Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 111: Blushing and warning (please subscribe)

After the song ended and everyone dispersed, Meng Zhao, Meng Chuan, Meng Rong and others returned to the Meng Mansion chatting and laughing.

Before he could calm down the excitement and excitement today, Meng Jizu sent someone to call him to a garden in the Beiyuan of the mansion...

Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao were sitting in an octagonal bluestone pavilion playing Go. The black and white stones on the chessboard were so indistinguishable.

There is a post every five steps and a sentry every ten steps outside. They are guarded by big men in black and wearing swords. Their expressions are solemn and they are heavily guarded.

Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan stood cautiously outside the pavilion, with their hands hanging on their sides, their heads lowered, waiting patiently.

As a daughter, Meng Rong had so many scruples that she ran directly into the pavilion to act like a baby, which made Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao feel helpless.

Meng Jizu threw away the chess piece in his hand, raised his thick hand, and patted Meng Rong's little head gently.

"You little devil, you know how to act coquettishly to me, but only once and not again and again.

Forget it this time, next time you go out, you must bring the experts arranged by your mother, and you must not leave their sight at all. Do you understand? "

Meng Rong rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, wrinkled her nose, and hummed,

"I don't, those people are so boring, they follow me no matter what I do, and they don't have any freedom at all.

Unlike today, I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Meng Jizu's face gloomy, spitting out his lilac tongue, and did not dare to speak any more.

Meng Hongdao gently pressed a chess piece aside and smoothed things over.

"Rong'er, please don't make your father angry and listen to him.

Once you get through this period, you don't have to worry so much. After all, it's a troubled time now.

You must also know very well what happened at the party you attended today.

Some people will spare no effort to attack our Meng family, so we must not let others take advantage of them.

If you make a mistake, your father will definitely be in a state of confusion and be held hostage by others, do you understand? "

Although Meng Rong was a bit willful at times, most of the time, she was still very obedient and obedient. In addition, Meng Hongdao spoke so straightforwardly, so she naturally did not dare to cause trouble and hummed softly.

This made Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao breathe a sigh of relief. Meng Rong had mediocre martial arts, shallow cultivation, and a rather special status. If she was kidnapped, it would most likely cause a fatal blow to the Meng family, so she had to guard against it.

After sending Meng Rong away, Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao lost interest in continuing to play chess.

Meng Hongdao waved his hand towards the two of them, called Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan into the pavilion, and faced each other in silence.

For a long time, no one of the four people under the pavilion spoke.

In the end, Meng Jizu looked at Meng Zhao with a complicated expression, sighed, and said,

"Do you two know why you were called here?"

Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan briefly communicated with their eyes. Meng Zhao took a step forward, slightly bent his body, and said,

"Back to uncle, my nephew knows that it must be because today my fifth brother and Rong'er went to attend Miss Xi's party, and there was a lot of trouble.

It's just that whether he attended the party or what happened during the process, it was all the nephew's fault and had nothing to do with the fifth brother. The uncle and third uncle should not blame him. "

Meng Zhao's way of caring for his younger brother and having the courage to take responsibility is actually shaping a character.

It is better than those who blame others, blame others and abuse others when something goes wrong, and they show their maturity.

Besides, this matter was not a big deal, and Meng Zhao did not think that Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao would punish them.

Meng Jizu shook his head and sighed,

“It’s true that I called you here because of this matter, but it’s not to punish you.

In fact, you did very well, even better than your third uncle and I expected.

You gave the Meng family a sigh of relief, gained a face, and didn't lose the reputation of your ancestors. That's good. "

The county is very large, with a population of hundreds of thousands, but it is also very small for a power like the Meng family.

As long as they thought about it, they could not hide any disturbance in the city from Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao.

Therefore, the outside world may still be unaware of what happened in the garden square, but they clearly know every detail.

Meng Zhao's battle with Shi Siming avenged the Meng family's humiliation and earned Shen Tianci's praise and an innate invitation to fight. His potential is limitless.

All these things are a matter of great honor. If they are punished like this, the Meng family will be close to destruction.

However, merit is merit, and what needs to be said must be said, Meng Jizu continued,

"Even so, I'm still worried about you two brothers, you are too strong and too impulsive.

Since you saw Shi Siming coming with people from the Sun family, why not find an opportunity to slip away and give others a chance to make trouble?

Also, you have won this time and you have retreated safely. Have you ever thought about what kind of situation you will face if you lose?

I still say the same thing, whatever you do in the future, you must think twice before doing anything rashly. "

Meng Zhao nodded repeatedly, pretending to accept the instruction humbly, while Meng Chuan had an angry look on his face and disagreed with what Meng Jizu said.

Meng Jizu was mature and prudent in his words, taking one step and looking at three steps. Although he thought carefully, he also lacked momentum.

If it is true as he said, it may be able to preserve its own integrity, but it will definitely cause the Meng family's reputation to decline further.

He fled without a fight and didn't even have the courage to face the enemy. How could he be rated highly by the outside world?

It can only be said that their thoughts and personalities are incompatible with the vigorous and energetic Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan who are in their middle years. What they seek is stability, while Meng Zhao and Meng Zhao seek clarity of thought.

Of course, if broken down, Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan are very different.

Meng Chuan is a passionate young man in the true sense, with simple emotions and impulsive temperament. He sometimes does things in a daze, all because of his passion.

Meng Zhao's real character is somewhat similar to the calmness expected by Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao, but with a little more gambling and utilitarian nature.

For him, high risk, high reward.

When the benefits are big enough and you are certain, you will have the courage to give it a try.

Of course, this kind of gambling is sometimes a good thing and can achieve great things.

Sometimes it can turn into bad things, heaven and hell, maybe in just a thought.

What Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao hope is that Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan can be more stable.

It can be said that Meng Jizu and Meng Hongdao cultivated and trained Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan as the future helmsmen of the Meng family, in order to make them the kind of mainstays and pillars of the family that they hoped for.

In fact, this is easy to understand. According to their assumptions, in the future, the Meng family will be a family head with multiple brothers assisting them.

Although the head of the family must be wise, wise, strategic and far-sighted, the brothers who assist him must also give the head of the family a certain amount of help.

Naturally, children who can stand alone and focus on the overall situation are more in line with their expectations.

It's a pity that currently, although Meng Zhao and Meng Chuan are excellent, his outstanding personal abilities are not enough to shoulder such an important task.

Moreover, Meng Zhao has the potential to be wise and decisive, and judging from his victory over Shi Siming, his scheming skills are also deep.

However, such a person is suitable to be the head of the family, not an assistant. Otherwise, two tigers in one mountain will definitely be incompatible.

This is also what Meng Jizu is worried about.

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