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It didn’t take long for Punk to walk out of Exuberant Forest.

The side effects of “activation” potion passed quickly, plus there was not a lot of search work and a destination spell to be carried out. With a “Swiftness”, it only takes one night to cross the periphery of Exuberant Forest.

By the time the first ray of sunlight shone into the wilderness in the morning, Punk had returned to Nielan Town. Of course, Punk, who was not good at riding, ran back!

Punk’s plan is to return to town to repair Golem I first. This is his very important battle strength, and even his only advantage with those old-time Formal Level powerhouse. If you don’t fix it one day, Punk can’t feel at ease.

apart from this Punk also intends to find another conscious soul as soon as possible to re-create an “activated” potion. The effect of this potion has made Punk very satisfied, and it has played a huge role in the battle with High Priest.

At the same time, the success of “Activation Potion” made him more curious about the other potions in McNeesey’s notes.

But the most important thing in front of me is how to get the Legendary Equipment in the hands of the “Goddess”, and we must not forget to solve the Tishachar that has completely killed the enemy.

“From the spiritual situation of Goddess Tishachar now, her actions on Dorez City will be more and more crazy. If the Formal Level Dwarf Warrior of Dorez City is really for the sake of Dorez City, it is bound to cooperate with yourself, when the time comes Uncertainty can also make a profit “!

Punk in the heart is secretly thinking, now that Dwarf Warrior, who is not concerned about the outside world, does not know the secret of Tishachar “Goddess”, this is his own opportunity.

Of course Punk did n’t expect that the “one-ribbed” Dwarf was only loyal to Hyde Family, and he did n’t care about the life and death of Dorez City, but now … he did n’t even think that he would see such a scene after entering Nielan Town. .

The originally beautiful and serene Nielan Town has been completely transformed into a “ghost town”. The original neat streets are scattered with people’s discarded debris. There is also a large pool of blood on the streets. It seems to tell the tragic story that happened here.

The most weird thing is that several of the ashen-faced townsfolk curled up in the corner motionless, and many of their limbs were twisted, but these townsmen were as indifferent as they were sparse and normal.

The seemingly hungry townspeople only occasionally took out a small piece of dry bread and put it in their mouth to melt it with saliva, then swallowed it, then stared blankly at the front.

“How is this going”?

Punk walked through the middle of the empty street, observing these dead-faced townspeople all the way. They seemed to be infected with a magical disease. On this way, Punk could feel a faint and destructive Magic fluctuation. Almost all townsmen raged in their bodies.

But where does this magical disease come from?

Punk can be sure that these people did not have any signs of illness when they left, but now they are all sick, and they can’t move even lying on the street, and the number is not right.

Punk observes and walks through the most prosperous area of ​​Nielan Town, which is now in a depression. The only bakery in the town has been burned into a pile of charcoal, and in front of the house are some temporarily discarded clothes on the ground. The owner seemed to hurriedly throw away all the saluted and escaped, and now only a variety of cursed graffiti remained on the residual wall of the house.

“It seems that in the week when I left, what awesome things happened!”

Punk walked playfully in front of a wall and looked at the thoughtful spider pattern drawn with human blood.

If this town is a situation where Evil Cult is prevalent, Punk will not be surprised, because that weird Tishachar obviously has some brainwashing methods. If she abandons all considerations and moves the crazy religion to the table, It is absolutely possible to turn the residents of several towns into unreasonable fanatics in just 3 days.

But how to look at the situation here should not be a scene where the patient is waiting to die, this unfathomable mystery disease is even more intriguing.

Although Punk was curious about what happened during the week he left, he did not intend to use the Divination spell to probe.

Divination spell can only get a rough idea of ​​the information, and will miss many details, which may contain important clues.

So he decided to explore in a way that he could get almost all the information, for example, to “ask” the person directly, after all … Who else knows more than the disaster-hit people?

——–Dividing line——–

Madd is a Hooligan in Nielan Town. He usually does a bit of extortion and collects protection fees. The days he spends are leisurely, but what happened in recent days makes him feel as if he is in a nightmare.

First encountered a group of lunatic missionaries, almost forced to instill “Divine Water”, was chased 2 streets and finally got rid of those lunatics, and then unfathomable mystery fell to the ground with a broken bone, and then until City Guard entered the town to expel After those lunatic believers, he knew that he had the terrifying plague!

Now abandoned in this alley, Madd has eaten all the food left by the kindness of the City Guards. The body that has broken even with force is unable to move even a little bit, he can only lie down Endure the hunger on the ground, just as wild beast bites the stomach pouch.

Just when Madd’s consciousness was about to fall into a haze, a warm feeling suddenly injected into the body, just like Mira’s glory injected into the blood, he felt that he had power at once.

Opening a pair of tiny eyes, it was a youngster wearing a black Wizard robe with blood red patterns, most of his face was blocked by the hood, the young Wizard turned his back to the sun, and the blue eyes in the shadows appeared Powerful and mysterious.

A green ray of light emanated from Wizard’s hands, shining directly on his heart, one after another vitality poured into his 4 limbs, but Madd at this time only felt a bit of coolness, intuition told him It is definitely an unfortunate thing to be rescued by this Wizard!

Punk saw that the young man was awake, he naturally stopped the spell “Life Heal”, and then lifted the other party from the ground, completely ignoring the large amount of bone cracking sounds from the young man.

“Sir … Sir, what’s the command, the little must be … knowing everything, talking endlessly, pity my 80-year-old mother …”

Although Madd, who was pulled up by the collar, did not know what the other party was doing, he still resisted the sharp fracture of the bone on his body. He was afraid that his performance would dissatisfy the temperamental Wizard, and the next second would fall. The end of a skeleton doesn’t exist.

Punk didn’t answer the other’s desire at all. He ordered Golem I to be alert behind him, and then whispered the incantation in a whisper.

Formal Level mind-affecting spell-Memory Reading: consume magic power to read the memory of creatures below your level.

Note: People who are extremely determined or use energy to protect their souls have the chance to be immune to this spell.

Punk stretched out without a word, covered with a layer of silver fingers like metal, and then ignored Madd’s gaze for fear, and lightly touched his brow.

At the moment when Punk’s finger touched Madd’s skin, the liquid energy of silver immediately split into countless slender tentacles, they twisted from Madd’s eyes and ears, and then accompanied by Madd’s body trembling, this poor young man All memories since birth were presented to Punk like the same book.

Now, Punk only needs to flip this book called “Madd’s Memory” to a week ago, and everything can be watched like a movie.

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