Naruto: Kill Orochimaru at the beginning

Chapter 154 He became a public enemy

The shopkeeper nodded and reached out to take the money from his hand. If he hadn't had a token from Wuwang City, she would have suspected that he was a fake contact person. He ordered so many goods by himself, and he didn't have a caravan or hire. How could he transport the carriage back alone?

Hinata Lanmo was not very clear about things near Damingfu City in the Land of Fire, so he sat in front of the store and waited for the owner to make purchases.

At this time, five or six people passed by on the street, and the man leading them cursed loudly: That Hyuga Aimo should be cut to pieces with a thousand swords. He betrayed Konoha and took refuge in the Kong Ninja. Now he is arrogantly declaring war on the entire Ninja world. It’s simply overestimating one’s abilities!”

Not only did he overestimate his capabilities, but he also committed a heinous crime. Did you hear about it? Last night, he raped the third princess of Daming Mansion... Oh, I heard it was very miserable! Another person said.

Scumbags like this deserve to die!

That's right...

Hinata Lanmo was sitting in front of the store. When he heard this, he was speechless and a little confused.

Are they talking about... themselves?

It seems to be right but it seems not to be right. For example, Kong Ninja Konoha and other things are related to him, but other things, as the person involved, how come he doesn't know?

Hey, brothers, is the Hyuga Lan Mo you are talking about Konoha's Hyuga Lan Mo? He stood up and chased after him.

Of course it's him, who else could it be?

What happened to him?

Don't you know? Such a big thing has shocked the entire ninja world, and you don't know? That bastard has declared war on the five major countries! One of them shouted excitedly and passionately.

Hinata Lanmo was stunned, and he repeated: You said he... declared war on the five major countries? Just him?

Isn't it? You don't believe it either, do you? Who can believe this, but it is absolutely true. Damingfu City is now in chaos. That Hyuga Lanmo not only launched a war against the five major ninja villages in the name of Kong Ninja He also issued a letter of war to the daimyo of the five major countries. Just last night, he harmed the third princess of our daiming mansion. Do you think he is still a human being?

You're so crazy, you're not human at all, you're a beast! Others echoed.

Hinata Lanmo looked embarrassed, pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said: Everyone, is there something wrong? Hinata Lanmo is still an eight or nine-year-old child? Why is the third princess of the famous mansion so strong? Isn’t it a bit too far-fetched?”

What nine years old? He is eighteen years old!

We have his portrait here. If you don't believe it, look at it!

As he said that, a man withdrew a scroll and opened it. There was a picture of a tall and thick man with a face full of stubble, eyes like copper bells, and a gluttonous mouth, which was very ugly.

Hinata Lanmo pointed at the scroll, with a look of helplessness on his face: This, this is not Hinata Lanmo. The members of the Hyuga family have always had a good skin, how could such a monster appear?

That's right, that's why he did so many cruel and inhumane things. Anyway, Daming City is in chaos now. If you don't believe me, just go and see for yourself!

As he said that, the man put away the scroll unhappily, dragged a few people and left cursing.

Hinata Lanmo returned to the store, and after explaining a few words to the waiter inside, he hurried to the Daming City of the Land of Fire.

This small town is not very far from the city. Along the way, pedestrians on the road are talking about Hinata Lanmo.

After entering the city, Hinata Lanmo realized the seriousness of the matter.

On the street, notices and portraits of him with a reward for his appearance were posted everywhere, and the people on the street were all talking about Hinata Lanmo.

Originally, he only heard in the small town that it was weird that he was strong, but he didn't expect that when he arrived in the city, things went too far. He abducted children, drank human blood and eaten human flesh, attacked the five major ninja villages, and also like Using kisses to absorb other people's chakra has become something he does?

Isn't this the crime of a haunted temptress? Why was it all pressed against him?

Going further inside, it was even more lively. At the entrance of Daming Mansion, recruitment was going on, and on the bulletin board on the side, there was a declaration of war.

Hinata Lanmo walked in and took a look, and was furious.

I saw the declaration of war written: I, Hinata Lanmo, in the name of the Kingdom of Sky, declare war on the name of the Kingdom of Fire. I swear to chop off your head, invade your country, rape your daughter, and enslave your people. !

When Hinata Lanmo saw these few words, he reached out and covered his face!

Oh my god! Who is this? He shouted to the sky and asked loudly.

When everyone nearby heard this, they all said in unison: Hyuuga Lanmo!

After transferring to another space, Hyuga Aimo, who was dressed as a businessman, appeared in Konoha. He wanted to see the scene here. It was quiet here, and the people on the street acted as if nothing happened.

Instead, we went to Yunyin Village. Damn it, people on the street were very excited. His declaration of war was still posted on the notice. It was similar to the one in the Daiming Mansion of the Land of Fire, except that the target was changed to the Fourth Raikage Ai. There is no sentence about robbing his daughter. Maybe the Raikage doesn't have a daughter either?

I went to the other three ninja villages again, and they were all similar to Kumo Hidden Village. The one with the strongest reaction was Iwagakure Village. They had old and new hatreds. They couldn't wait to pull out Hinata Lan Mo's muscles and bones, crush them and scatter them into ashes.

After being transferred to a different space and returning to the small town, he sat at the door of the rice store, feeling weak.

It's really hard to live a quiet life. Who is the bastard who pulled this prank?

The shop owner came back, holding a bunch of things in his arms, and scolded as he walked: Everyone has no eyesight. It was obviously Hinata Aimo who saved the ninjas of the five major ninja villages. It was obviously a witch who caused trouble, but they pinned him down. unacceptable.

Hinata Lanmo finally met someone who spoke for him. He stood up and asked, Shopkeeper, how do you know that he was wronged?

Of course I know. I have many relatives in Wuwang City. I have heard about everything that happened in Wuwang City. That boy did defect to the Kingdom of Kong, but it was also to help us!

The store is a business station set up by the Kingdom of Kong in various places, so it naturally speaks to its own village, and those who don't know the situation may be easily fooled, right?

Everything was ready, and just when the store was worried about how to transport it away, Hinata Lanmo saw that there was no one on the street, so he directly transferred to another space and transported everything back.

When the store owner saw the person disappearing out of thin air, it took her a long time to react. She slapped her thigh heavily, with an expression of surprise on her face: He, he is Hinata Lanmo!

In the Kingdom of Kong, who can have such a great ability? There is no one else but him!

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