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The pre-war practice seems impossible, and now the “Whisper of Destruction” can only hope that Ktaroland’s strength is weak enough and his own adaptability is strong enough to win the battle ………

Of course, in addition to the bad news, good news also exists. For example, according to the reaction of old Emman, Punk is driving a Brilliant Sun-level construction Mecha and a Brilliant Sun-level Alchemy butler. A 5 5 fight should be still very good. There is a chance, after all, even if the queen of construction has used Kane’s adventure career to obtain the capital to prepare the plan and the materials for the transformation of the body, in essence, she is still just a housekeeper Golem who has never had the combat function.

Think carefully about what kind of battle strength can the big spider housekeeper in Punk Magic Tower have to show his full strength? A spell will not and so on As long as the Spellcaster that made Golem is too boring and boring to do nothing, simply waving the slap fan is basically all the combat methods that this “functional” Golem can have.

In this way, although the configuration Mecha taken under the crown of “Scarlet Scepter” does not seem to be blessed with special killing components other than “freehand attack”, as long as Ktaroland cannot control the only Divine Throne level weapon pair on Doroth’s Eye The semi-mechanical eye fired inside, and in terms of experienced Radiant Moon Wizard, his winnings were actually not very low.

All in all, there are definitely some fights in this battle. A very good at fighting Class Holder. It is still very useful to fight against the “civilian” who has never fought. Even if “Whisper of Destruction” is actually in his career On not at all, I tried the “close combat” fighting …

“Well, then I hope that your masterpiece by Old Emman can help us win and win wealth. Next … Where did the Brilliant Sun materials for Golem come from? What did Mr. Scarlet Scepter do? Should things just be assembled and remodeled? Kane? Are these all parts that were replaced from the queen of construction? “

Some doubted looked towards Radiant Moon Knight who was sitting in a crooked and leaning chair next to him for a long time, and Punk asked questions about Alchemy Mecha’s materials.

In fact, the reason why Punk cares so much about the so-called “source” is not entirely because of his curiosity and suspicion. To a large extent, “Whisper of Destruction” also wants to use this to judge the Queen of Construction on her own. What level of physical transformation and tampering with “some system settings” has been achieved.

After all, even if a Golem is configured to be given the “self-repair” authority and responsibility, it is absolutely impossible to bring Divine Kingdom and Divinity into the semi-mechanical eye, which are theoretically not allowed to be brought into Magic facilities. Isn’t it too open and aboveboard?


“You are right, as far as this Lord knows, these Brilliant Sun metals used to be parts and parts of the armor on Ktaroland. After they were replaced, the empress queen threw them as” scrapped trash “. Go inside the “Ink Blue Moon Kar” core beside Half-Mechanic Moon, after all, it seems to have been the designated “Magic remnant storage field” a long time ago. As for these divine spells that are now left by Ktaroland How was the material brought into Doroth’s Eye … “

Random shrugged, Radiant Moon Knight with armor “clang” sounded as calmly as he was talking about something completely unrelated to himself.

“Of course it was brought by this Lord! According to the wartime regulations of Netheril at that time, any citizen who entered the” sleepless supervisor facility “must send the Magic item carried by him to the inside of Doroth’s Eye by” mailing the goods “. In the post office, these “goods” will also be subject to strict inspection and registration during this process.

However, there is no living person in the Doroth’s Eye now to take care of the transportation center, and Ktaroland seems to have found an opportunity to malfunction a “postage cargo receiving device identification system” in the General Post Office, so now “item transportation” No. 96589 The channel has lost its original Brilliant Sun level item detection function. Anything that enters Doroth’s Eye through that channel will only be judged as an “ordinary colorful spice”. At that time, this Lord compressed the Divine Kingdom in gold The palace storage room was sent to Half-Mechanic Moon together with the packing boxes. Now we have to use the same method to send Mr. Eman ’s Golem and potion to our destination! “

Briefly explained the method of bringing “prohibited goods” into a military major city, Crazy Knight also explained the source of materials used to build Golem.

However, following this problem, “Whisper of Destruction” quickly thought of a new problem, that is-Ktaroland as a construction housekeeper who manages Magic facilities, would she have no way of knowing that someone has entered the semi-mechanical eye 1000 million years Come to a city where no one has set foot? Would n’t she know what terrible things came in the freight channel she monitored?

The slightly frowned Spellcaster quickly asked this question, and Kane also patiently answered the question patiently:

“Yes, she will know! Ktaroland knows that even if there is a quark particle in and out of her” kingdom “, she also knows that there is nothing and nothing in the freight lane, but rest assured, we don’t need to worry Intercepted and disturbed by her because Her Royal Highness has no authority to attack “Netheril First Class Legal Citizens” nor to take away the legal finances of “Netheril First Class Legal Citizens” without permission. In fact, every time she wanted When I got the divine spell resource sent to Doroth’s Eye, I still needed this Lord to help her take things out of the postal hub. “

Although there is no place to be proud of, Kane still uses a proud tone of pride when she talks about the various constraints on the queen.

However, no matter how perfect the beautiful plan is, it is not a simple and step-by-step thing to deal with a Brilliant Sun throne, so after describing the planned “entering Doroth’s Eye” process, the expression of Radiant Moon Knight changed his words. It quickly became serious.

I saw him turn and said sadly in a slightly helpless tone:

“In fact, what we need to worry about is definitely not that Kataroland showed up voluntarily, because we have made all preparations to fight her head-on, and it is due to the“ legal provisions ”of Netheril Civilization ’s“ Constructs are not allowed to actively attack humans ” , We must also have the opportunity to launch the attack first. In fact, our most worrying thing is that Ktaroland is so clever as to pretend not to see you as this Lord does not take the initiative to appear, and that means that we must find ways to enter the center where she is usually. Only in the lobby … Once this most difficult situation really occurs, we must be mentally prepared to return if we fail. “…………

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