Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 326: self protection

The result is still very clear, even if the person who gets the candy behaves naturally, the other losers will tacitly separate him out.

Hey, if he gets his 'killing authority', can the 'candy' in his hand be snatched?

However, the winner, Aldridge, had some impressions. When reading the information of the people around him, the Ring of God clearly indicated that he was a rank 4 Extraordinary, and except for the man in the trench coat, the rickety old man seemed to be above rank 5.

A person of rank 4 who has obtained 'candy' in the hands of several Beyonders of rank 5 or higher, the competition mechanism in the 'candy house' is probably not force.

Not using force but still killing people is much worse than pure force.

When the last man stepped out of the door, the voice sounded again:

"The first 'candy house' is closed, everyone should try to find others~"

When the voice fell, the fluorescent light of the building's house number disappeared, and the text in the light also disappeared, becoming the normal house number.

"Hey." The man who successfully obtained the candy didn't delay for a moment, his whole body suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in an instant.

The participants who were observing outside at the same time as Aldrich left one after another, but he walked towards the man in the black trench coat under the surprised eyes of some people, took out a card and said, "Let's have a card game."

There was no emotion in the eyes of the man in the trench coat, but he drew a card without hesitation.

Hmm... When this man played the first game, the card he used was blue, and he restrained red and yellow. There is a high possibility that he would not be able to play blue in this game. Aldridge could consider red or yellow.

Of course, the opponent may have more than one blue card. If the winning rate is bet on red and yellow, he will play a blue card again.

The special area was an excellent opportunity to obtain resources just now, but this man has no interest in the rest of the prey after he has obtained the qualification. If he has earned enough Kaz gold coins, he is not interested in resources, and is only interested in passing. Games' interested.

Wouldn't his number of cards be too many?

There was a lot of activity in his heart, but Aldridge made a quick decision, betting that the opponent would still play blue cards!

At the beginning of the game, the cards of the two of them floated in the air from their palms, and then turned over at the same time.

Aldridge, green.

Men in black trench coat, red!

Green was restrained by red and yellow, and Aldridge lost very simply.

Without hesitation, he raised a coin-shaped object with his right hand under the thinning black mist, and said, "Reject this time..."

Before he could finish speaking, a light flashed under his eyes, and the coin held by the tip of his right finger suddenly broke in half from the middle.


Aldrich looked at his right hand, chuckled lightly, raised his left hand again, and in the palm of his hand under the black mist, a gold Kaz coin disappeared.

As for the one on the right hand that should have been cut off, it was a fake made of black gold particles.

The man in the black trench coat gave Aldrich a deep look, said nothing, turned around and walked away.

Some people present may not understand what Aldridge is doing, but the man in the black trench coat knows it!

The competition before the 'Candy House' is a game that changes the rules. After the card game fails, the result cannot be changed, and the protection time is lost. Such a guy is staring at, and the danger that Aldridge will face is enough to threaten his life!

But here is a key point, the rules of the special space will not change the established 'hostile relationship'!

So, with no special space and still under the protection of normal rules, Aldridge wants to make the man in the black trench coat harmless and reduce the formidable competitor.

The man in the black trench coat understood this, so he blocked Aldridge's actions - anyway, he only chopped coins and not people, which was not a violation.

Of course, in addition to this purpose, Aldridge is still testing.

The man in the black trench coat did not hesitate to take action, indicating that there is a high probability that the "determined relationship" will not be changed in the competition within the "Candy House".

Aldridge turned his head, only to find that the rickety old man had not left, but was looking at him with interest.

"What a disgusting look."

So Aldrich walked over without hesitation and made an invitation to a card game.

The result this time was a draw, and the old man's face showed a very obvious expression of disappointment, and then he shook his head and left.

Aldridge curled his lips and muttered, "This old man is very bad!"

He suspected that the old man was misleading him!

The old man must have seen the purpose of Aldridge's actions, but he did not leave. Instead, he waited for Aldridge to come to the door to play a card game, and he deliberately leaked the expression of 'disappointment' when there was a draw.

The problem is, if Aldridge wins or draws, he achieves his goal of protecting himself, if he loses, the big deal is to pay a kaz gold to reject the result, and still be able to protect himself, the old man won't have a chance to kill Aldridge , why be disappointed?

So his actions are simply telling Aldridge that what you are doing now is completely in vain!

Aldridge knew that he might have done it on purpose, but he couldn't help but wonder, could it be possible that there will really be a 'sure relationship' in the room to change this disgusting rule?

The man in the black trench coat is also misleading him with his own behavior?

"Well... There is another possibility. Maybe each 'candy house' has different rules that have been changed. There is no such rule here, there will be other places."

Guessing the use of farts alone, Aldridge decided to observe.

But you can't stop playing card games with those who are stronger than yourself!

Exchanging a few Kaz gold coins for a chance to make yourself a little safer is a business that is completely done, and it would be too much of a joke to give up just because of doubts.

It's all a gamble.


Killer Hagens glanced casually at the mirror in the clown's Playing Taste: "How about it, do you want to 'target' him?"

"You're so ugly," the clown with a face stuck out his tongue to express his dissatisfaction. "It's reasonable for people to use the rules of the game to protect themselves. Why should I target him?"

"He's not the only smart person," Killer Hegens said casually: "When you open up more of your shabby house, there will be more and more 'smart people'. When the rules of the game become a drag, I will I can't believe you are so kind."

"Oops, this is Aiken's rules after all, I have to respect him, and it's not a shabby house, it's Aiken's Candy House!"

"Respect... what a word full of lies."

"Hahaha! You are such an interesting person!"

"Thank you for your unintentional compliment."

"Hey hey hey."

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