Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 260 Buyi Alliance (Subscription Request)

Shopkeeper Qian's plump face turned blue and white for a while, and his fat was taut. It seemed that he didn't expect Meng Zhao to be so disrespectful.

If anyone else dared to talk to him like this, they would have slapped him and killed him. Do you really think he is fat and generous?

But people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

They, no, it should be Zhu Guangxi who caused the catastrophe. Now they are unable to move forward in Nan'an County, which even brings bad luck to him and Boss Chai. They urgently need someone with weight and energy to help them get out of the desperate situation, so even if Meng Zhao is like this You're welcome, he also has to keep smiling and don't dare to fall out.

"Fourth Master Meng, don't worry, listen to me and tell you slowly..."

Shopkeeper Qian knew what he should and should not do now, so he kept nothing secret and told them all about a series of recent events and their relationship with the mysterious man.

On that day, Zhu Guang committed the Minghua Tower massacre. Many people were killed or injured on the scene, including the assassins who acted with him. The only one left alive was the master who practiced Taoist martial arts and could compete with the Eight Heavenly Dragon Divine Arts.

But later, the powerful families in Nan'an County became fierce and used their information to hunt down Zhu Guangxi and others. The whereabouts of the Taoist martial arts master were discovered, and he died under the siege.

Zhu Guangxi, on the other hand, relied on his innate martial arts skills and superb swordsmanship to break out of the siege and seek help from the forces he organized in Nan'an County.

Among them are shopkeeper Qian, who is as fat as a ball, and Boss Chai, who is as thin as a bamboo pole.

These two people were also unlucky. In terms of organizational relations, Zhu Guangxi's status was far above the two of them. In order to help and cover Zhu Guangxi's escape, he even caused the family fortune that he had accumulated for many years to be destroyed.

From a wealthy family, he has now become a fugitive who can only drink cold water and chew hard steamed buns.

In fact, although these two people are not prominent or exposed, they still have many connections within the county.

If he were to be replaced by a small-time troublemaker nearby, he would be able to save the person by spending some money and clearing up the relationship. Even if the situation got worse, he could be sent out of the city.

But you must know that Zhu Guangxi broke the news this time, and none of the people he killed that day was simple in his family.

Eight out of ten families have official status, and the remaining two are either powerful or extremely wealthy.

After all, Xu Duo likes to hang out with dragons and phoenixes and make friends with the children of powerful families. He will not put him in his eyes even if his family is slightly worse, let alone invite him to a party. According to his original words, dragons do not live with snakes.

Therefore, it can be understood that these two unlucky guys wanted to help Zhu Guangxi by using the few connections they had accumulated, but they only wanted to put themselves on the wanted list. This is how the three of them are now hiding from XZ.

The reason why they knew about Meng Zhao and even left him a secret code and imprint was because a big shot in Shopkeeper Qian's organization once sent him a message that they could use this to contact the Meng family if they were at the end of their rope and had nothing to do. Meng Zhao, please help.

Shopkeeper Qian once thought that Meng Zhao was a member of his organization, but the big shot revealed that it was not the case. Meng Zhao was just his personal friendship and connections and had nothing to do with the entire organization.

Meng Zhao's face darkened, and he made some insinuations about the person's identity. Shopkeeper Qian just shook his head and replied with a bitter smile,

"Fourth Master Meng, you are making things difficult for me. Mr. Zhao Hun is a mysterious person. He likes to wear a bronze mask and never shows his true face to others.

His position in the organization is very important, how can a pawn like me recognize him? "

This allowed Meng Zhao to confirm that the Master Zhao Hun mentioned by Shopkeeper Qian was the mysterious man who saved him from the brink of death, taught him training, and finally allowed him to enter the Meng family.

And the breakthrough was that he finally knew the name of the mysterious person. Although Zhao Hun sounded ordinary and had no impression, and was unknown in the world, Meng Zhao couldn't help but feel happy. This was a breakthrough.

Meng Zhao was thoughtful and continued to ask,

"What kind of organization are you? There are experts like Eunuch Zhu, there seem to be a lot of reckless people, and there are also unpredictable and powerful people like Mr. Zhao. Why have I never heard of it?"

According to common sense, Zhao Hun is a big shot in this organization. He should be a useful chess piece under Zhao Hun and belong to the organization.

But listening to what Shopkeeper Qian said, Zhao Hun had no intention of including him in the organization, but a personal relationship with him. What did this mean?

Does this mean that his entry into the Meng family was just Zhao Hun's personal behavior and plan, not the actions of this organization?

Or is it because he will eventually be silenced after being used, so he is not even qualified to enter the organization?

Meng Zhao's expression remained as usual, but the light emitted from his eyes became darker and darker. Deep in his eyes, there was countless coldness and ice that could not be melted away.

Shopkeeper Qian was about to say something when he suddenly realized that although Meng Zhao had an old relationship with Mr. Zhao, he was not a member of the organization and could not reveal too much, so he quickly stopped talking.

However, Zhu Guangxi didn't have so many worries. He saw that Meng Zhao and Zhao Hun seemed to have a normal relationship and were not friends with interests involved as they thought. He was worried that the other party would not be willing to contribute to him, so he took the initiative and said,

"You can't tell anyone anything, and besides, Meng Si, Meng Zhao, you are half of the organization, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Zhu Guangxi's big and small eyes were a little angry. He almost followed shopkeeper Qian and called this young boy Fourth Master Meng. He quickly changed his words and continued,

"Our organization is called the Buyi League. It is inconspicuous and rooted in the people. Therefore, its power is relatively scattered. We have people in the fourteen major states that Dayong is currently divided into, and even in other small countries.

As you said, many people in the organization are rough and tumble, and there are many civilians. As for the purpose of its establishment, it was originally a group of like-minded people who wanted to unite with each other, help each other, and not be bullied by others. "

Meng Zhao was noncommittal. If the Commoner League was so simple, how could it attract a master like Zhu Guangxi to join it?

However, based on this information, combined with some of the words and deeds of the Buyi League members he had seen before, he made a bold guess that the Buyi League should be a civil resistance organization formed in response to the oppression of Dayong's powerful people. As for its strength, it is difficult to confirm.

Meng Zhao was already very satisfied. Knowing about the Buyi Alliance, he could use the resources and channels of the Meng family to conduct inquiries in the future. He would surely gain more information. Zhao Hun was no longer mysterious to him.

After suppressing all kinds of thoughts, Meng Zhao finally asked what Zhu Guangxi and the others had been waiting for.

"So, what exactly do you want to do by bringing me here?"

Zhu Guangxi's eyes flickered, his mouth opened wide, and he said without any politeness,

"We hope you can send the three of us out of Nan'an County, at least to ensure that we won't be caught."

Unsurprisingly, if he hadn't been desperate, shopkeeper Qian probably wouldn't have come to Meng Zhao with licking his face.

After all, Zhu Guangxi was the one who almost sent Meng Zhao to meet the King of Hell.

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