The next moment, he appeared in the Buddhist hall where several Buddha statues were enshrined.

It's just that this place is deserted, as if no one has ever been here.

He frowned, raised his hand, and the scene of Zhuo Qing Daozu killing the black robe and the giant scorpion was replayed.

This is his unique technique, called spatial playback.

It can communicate the potential energy of this area for a short period of time through surrounding objects, thereby replaying the previous scene.

However, this technique has a hard requirement, that is, this space has never been destroyed. If even the traces of the existence of the space are erased, then no matter how he casts the spell, he will not be able to restore the previous scene. come out.

At the end of the picture, he even saw Daozu Bo Qing shaking off the Tongtian Cult Leader and giving the middle finger to the sky.

He understood instantly.

This was done intentionally by Daozu Daoqing. He deliberately did not destroy everything here in order to let himself, or King Burning Heaven, see everything in front of him.

Taozu Boqing, Taozu Boqing, you are too arrogant!

He sneered, raised his hand, and instantly ejected two black lights, and the figure disappeared again.

This time, he went to find King Burning Heaven.

However, at this moment, in the western mortal realm, the real leader of Tongtian, disguised by the Jade Emperor, is pretending to be the guide boy of Wutian Buddha together with the Black Lotus Holy Envoy, constantly guiding the mortal world. A group of strong believers were selected and became disciples of Western Buddhism.

When the third group of believers were introduced to become Buddhist disciples and rolled up into the air, two black lights turned into two messages and penetrated directly into their minds.

Upon hearing the news from Wutian Buddha, the expressions of Master Tongtian and Holy Envoy Black Lotus changed!

Such a big thing happened?! The black-robed protector/fa and the giant scorpion protector/fa were killed by Daozu Daoqing! This matter is too big. We can't stay here anymore. We have to go back to check the situation. ! said the Black Lotus Holy Envoy.

Leader Tongtian nodded repeatedly. He also knew that this matter was not trivial, and it was indeed not appropriate to continue operating it at the moment.

Then go back quickly! Put the reception aside first!

The two communicated clearly in an instant, and then hastily handled the matters here. After placing the newly recruited disciples in the outer hall of Lingshan, they hurried to the palace of King Burning Heaven.

Right now, this matter must be understood as soon as possible.

This Taoist ancestor is so brave! At such a critical moment, he dared to break into our Western Holy Land alone. He is really impatient!

King Burning Heaven had already learned what had just happened, and suddenly slapped the table with his palm, and immediately, the table turned into powder!

This incident really made him too angry!

This Buddha feels that this person's behavior is strange. It is very possible that he does more than just kill black robes and giant scorpions.

On the contrary, I think this is a cover for him to do other things. Buddha Wutian is very smart. He was a little angry before, but when he thought of what Daozu Daoqing did in the mythical world, he suddenly calmed down.

From ancient times to the present, since Dao Qing Dao Ancestor has been strong and powerful, every thing he does and every action he takes has a very strong purpose and will never be done haphazardly.

If this matter is applied to the thinking of Daozu Boqing, this matter is really what happened.

Then what on earth will this Ao Qing Dao Ancestor do?! This guy is so infuriating! He actually directly appropriated the identity of this leader! If the Holy Envoy of Black Lotus hadn't been by my side to guide the mortal believers, I'm afraid now , this leader has become a chess piece and a dead soul under the layout of Dao Qing Daozu|!

Everyone nodded repeatedly, but if you think about it carefully, what is the purpose of this Taoist ancestor?

Is he going to start the Journey to the West in advance?

If this is the case, then what kind of method will be most beneficial to him——

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

In a short period of time, they could not imagine that the thinking of Zhuo Qing Daozu would lead to the black men somewhere.

However, right now.

The far west of the Western world, on the banks of the Black River.

Daozu Boqing looked at this extremely dark river and smiled strangely.

Then, jump down suddenly!

The Temple of Death in the Western Realm, next, let’s return to our Taoist ancestors!

The first one will be killed in chaos!

Western realm.

Chaos and Qiongqi are now separated, and they are doing different things respectively, because they are both strong men of quasi-heavenly way. Although they are not as powerful as Wutian Buddha, in the end, they are still quasi-heavenly way. The strong one.

And right now, while Black Robe and Giant Scorpion are still alive, they don't have many quasi-Tiandao experts to use.

Therefore, some secret layouts can only be operated by them.

At present, Chaos has already gone through the arrangements of King Burning Heaven and Buddha Wutian, and is maintaining the operation of the Netherworld in the Western Realm in the Temple of Death in the mysterious Black River.

Since its establishment, the Death God Hall has housed five Death God elders, three Death God attendants, and one Death God assistant.

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