Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 649: Surrendering before the battle (please subscribe)

Yang Cai and Tie Xiongfei were his best trump cards, enough to offset all kinds of accidents.

As for the sound wave skill he used before, in addition to testing, it actually had another purpose, which was to convey orders.

When the roaring sound gradually subsided, two auras connected to the sky and the earth, like wild beasts chasing stars and chasing the moon, rolled up heavy smoke and dust, set off waves, and finally landed a few feet away to the left and right of Meng Zhao. Stand firm in position.

One's breath is solid and solid, like an indestructible iron wall. Standing there, it gives people a sense of infinite weight and solidity. The other's breath is like the intersection of dragon and tiger, filled with a kind of perfection, detachment and powerful artistic conception.

What's even more terrifying is that the two people's true energy bursts out, their spirits are stable, they are connected with the heaven and earth, and their vitality is vibrating, so that the entire Erniu Mountain top is in the rough sea. The wind and waves are rolling, and the human body is like a small boat, which is in danger of capsizing at any time.

If you are an ordinary martial artist, no matter how confident you are, if you first see yourself surrounded, and the people surrounded by you are so terrifying and superb in martial arts, even if you are not scared to the point of peeing and peeing, your mood will become extremely uneasy.

This is a biological instinct that occurs when life is threatened.

However, Meng Zhao still maintained a calm and calm posture, his hands were clasped behind his back before he knew it, his head held high, his back like a spear piercing the sky, sharp and strong, and would rather break than bend.

The aura has also changed from ordinary and ordinary to a hidden abyss, with no end visible at a glance, and the mystery is full of danger.

He glanced at one of them with interest, as if he was identifying something, and suddenly smiled,

"Is your Excellency the former Iron Hands leader, Tie Xiongfei?"

Tie Xiongfei's ferocious and bloodthirsty eyes condensed, but he was not in a hurry to take action.

Previously, he and Yang Cai were scattered in the surrounding dense forest, surveying the surrounding environment, and found that Meng Zhao did not bring any masters up the mountain, and there was no way he and Yang Cai could escape being strangled by him alone.

Therefore, he showed a puzzled expression and asked,

"You and I have never met before, how do you recognize me?"

He did not answer directly, but it was obvious that he had recognized himself as Tie Xiongfei.

"Haha, the world is huge and the population is hundreds of millions. Normally, I really can't recognize who you are.

However, using force to spy on people, I don’t think there are many people with such a unique aura in the small Lingwu City. Furthermore, before I received your letter, I also reported a message to me with someone, saying that you may have been unfaithful to me in the near future. Confirmation, I made a bold guess. Now it seems that the person's reminder is very accurate. "

At this, Tie Xiongfei's expression paused and he subconsciously looked at the masked man.

If Meng Zhao didn't lie, then he had realized who tipped Meng Zhao off, but he didn't think about it, and couldn't figure out why that person would do this. Would it be of any benefit to him?

The masked man ignored the conversation between the two, and just flicked his nails, emitting a sharp aura, as if he wanted to let Meng Zhao know more information before he died, so as not to die in peace.

Tie Xiongfei also saw that the masked man was not in a hurry to kill anyone. He slowly exhaled and his cold eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to cut Meng Zhao into thousands of pieces.

"Yes, we are here today to resolve the grievances between you and me. Meng Zhao, you can't imagine that one day it will fall into my hands."

Speaking of Tie Xiongfei's feelings towards Meng Zhao, they are actually very complicated. In the early stage, they were mostly indifferent, but after the Tie Shou Association was destroyed, they were dominated by hatred.

Even if he knew that Meng Zhao's destruction of the Iron Hands was a completely normal self-defense counterattack, he still couldn't let it go.

He is not a saint, nor is he a magnanimous person. When the situation is weak, he is willing to give up everything, just for a chance to survive and live stably.

But when the situation reverses and I pick up the hatred I once had, I feel no anger and no pressure at all.

Meng Zhao laughed and seemed not to hold any grudge against Tie Xiongfei, who once wanted to poison him.

"I really didn't expect it, but strictly speaking, there doesn't seem to be much hatred between you and me.

For example, if you sent someone to poison me and assassinate me, it must have been someone's instigation, right?

In the same way, it is just a normal act of revenge for me to send people to attack the Iron Hand Society and drive you away. "

"Yes, that's how it should be, but why are you so stubborn and sending people to put a reward on me in the underground world?

There are some things that you have to admit when you do something wrong, and you have to change it when you are wrong. Unfortunately, it seems that you have no chance to change it. "

Tie Xiongfei himself knew that these words were a bit unreasonable, but it was worth it to make him angry.

The talk was not in vain.

People live for what? Different people have different opinions.

Some people do it for fame, some do it for profit, some do it for love, and some do it for just one breath.

However, Meng Zhao obviously had other plans and said in a cautious tone,

"Actually, there is no need to get into a tense situation between you and me. On the contrary, we can negotiate peacefully.

Let's do this. I'll give you a chance. From now on, join my Meng family in Lingwu City and work under me.

You can still take on the position of leader of the Iron Hands Association. I even promise you that in two years, the Iron Hands Association will expand its current size by 50%, enough to make you a very important figure in the city.

I'm afraid the person you originally loyal to can't guarantee this, but I can definitely do it. "

Upon hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

There were only two masked men, Tie Xiongfei. Yang had learned some things in just two days, and knew that Meng Zhao and Tie Xiongfei were in a life-or-death relationship. How could they surrender before the battle? This was too bold, even unreasonable, right?

Tie Xiongfei's face was complicated, a little surprised, a little moved, a little hesitant, and a little regretful.

"Can you really not care about the fact that I sent someone to assassinate you?"

If it were him, no matter who was the mastermind, the person who carried out the crime, or the person who was used as a knife, he was still guilty and wanted to be killed. He was not a philanthropist, so he would never let the enemy have a good life.

However, what Meng Zhao thought was completely different from him.

"Of course. In fact, let alone you, if the person who instructs you is willing, he can come and work under me.

A man's mind should be as boundless as the sky and as broad as the sea.

You can believe me, these words are absolutely sincere and not deliberately deceptive.

If you don't believe it, I can swear it. How about it, but you plan to abandon the darkness and turn to the light? "

The masked man looked at Tie Xiongfei coldly, with no murderous intent in his eyes, but it made his whole body tremble. When he realized that he was actually moved by what Meng Zhao said, he really had the idea of ​​surrendering to the enemy before the battle. This was too crazy.

Is it possible that he fell into Meng Zhao's tricks?

This does have something to do with it. After all, Meng Zhao has a deep understanding of spiritual martial arts, but the main thing is that Meng Zhao treats each other sincerely. As an innate master, he has a keen spiritual sense and can detect the truth and falsehood. He just starts from the heart.

You may be tempted, but you can't really do it.

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