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“Dear Punk Wizard, I am honored to see you. Mr. Patriarch Zweig of our Victoria Family has been admiring you for a long time, and now we have set up a banquet for you.”

A young girl in a gorgeous dress walked to Punk, with a very low posture, giving a courtesy from the lower to the upper, and the exit invited.

“Victoria Family? Isn’t that the family without my minister Hart”?

Punk didn’t take a glance at the apparently elaborate appearance of the girl in front of him. At this time, the name Hart surprised Punk. He clearly remembered that this guy was the “Minister of the Interior” who dominated Dorez’s political rights.

Punk is quite curious about what medicine is sold in this nobility bottle gourd, and anyway, the layout of the back-up does take some time. Now let’s take a look at this old man, which contradicts Cascathe. There is nothing to say about it.

Thinking of this, Punk glanced indifferently at the girl who was still keeping her manners, and then spit out 2 words softly:

“lead the way”!

——Dividing line——–

At this time, in the luxurious masonry house of Victoria Family, unlike Serene of Punk, Hart just felt that his head was going to blow up.

Because the Church of Tishachar ’s behavior is not crazy, it is completely death. They dare to extend their claws to Dorez City, and they still have a poisonous claw (spreading the plague). This claw is still extended … … Blatantly, this is not going crazy, there is wood, it’s just courting death.

Hart can be sure that even if no one is in charge of her now, but within three months, just waiting for the cumbersome refugees to die, Kingdom of Dylan will immediately send troops to suppress it.

Not to mention the future, even now the Church of Tishachar has already made a lot of anger, and the spread of the plague in Dorez City has exceeded the nobles tolerance line. After all, the plague will not care whether you are nobility or not.

Now, Nobles has begun to plan the Church of Tishachar, which is obviously inseparable from the plague. The most tricky thing is that the “Resistance of Church of Tishachar” they recommended is actually Hart-Victoria’s own!

Now Hart is already on the cusp of double-sided spies, so any evidence related to Church of Tishachar may make Victoria Family betray.

Although Hart can’t understand why at first the wise and calm Church of Tishachar has recently become so outrageous and unreasonable, but these have not affected his determination to leave the seemingly gorgeous, actually sinking “Titanic”.

He helped Zweig sell a large number of slaves obtained by squeezing refugees to Church of Tishachar as “believers.” Now Hart wants to rule out his “suspicions.” The first point is to explain the whereabouts of those “missing” slaves.

So he found Punk.

He intends to cooperate with this Wizard who likes human experiments, and dispose of the slaves “buy” from the refugees as soon as possible, and put the former slaves on Punk. Although these may require a lot of costs, but Victoria Family already not in Italian.

“It’s nothing to lose money, the most important thing now is to find a big enough backer”

This is what Hart thinks at this moment.

Although the patriarch of the Victoria Family vaguely felt that it was not a wise move to send someone to Punk, because working in the middle of two Formal Level powerhouses, it would be the end of die without a burial site.

But he has no choice!

The fire saw that his eyebrows were about to burn. Hart had always been a loyal person to the family. Now he decided to take the responsibility of a patriarch and devote himself to planning a life for the family.

At this moment, Hart was worried, but he still put on a luxurious banquet, and then stood in the lobby pretending to be hospitable and waiting for Punk’s arrival.

In fact, Victoria Family is quite sure about this cooperation.

They have secretly investigated the number of slaves purchased by Punk’s collaborator, Minohorn Chamber of Commerce, so he is confident that the young Formal Wizard who continues to maintain the image of lawful Neutral Alignment will not refuse to obtain a large number of “experimental products.” Cooperation.

——–Dividing line——–

“Please, Sir Saian”!

The beautiful girl walked to the front door of the Victorian House, and a steered old steward opened the door. The dome with a huge crystal chandelier was really plated with a layer of gold. Various beautiful jewelry embellished the strokes on the wall. The artwork of porcelain pots filled the corridor, and dozens of young girls in maid costumes were neatly arranged in the corridor to welcome.

Punk did not take a glance at these looks impressive but is worthless gold and jade in glorious splendor. He walked through the luxurious carpet made of jade bear skin without saying a word, and walked into the banquet hall. Golem I follow closely .

“This is Master Saian, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please forgive me.”

Hart saw Punk’s arrival greet him from afar, his old face filled with a flattering smile.

“Hello, Mr. Hart”.

Punk greeted him with a word, even if he responded, and then waited for Hart to respond, each minding their own business pulled out a finely carved chair and sat down.

“Sir Saian …………”

“Okay, Mr. Hart, I have very limited time. If you have any questions, you can talk.”

Hearing Punk’s answer to don’t give face, Hart’s first reaction was anger, after all, he was almost the actual power owner of Dorez City. When was this imperative question asked.

But thinking of the identity of this young boy in front of him, Hart was no longer angry, what else could he do, the other party is a powerful Formal Level powerhouse, and it seems to be the kind of soft and hard to eat, and now Victoria Family is also asking for people … ………

“As you wish, Sir Saian”!

The prepared banquet and the beauty are completely useless this time, Hart can only take a deep breath, and then push all the “idling people” including the girl around the screen, until the last person also left, this old man only put on a “heartbroken” look, said sadly:

“Sir Saian, Victoria Family is completely out of luck. We have decided not to cooperate with Church of Tishachar anymore, and now we will decide to loyal to Sir, and we will never betray our loyalty!”

Hart put his position very well, he knew that it was impossible to really maintain a fair and cooperative relationship, and many things could not be concealed. After all, the Divination spell of Formal Wizard was not a joke, so he at first took His posture was very low, and he simply created a prodigal son to look back and abandon the image of being secret.

But what Hart didn’t expect was that Punk was not interested in the so-called cooperation. He only cared about the information in Hart’s paragraph—Tishachar.

“Just now … you said you worked with Church of Tishachar”?

Punk asked Hart enthusiastically, he was thinking how to find the trace of Church of Tishachar, and there was a “spy” sent to the door, Punk said-it was a good feeling to send a pillow when it was dozing off, saving time and effort.

Hart was a little stunned. In his vision, Punk asked if not how to cooperate, but should ask what benefits he can bring. After all, the other party is obviously a pure Wizard that only recognizes benefits, but this kind of feeling is only for Church of Tishachar. What is the performance of interest? Strictly speaking All of Dorez ’s nobility had cooperated with Church of Tishachar in the early days. Formal Wizard It Should n’t be in front of you?

Although it was a little bit confusing, Hart was still tremblingly replied:

“Yeah, yes, the old man was a fan of wealth, but now he has completely cut off the connection with those lunatics.”

“Oh? This is really interesting. Let’s hear it in detail”?

Seeing a flash of blue light in Punk’s eyes, Hart involuntarily shivered, and he suddenly felt that he had done something stupid, so stupid … incurable!

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