Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 409 Accountability and Contradiction (Please subscribe)

What's even more frightening is that his wife and daughter have been living in a small house next to the Hou Mansion and are being guarded as hostages.

It's okay to have nothing to do on weekdays. Life is no different from ordinary people. It's enough to be rich.

Once a drastic change occurs, the Hou Mansion can capture his wife and daughter as quickly as possible and control them.

At that time, he could only wait for death and pray that the Qin family would not be too cruel. It would be better to kill him than to anger his whole family.

As for Bai Shicheng's own feelings about Qin Tao's death, it can only be said that although he is sad, he is helpless.

How did Qin Tao die?

Tracing back to the reason, Qin Tao first assigned Bai Shicheng to take care of Sun Di to prevent accidents. At the same time, he had the idea of ​​kidnapping Sun Di so that he could swallow the dragon eggs.

As a result, Bai Shicheng was accidentally injured by a sword master disguised as a Huang family warrior.

Unless he was still a little vigilant, he might have been beaten to death directly.

And because he was seriously injured, he was unable to take care of Qin Tao in time when a group of innates fought against the six-winged frost centipede. As a result, Qin Tao finally died in the aftermath of the battle. His chest was hit by a large flying stone, his organs were shattered, and his heart was broken. If it is cut off, even the Great Luo Jinxian cannot save it.

Although he was responsible for his poor protection, Qin Tao himself and the other Qin family guards also had a huge responsibility.

If Qin Tao's martial arts were high enough or the guards handled it properly, this outcome could have been completely avoided.

Besides, Qin Tao is not the worst and worst kind of playboy, but he is not much better.

His martial arts skills are mediocre, his ability to deal with things is average, he likes to drink and have fun, and he is not very useful. He has even secretly done a few things of bullying men and dominating women.

Compared to Meng Xi, Meng Wen was far behind, let alone compared to Meng Zhao.

In terms of character, Bai Shicheng didn't want to say much.

Emotionally, although Qin Tao has always been very respectful to him, because of his rough manner, he has secretly slandered him more than once, and even made inappropriate remarks about treating him as a pig or a dog, which is simply too much.

No matter how bad he is, he is still an innate martial arts expert, and his relationship with the Hou Mansion is that of employment, without any agreement to sell himself. Qin Tao is two-faced and inconsistent, so how can he really develop feelings for him?

Therefore, Bai Shicheng actually didn't feel much about Qin Tao's death, but he couldn't bear the consequences of Qin Tao's death.

Seeing that Bai Shicheng's face was ugly and his eyes were wandering, he was obviously thinking about something. The eyes of the two Qin family guards were even worse. One of them said,

"Master Bai, what are you thinking about? It's important that we hurry up."

Bai Shicheng nodded in a daze, then his heart moved and he asked,

"How are you going to explain to the Marquis after you go back? If the Seventh Young Master dies, we are all responsible for our inability to protect him."

His original intention was to communicate with the two guards and connect their confessions, so as to reduce each other's responsibilities and explain to Julu Marquis when he returns to Julu County in the future.

It was just out of pride that I didn't say it clearly, but it also had a hint.

However, these two acquired rude warriors have always been stupid. How could they know so many tricks? Seeing Bai Shicheng say this, they were furious. One of them was kneeling in front of Qin Tao's body, and suddenly stood up and said fiercely,

"What? Master Bai, do you want to put the responsibility for the death of the seventh young master on us?"

This kind of words and attitude really shouldn't be displayed by an acquired martial artist when dealing with an innate strong one, but there are many reasons for this.

First, when Qin Tao was still alive, his guards often tried to figure out his thoughts and flatter him, and because of their personal protection, they gained more trust and favor than Bai Shicheng, which made each of these guards develop a bad character of arrogance and arrogance. .

The long-term arrogance and bossiness made them sometimes unclear about the gap between themselves and Bai Shicheng.

The second is that they themselves are not smart people, they are rude warriors and act recklessly. How can they think so much.

As soon as Qin Tao died, they felt uneasy, fearing that they would be severely punished or even killed after returning to the Hou Mansion. But now that Bai Shicheng said this, they immediately ignited their dissatisfaction.

He didn't care about any differences between nature and nature and asked directly.

What kind of person is Bai Shicheng? He originally had the idea of ​​​​joining forces with the two to tide over the difficulties. But when he saw the behavior of these two idiots, he knew that they were playing the lute to a cow, and he felt cruel in his heart.

His soft eyes suddenly became as sharp as knives, piercing the two people like two lightning bolts, and said coldly,

"Isn't it your responsibility? As the personal guard of the Seventh Young Master, when the master's house was in danger, he only tried to escape for his own life, which ultimately led to the death of the Seventh Young Master.

Could it be that the Hou Mansion raises you just for daily flattery? A bunch of trash. "

These are also his true words.

A guard is a bodyguard, a person who protects people.

The first thing is loyalty. You must have the determination to dedicate yourself and die for your master. This is the most important thing.

Secondly, it is necessary to have force. If the kung fu is not strong and the strength is not enough, being a guard will harm others and yourself.

As it happened, the guards following Qin Tao had long lost their heroic spirit and strong strength to protect their master due to years of drinking and debauchery and neglect of martial arts.

It would be more appropriate to say that he is a bitch.

Of course, there are many factors involved.

For example, Qin Tao is the son of a Marquis, and the Julu Marquis Mansion is the top power in Julu County. How can anyone with a blind eye dare to offend him?

There is no place for heroes, and the Marquis's treatment is very generous, so it is not difficult to understand why he should slack off.

Also, the existence of Baishi City also made the situation of these guards a little embarrassing.

In terms of martial arts, no matter how powerful they are, they can't compare to the innate masters who have made a name for themselves. To protect Qin Tao, one person from Bai Shicheng is enough, so why use them again?

As a result, the guards around Qin Tao were no longer useful, and gradually became villains who offered flattery and helped others to do evil.

Therefore, there is some truth in Bai Shicheng's accusation against these two guards.

In a different place, if Meng Zhao was in such danger, not to mention his own superb martial arts, any one of Lu Le, Han Pu, and Cao Zhan would be enough to protect him from harm.

However, facts are facts and feelings are feelings. The two guards cannot accept that Qin Tao's death is their fault. Even if it is true, they cannot admit it.

Not only is it a matter of reputation and face, but it is also a matter of life and death.

Another man also stood up at this time, clenched his fists, became furious, spitted and said loudly,

"Bah, Bai Shicheng, you are an innate warrior, your martial arts are far higher than ours. You are the one who really wants to protect the Seventh Young Master. Now that the Seventh Young Master is dead, you want us to take the blame for you. No way, we will never agree."

Another person also echoed again and again, looking at Bai Shicheng with an extremely unkind expression, full of vigilance.

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