At the same time, a radar somewhere in the military station in Hangzhou rang wildly, and a piercing alarm sounded throughout the room!

The originally calm room was suddenly awakened by the piercing sound of the alarm. Someone stood up in shock and exclaimed, and the chairs fell to the ground:

"There's a missile in the air!"

"There's a missile in the sky!"

"Where did the missile come from?"

Suddenly, the military station that had been peaceful just now suddenly became noisy. As the sound was transmitted, noisy voices and hurried footsteps gradually spread throughout the entire station.

In the military area, countless leaders who had fallen asleep or rested one after another got up from their sleep and rushed over with their clothes on:

"The location is at the southeastern foothills of Tianmu Mountain!"

"What is this place?"

"Is it a task deployed by our military region?"

"Attention all departments, attention to all departments!"

The noisy voice suddenly resounded throughout the military area. Everyone was busy monitoring and observing the missile situation. At the same time, all the action teams woke up from their sleep and began to gather in the open space, fully armed and ready to attack!

"Where is this going?"

Just as everyone was nervously watching the missile taking off, someone looked at the trajectory of the missile and suddenly made a sound of surprise.

Because the missile was not heading towards them, but towards a mountainous area in Tianmu Mountain.

"What is this place?"

Someone made a confused sound, and everyone looked at each other blankly, with doubtful looks in their eyes.

Because many people don’t know the location.

Someone asked with a worried look:

"Did you shoot down the missile?"


Before the leader could finish his words, a deafening thunder roared from the distance between heaven and earth!

"Boom, snap!"

The sky and the earth instantly flashed with a dazzling electric light, making everyone unable to open their eyes!

Then everyone saw countless thunder snakes swimming under the night in the distance, and the entire night was reflected in a purple ocean!

The purple ocean kept rolling, and amazing energy was brewing in it. Then, a violent thunder crashed down!


A deafening roar came from the night in the distance. The dark night suddenly became bright as day, and the missiles that took off were directly blasted by thunder!

The flickering light of the fire even illuminated the entire city of Hangzhou.

Everyone in the military area who had been watching this place quickly ran out of the house in shock, raised their heads, and looked at the dazzling night sky in the distance with shocked expressions.


"This is......?"

Some people swallowed and looked shocked.

Everyone's eyes were a little dull, staring at the night in the distance and the gradually disappearing Razer!

Even though many of the people present had experienced many battlefields and had seen many shocking scenes, they were still deeply shocked by the shocking scene in the night in the distance, and their limbs were frozen in place.

In the Taiyi Biological Station, Lu Shun also looked up at the night with a dull expression.

Naturally, he couldn't see the astonishing scene just now in the night, as the dome above his head blocked his view.

But he could hear it clearly.

Hear the deafening roar above your head!

The sound was like the heaven and earth exploding, and Lu Shun could even clearly feel the slight tremor in the base just now!

This is the aftermath of the bomb explosion!

Just listening to the roar and aftermath, you can know how amazing and terrifying the explosion was!

And Lu Shun clearly remembered that the time from the launch of the missile to the successful bombing was only ten seconds!

Now, time has passed.

But the base is still intact, and they are still standing in the base unharmed!

"what's the situation?"

Lu Shun's thoughts were rolling in horror!


Lu Shun swallowed, his dull eyes retracted, and he looked at Pei Jun in front of him with a solemn and even frightened expression.

If he had read correctly just now, he saw Pei Jun raising his arm and waving!

Just now, he was surprised why the person in front of him raised his arm and waved, and there were no casualties in the base!

Thinking of this, Lu Shun trembled all over and took a breath of air!

With a wave of his arm, he eliminated the missiles roaring in the distance and made the missiles explode in the night. What kind of method was this!

This is simply an inhumane method!

Who is the person in front of me!

"Who the hell are you!"

Lu Shun asked this question again, his voice trembling and weaker than at the beginning.

Pei Jun smiled softly.

The thunder just now was naturally caused by him. Now that his consciousness could cover the entire station square, Lu Shun's movements could not be hidden from his sight.

The missiles roaring from a distance also entered his consciousness instantly, so without any hesitation, Pei Jun directly activated his innate magical power, Yu Lei!

Raise your hand and wave, thunder appears!

This is the power of the thunder-controlling magical power that he has mastered, able to control the Nine Heavens Thunder that people fear in their eyes!

Even use it for your own use!

When his strength reaches a certain level, he may even be able to bring the God of Thunder to the world!

Of course, the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is so terrifying that even Pei Jun’s current strength does not dare to be overstated. The consumption of spiritual energy is like a long river flowing!

When Pei Jun exhausted half of the spiritual energy in his body, a terrifying thunderbolt from the sky struck directly in the night, exploding the roaring missiles.

This is the shocking scene that everyone in the military region saw just now.

Pei Jun smiled, then continued to move forward with the long knife dripping blood, and said at the same time:

"Who am I?"

After a pause, he took a step forward and raised his knife:

"The person who wants your life!"

In an instant, a figure like a ghost appeared in front of Lu Shun. He no longer gave Lu Shun a chance to speak, and a cold light flashed in his hand!

Bloody light shot into the sky!

Lu Shun looked horrified, with Pei Jun's ghostly figure reflected in his pupils. He covered his neck with blood that was constantly spurting out, and made a choking sound from his mouth.

Then he fell to the ground hard!

Several people behind him fired wildly in fear, but the bullets only hit the ghostly afterimages. The afterimages dissipated, and Pei Jun had already appeared next to them!

Cold light flickered, and corpses fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, except for Pei Jun, there was no one standing in the entire square, only corpses lying on the ground.

After Pei Jun finished cleaning up the people, he swept his consciousness and instantly found the room where countless researchers were hiding and where ancient artifacts were collected.

Step forward.

The hard and tall door tightly blocked the passage to the room. Pei Jun stood outside the door and said in a cold and calm voice:

"Open the door."

"Otherwise, everyone will die."

The calm voice was instantly transmitted into the room through the surveillance outside the door. Countless researchers hiding in the room shuddered and looked at each other with pale faces!

Looks horrified!

They had clearly seen the killing in the square just now, so they naturally knew how terrifying this murderous god was!

"Should we open the door?"

Someone swallowed and said with a horrified look.

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