The dragon's spine was originally more than ten thousand feet long. Once it was put into it, it was as big as an arm and shrank in an instant. Immediately, it was quickly refined together with the auras.

Before refining, Nao Qing had read the relevant books on refining merit magic weapons. By doing this, he would definitely be able to refine a supreme magic weapon!

While he was thinking, Tai Yiding started to shake crazily, showing a terrifying scorching aura, and began to refine everything!

Chapter 211 The evolution of Taiyiding? ! Use heaven and earth as a furnace!

It is worthy of being the Taiyi Cauldron. After being refined, the entire giant cauldron expanded from the size of a human body to the size of a house in just a few breaths.

Soon, a scorching flame was ignited under the Taiyi giant cauldron the size of a house, and it began to burn and refine together.

Soon, a pleasant reminder sounded in Bo Qing's ears:

Congratulations! Your Taiyi Cauldron has started refining!

Refining progress: 0.1%!

Even from the side, Nao Qing could clearly feel the terrifying high temperature emanating from this giant cauldron, the terrifying energy that compressed the essence.

I remember that Guang Chengzi, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, refined half of Buzhou Mountain and spent seven or forty-nine days to refine the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Fantian Seal.

Looking at the refining progress, Bao Qing also knew in his heart that once the magic weapon was refined, it would take at least a longer period of time.

However, even though Ye Fenjiu is about to be licked, it is actually a magic weapon of merit that belongs exclusively to him, and it will definitely help him a lot in the future. The only thing that makes Bao Qing look forward to it is what kind of magic weapon he has refined. magic weapon.

And just as he was thinking, the system's pleasant voice suddenly echoed slowly:

It has been detected that your Taiyi Cauldron can evolve. You can allocate 20 evolution points for evolution. After evolution, Taiyi Cauldron will evolve into the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Cauldron.

After evolving into the Heaven and Earth Universe Cauldron, the heaven and earth will be used as furnaces, and the sun and moon will be used as furnace fires to refine even more powerful magic weapons of merit!

As soon as the sweet voice sounded, Yao Qing was stunned for a moment, and then turned to joy. He didn't expect that the Taiyi Cauldron, which was used to refine the magic weapon of merit and virtue, could actually evolve, and it seemed that the magic weapon he refined was better than the one he had refined before. Much stronger!

Combined with the previously evolved magic weapons, Yao Qing immediately chose yes without hesitation!

As soon as he finished speaking, a pleasant reminder sounded:

Congratulations! 20 evolution points have been allocated to evolve Tai Yiding!

The Taiyi Cauldron is about to evolve into the Heaven and Earth Universe Cauldron. This Heaven and Earth Universe Cauldron will use the heaven and earth as the furnace, the sun and the moon as the fire, to refine more powerful magic weapons of merit!

Hearing this prompt, Yao Qing was extremely excited.

Immediately, in his surprised eyes, he saw that the Taiyi giant cauldron, which was only the size of a house a moment ago, had quickly grown in size. In just a few breaths, it was as huge as the sky and the earth, and it had been The sun hanging in the sky became even hotter, with blazing flames.

As for the things in the giant cauldron, the moment the giant cauldron grew larger, they also dissipated into the world, as if they had never existed.

This, this is...

This scene made Nao Qing slightly stunned. If it weren't for the pleasant sound that kept reminding him of the progress of the refining, he would have felt that he had been cheated.

But soon, Bao Qing also noticed that after it evolved into the Heaven and Earth Universe Cauldron, the effect was really different. The three fortunes he had just added to it, the fortunes of Tongtian Cult Master, the fortunes of Yuanshi Tianzun and the fortunes of Zulong, turned out to be It has condensed into substance and formed a dragon shape. As for the dragon bone he threw in, it also quietly took shape under the mysterious power.

Seeing this, Yao Qing suddenly came to his senses. This most powerful fire was no other fire, it was the sun and the moon!

The greatest furnace is no other furnace, but heaven and earth!

Only the magic weapon of merit refined with the sun, moon, heaven and earth is the most powerful and has unique power!

And while the Heaven and Earth Universe Cauldron was being refined, Bo Qing had no time to spare. While standing guard, he began to study the spells left by the former Plague God Lu Yue.

This talisman method had a profound influence on the Taoist priests of later generations, such as exorcising ghosts, reviving corpses, and eliminating demons. Some Shushan disciples also learned their Taoist skills from these talisman methods.

It can be regarded as the most authentic spell method.

After a brief study, Bao Qing was surprised to find that this spell method was more like a way to make weapons and magic weapons stronger by carving small magic circles.

Almost in an instant, Yao Qing learned several of the most basic Five Elements spells, namely the wind spell, the water spell, the fire spell, the thunder spell, and the earth spell.

Although these spells are simple, the improvement effects are also crude, such as the Wind Spell: Increase the attack speed of the weapon used by 200%;

Fire Spell: Increases the fire damage of the weapon used by 200%.

After simply learning the basic spells, Bao Qing made a breakthrough into more advanced spells.

It has to be said that with his current ability, learning any spells and talismans is almost instantaneous. In just a few breaths, Ao Qing learned the most powerful talismans and deduced them to perfection. .

These talisman methods are respectively: the Qiankun Curse to Subdue Demons, the Curse to Subdue Dragons and Tigers, the Great Luo Vajra Curse, and the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Curse.

Don’t underestimate these talismans. The Qiankun Demon Subduing Curse alone has unparalleled properties: this talisman can be added to a weapon, which can increase the damage of the weapon by 200% and increase the damage to demons and ghosts by 100%.

Daluo Golden Curse: This talisman can be added to the armor. Once this curse is added, it cannot be destroyed except by the Daluo Golden Immortal!

Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Spell: It can be blessed at any place. Once blessed, it will have the effect of suppressing everything and can reduce the damage of all creatures within one kilometer by 50%!

Just looking at the properties of these talismans, one can tell how incredible they are.

No wonder the Plague God Lu Yue was able to defeat the disciples of the Chan Sect with just some rubbish magic weapons.

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