Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1978 Imagination on Marriage (Please subscribe)

It seems that the Shen family and the Meng family have no chance of reaching cooperation and alliance.

For example, the Beitang royal family and the Li family used to win over their Shen family through marriage.

As long as the supreme genius of the Shen family marries the daughter of a certain power, at least the two parties will have a medium and bridge for mutual cooperation. Since they will get married sooner or later, why not choose a more suitable person, and other What is the more suitable force behind it?

After thinking for a moment, Shen Yuhu's eyes burned brightly and he suddenly said,

"Hongguang, do you still remember that when Tianci returned from the north, he not only mentioned Meng Zhao, but also Meng Zhao's younger sister, Meng Jizu's daughter, Meng Rong?"

Although Shen Hongguang is relatively slow on some issues due to his personal tendency, he is also very sharp in some aspects. He was silent for a moment and replied,

"I remember that when Tianci met Meng Zhao and Meng Rong in Nan'an City, he naturally admired Meng Zhao quite a bit. Meng Rong also mentioned it many times and seemed to have a good impression, praising him for his innocence, purity and cuteness. , I feel relaxed and happy when I see it.

Dad, do you mean to marry Tianci and the Meng family? "

A small family still has hope to change their destiny through marriage and transcend their own class.

Sugar daddy or rich woman are all an extension of this.

The wealthy families in China in this world naturally attach great importance to this aspect. If they have a good in-law, it can bring huge help to both parties.

The Meng family is one of the experts in marriage alliances. After Meng Shentong was granted the title of Nan'anbo, he gradually evolved from a bandit to a force that now dominates half of Jizhou. The marriage has played a huge role, and the relationship is intricate. The potential impact is staggering.

Shen Hongguang also understood Shen Yuhu's thoughts. Since his Qilin'er was going to get married sooner or later, why not choose the one who was most beneficial to the Shen family and had the most prospects?

In the past, although the Meng family had a good reputation, it was still more than one level behind the Shen family.

However, now that Meng Zhao has emerged and can be ranked alongside Shen Tianci, it is obvious. Based on this premise, if the two parties can join forces and marry, it will be a strong alliance, which is indeed a very good idea.

In fact, both Shen Yuhu and Shen Hongguang have been looking for a suitable woman for Shen Tianci for a long time, hoping to find a suitable family.

If the world had not been in chaos, the Beitang royal family would still be as stable as Mount Tai. They would also be willing to fulfill the rumor and let Shen Tian bestow Princess Shang, even though after becoming the consort, there would be no possibility of wielding real power.

But as long as Shen Tianci can master the martial arts of gods and demons, the so-called real power is only something he can easily get, and it is not uncommon.

Similarly, if the Li family had not united with a group of powerful forces to compete with the Beitang royal family, then the Shen family could indeed marry with the Li family and use the Shen family's Qilin son to marry the jewel left behind by the Li family's royal lineage.

Unfortunately, even if it ends in a fight, it will be difficult to maintain its prosperity, and the Shen family does not want to be implicated.

In this way, the Beitang royal family, the Li family and related forces similar to the Li family are not considered good people after all. If they are really related to Shen Tianci by marriage, it is really difficult to predict what the future will be like.

The Meng family is actually not a good choice, because judging from Meng Zhao's behavior, he is not a peaceful person. He is afraid that he is ambitious and may be another source of trouble like the Li family.

But unlike the Li family, the Li family relies on its past heritage, the so-called royal lineage and reputation, and its alliances. As a leader, it is likely that both sides will suffer losses with the Beitang royal family.

The Meng family is different. The Meng family relies on Meng Zhao, the supreme genius who is most promising to reach the realm of gods and demons in the world, and is somewhat similar to the Shen family.

Moreover, the Meng family was powerful, and although Meng Zhao was ambitious, he did not take action after all. Even if the royal family was afraid, they would not dare to force him to rebel without any reason.

Therefore, the Meng family with Meng Zhao's presence has become a consideration for Shen Yuhu.

Of course, there is also a little bit of selfishness.

Shen Yuhu has a slight hobby of collecting. At that time, Nan Shen was a member of the Shen family and his grandson. If he could take Beimeng into his hands and become in-laws, he would laugh out of his dreams.

In comparison, Shen Hongguang considered it more as a father, saying,

"Then Meng Rong's mother is the legitimate daughter of the Kong family. She has noble blood, and is about the same age as Tiansheng. She is unparalleled in beauty and stunningly beautiful. She is worthy of my Qilin'er."

"Moreover, if Tianci has no fate with Meng Rong, we Shen family also has many daughters, so we can choose one to marry Meng Zhao.

It's just that although this boy is extremely talented in martial arts and has unparalleled cultivation, he is somewhat unafraid of women, which is a flaw. "

Shen Yuhu's eyes were full of coldness at this time. For him, the men of the Shen family could help Tianci take charge of the Shen family and share his worries, while the women would naturally serve as marriage partners to win over allies for the Shen family.

If Tianci had no fate with Meng Rong, he could choose a girl from the Shen family to marry Meng Zhao.

Of course, a woman from the Shen family would not be a concubine, only a wife.

Shen Hongguang shook his head, not very optimistic about his father's idea, and said,

"This Meng Zhao is very thoughtful in his actions. He has many beauties even before he gets married. As far as I know, these women are either people close to him and serving him, or they have outstanding abilities, outstanding martial arts, or have family influence. As a backer.

I am afraid that he is not really obsessed with women, but is using the power of this in-law to do his best to strengthen his own power.

Without the help of his in-laws, he might not be able to dominate Lingwu City and cover the sky with one hand.

Therefore, his in-laws may help him, but they may not help him. It may be a losing deal. "

Marriage is not a panacea. Some people rely on the women of the family to seize the foundation of the in-laws and strengthen their own families. Of course, there are also those who never return. The women in turn empty the family and help the husband's family.

This corresponds to a game process. Men suppress women, or women beat men. There is no absolute winner.

But it also shows that it does not mean that finding a good son-in-law will definitely get positive feedback. It is not impossible to be backlashed.

"Haha, that's why I like him and admire him!

For a man, love can't accomplish anything big, but if you can turn the so-called love into information for your own progress, it's pretty good.

It's a pity that Tianci, alas! "

Speaking of Shen Tianci, Shen Yuhu couldn't help but love and sigh. This grandson was good in every way, except for one thing, too simple and too detached from the world.

If he could have half of Meng Zhao's ambition and skills, his Shen family would do their best to help him.

Humph, the Supreme Lord, ruling over Shenzhou, their Shen family's ancestor was also one of the heroes fighting for supremacy.

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