Naruto: Kill Orochimaru at the beginning

Chapter 137 The Hidden Kingdom of Sky

Shen Nong, who had been silent for a long time, saw this scene and laughed: Yes, yes, I have read the records. The heir to the Sky King's royal family only needs to comfort the secret treasure with his own blood, recite the incantation silently, and then twist the mechanical button, and the sky will be empty. The country’s secret treasure can be activated. The first and second steps are the most important, and by the third step, anyone can activate it.”

As he spoke, his eyes lit up and he took a few steps forward.

Hinata Lanmo quietly winked at the wooden clone on the other side. The other party took the order, disappeared into the mountain tunnel, and began to rescue the hostages.

Wu Qianling's palms bled, and the thick blood flowed through the incantation like water, and finally filled the smallest groove in the center of the altar. The blue chakra suddenly strengthened, and some kind of strange cry resounded through the cave.

Hinata Lanmo heard the cry, and his eyes slowly widened as he heard the plot about Naruto and the Kingdom of Kong.

Could it be that there is zero tail hidden in this so-called secret treasure?

In the Naruto plot, Shennong controlled Zero-Tail and fought against Konoha.

Wu Qianling began to recite the incantation silently. As the blood seeped in, she continued to repeat the incantation. Suddenly, a huge amount of chakra washed away the entire altar floor.

The secret treasure is activated.

Wuyouhua and Shen Nong leaped forward and hid in the mountain passage on one side.

Wu Qianling fell down as a sacrifice.

Seeing this, Hinata Lanmo sprinted down and fell down as well.

These two little babies are quite interesting. They are rushing to die. The thing hidden below will never let them go. It will definitely eat them both. Shennong's mouth was crooked, with a sneer on his face.

Wuyouhua on the side also felt a little more relaxed: That brat, I have wanted to kill him for a long time, but he is very wicked, but now it seems that smart people can be stupid sometimes, and they are willing to die for a girl. !”

I never do anything to risk death!

A clear and sharp voice sounded, circling throughout the cave.

In the chakra light, a boy is holding a girl, floating in the air, like a god.

When Wuyouhua saw this scene, her expression was ferocious, This, what kind of ninjutsu is this?

Although as a ghost, she can use the floating method to move forward and attack, she can never float in the air. And now, the boy in front of her is actually rising and floating.

If she had this kind of ninjutsu, wouldn't it be more stylish to show off? It's a pity that she didn't get to kiss him.

By the way, I gave you a big gift, I hope you like it! After saying that, Hinata Lanmo smiled, turned around with Mu Qianling in his arms and disappeared.

At this moment, an explosion sounded in the huge space below. Wave after wave, huge air waves came from below, and Zero Tail's tragic screams resounded through the sky.

Shennong was shocked when he saw this scene and jumped into the explosion. Wuyouhua frowned and stretched out his hand to use ninjutsu to protect the lower part.

In the shelter in the west of the city, more than 20,000 Wuwang City people are hiding here. Although everyone has carried out emergency evacuation, many people still fall into the hands of Wuyouhua, and I heard that people who went out to inquire came back and said that tonight, Soldiers from Wuwang City were arresting people from house to house.

Hinata Lanmo put Wu Qianling down, and when many people in front of her saw her appearance, they all knelt down and saluted.


Only then did he realize that Wu Qianling was the princess of the Kingdom of Kong, and the real Wuyouhua was the name of the Kingdom of Kong.

It was just that during World War II, the Kingdom of Kong lost its advantage in the war with several major ninja villages, and was driven overseas by Konoha. It was hidden incognito for two years, and Muwan Castle was hidden for two years, which was the main city of the Kingdom of Kong at that time. The secret fell on the seaside where the Kingdom of Sichuan and the Kingdom of Wind meet, and a normal life began.

The rumors from the outside world are that the Kingdom of Kong has been destroyed.

The old city lord doesn't care whether it is destroyed or not. He just wants the people to live and work in peace and contentment. The long war has not brought any benefits to the people of the Kingdom of Kong.

However, several elders of the Kingdom of Kong who were leading the battle had no regard for the safety of the people, and wanted revenge even if they exhausted their national power.

Afterwards, it was the old city lord who resisted the pressure, fought against all opinions, and closed the secret treasure privately, which made some of the main battlers lose confidence, and thus Wuwang City was saved.

After that, some of the main fighters in the city left the main city and fled to the world, and Wuwang City also began to live a plain and normal life.

Twenty years later, the old city lord, the former Daimyo of the Kingdom of Kong, passed away, and it was passed down to the current city lord Wuyouhua. Wuyouhua was diligent and loved the people, and the people in the city also loved peace.

Little did he know, because this city and some remaining Kong Ninja troops scattered everywhere were quietly launching a coup to change Wuwang City.

First, the ghostly witch sneaked into the city, and after gaining the trust of the city lord, she injured Wuyouhua and turned into her.

After getting along for a long time, Wu Qianling, the only daughter of Wuyouhua, discovered this incident. Before she could leave the city to find someone to rescue her, she was cast a silence curse by the witch and was imprisoned in a place outside the city. In the manor.

I didn't pick her up until three days ago, and there was a purpose in picking her up, which was to prepare for the activation of the secret treasure.

There is a secret treasure hidden in the dungeon of the main city of Kongokuni, which can only be opened by the Wu clan's bloodline, and to open the secret treasure, a daimyo's secret spell is required.

In order to obtain the secret spell seal, the ghost-haired witch used various criminal methods on Wuyouhua, but none of them were taken out of her mouth. In the end, she had no choice but to give up and set her sights on Wuqianling.

They have only one purpose, and that is to start a war. Even if they lose the lives of all the people in Wuwang City, they still want to avenge the humiliation suffered in World War II twenty years ago.

But they forgot that the ninja war has gone through three times. Who can tell what is right and what is wrong? Some wars are just caused by the unwillingness of some people, and they have nothing to do with ordinary people.

Although Wu Qianling is weak and not very old, she has been influenced by her mother since she was a child and knows right from wrong. She knows that outsiders are taking advantage of Wuwang City, and she also knows that no one can save the city, so she After meeting Hinata Lan Mo by chance, he asked him to find Lord Bu and rescue the people in the city through the secret passage in the city.

But she didn't expect that they would hide these people in a shelter under the city.

You can't hide people here, not here! Wu Qianling looked at the people in front of him and kept shaking his head.

Princess, we know what you mean, do you want us to leave the city? No, we are the people of Wuwang City in life, and the ghosts of Wuwang City in death. We are here when the city is there, and we will not survive if the city dies! Master Bu burst into tears and was extremely determined.

When Hinata Lanmo heard this, he curled his lips slightly: I have different ideas from you. As long as there is a slight possibility, I will not choose to give up my life. The so-called green mountains can be left without worrying about having no firewood. If I am like you Thoughts, I’m afraid I’ve died so many times!”

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