dwarf race, boasting, is launched.

It’s still possible that he cheated those unappreciated Apprentice with these big words, but it is really ridiculous to talk to the 2 “experienced and knowledgeable” Formal Level Class Holder.

Concay rolled his eyes at the side.

Giant of a tribe? Who does n’t know that only Giant ’s Giant community with at least 5 or 6 Formal Level giants can be called Giant tribes, and 5 or 6 Formal Level Giants, now 3 people have to turn around and run, and Dwarf ’s piles of cowhide all blow through the sky. Too.

Just when Concay, who is honest in principle, could not listen to these cowhide and intended to refute it, Punk interrupted Bahange’s boasting with a very solemn voice.

“Bahange, Concay, I think we may have been to the place, and my Divination Spell has become more obvious.”

Hearing Punk’s reminder, both Bahange and Concay looked at it.

Listening to the boasting of Bahange along the way, 3 people have unconsciously reached the edge of the big crack. Here, the ground within 100 miles has been blocked by ice, and a little snow is still falling in the sky.

Concay also knows the danger of big cracks. If the guy who can set up here does not have some special means, then he must have excellent strength and courage.

“Is it in this crack, it is indeed a good place, advancing and retreating, and defending, and the surviving creatures here are probably not easy to deal with, and that Tishachar is really brave and courageous.”

“I’m afraid of anything. The relics I explored were much more dangerous than here.”

Bahange still looks carefree and careless, but he clenches the hammer out of focus in his hand.

At this time, nobody cares about Dwarf’s words.

Punk felt the cold energy in the air. His mind could not help feeling 10000 points. This is the power of Legendary Powerhouse. It was just an attack, and the traces left can last for hundreds of years without dissipation. The power is already not in, but from this cold wind that still feels bitter even after the “protective cold” spell is blessed, Punk can imagine the energy of Legend’s blow … teaching the heavens and splitting the earth!

“Okay, let’s go down!”

Without waiting for the answers from Concay and Bahange, Punk quickly completed the “Grace” arcane magic. Because the energy wind in the air was too sharp, Punk did not choose to fly down.

He quickly climbed down the steep rock face, and Golem I was like an agile spider, constantly using sharp claw to pierce each and everyone holes for Punk to grab.

Soon, Punk descended several dozen meters along the steep cliffs of the cracks. Concay and Bahange glanced at each other, and did not hesitate. They ran battle energy one after another. They punched holes in the rock wall with fists, and followed Punk climbed down quickly.

The cold wind rolled up the frost and mist and blew towards the sky. The silhouette of the three people quickly lost track on the vast grassland. The cold cracks were like wounds on the grassland, and they did not heal over the years, and the bottomless straight cracks In the end, the endless cold wind howls!

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