Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 304: Tail

Viscount Cadel is no threat to Aldrich. The 'Mysterious Holy See' works in secret, but only occasionally appears on the bright side. Would a nobleman on the bright side dare to provoke an organization with unknown strength?

Absolutely not.

But her appearance also reminded Aldridge that on the eve of Spurzi facing the war, some lurking careerists began to make moves.

When the empire is facing war, there are always some people who are more interested in infighting. If war can bring benefits, these people are not afraid of war.

Sunderland has also been in touch with Ophelie at this time, and as expected, that woman has been crazy lately...

The transaction volume of the Sapphire Chamber of Commerce has dropped sharply, and the circulation of goods has been difficult. Even the materials that Aldridge needs have to be delayed. It has to be said that this is bad news.

But it was at this time that the business of war potions became extremely easy to do.

Ophelia Arendine hoped that the previously negotiated war potion could be supplied in advance, but Aldrich did not refuse.

The war is coming, why should you care about it?

So these days, Michael and Hebrew, the two members who received the war potion mission, are also very busy. Even Johnny was 'coaxed' by Aldridge to configure a 'soft voice' for him.

Coupled with Aldrich himself, the first batch of war potions will be ready in a day or two.

After Viscount Cardel left, Aldridge took Eve back to the mysterious mansion, and found Johnny with wide-eyed eyes and potions in a temporary studio.

Aldridge teased, "Lord Scholar, you've worked hard."

"Hurry up and help," Johnny had dark circles under his eyes, and pointed to the scale beside him bluntly and said, "Help me weigh."

Aldridge laughed and ran over to help. He was at fault for this.

While putting the exact dose of ingredients into the beaker, Johnny said, "How is the situation outside?"

Aldrich shrugged and said, "I won't be able to reach here in a while. Gang Sabia's fleet has already settled in."

Johnny asked, "What about your plan to stay here for the time being?"

"The island plan was put on hold because of the war, and the stalls on Spurzy's side are quite large, and everything has to be done all over again when going to the new city." Aldridge said helplessly.

He naturally thought about leaving the city and going to the safer west, or the middle of the empire where there was a festival a few days ago and didn't feel the war at all, but the Sapphire Chamber of Commerce had not yet arrived, so Aldridge was unwilling to leave like this.

Although the headquarters of the Sapphire Chamber of Commerce is in Spurzi, she has her shadow in the market in the entire southern part of the empire. Aldrich, who is eager for channels, does not want to give up this opportunity.

Also, the closer to the war, the more despairing and helpless people are in their hearts. These are all potential members that can be cultivated.

"At least you have to leave a way back." Johnny reminded that after experiencing a lot, even a simple character like him has learned how to survive.

"Of course," Aldridge said, "I have asked the Shadow Guard to investigate."

It is impossible to withdraw completely, but it is acceptable to transfer part of the force.

"Yeah." Johnny smiled, and went on to prepare the potion again.

Aldridge helped him weigh some of the ingredients, then left the room and headed to his studio. He also had a bunch of potions waiting to be prepared.


Helen Township.

Mary's 'Gangtou vine' was hanging on the lamp stand fixed to the ceiling, panting heavily, while Iger's body on the other side was mounted on the wall on the second floor, trying hard to get up.

The action to take away Baron Ryrant and Miss Winnie went smoothly. Eagle was in charge of the paralysis, and she was in charge of arresting. The woman in the coat appeared in the hall at some point, kicked Eagle very easily, and put Mary into a hard fight again.

"The Extraordinary of the Fibo Empire!"

No matter how careless Mary was, she would never miss the identity of the other party. They had killed many soldiers of the Fibonacci Empire before, and they were at risk of being targeted.

Fortunately, the order of this woman should not be high, otherwise the two of them should have died at this time.

"Are the Beyonders of the Wagner Empire so trashy?" The woman stepped on high heels and casually jumped to the railing on the second floor and said mockingly.

It's a pity that her Wagnerian is nondescript and her pronunciation is very weird, which sounds more embarrassing than the provocation.

The Ryrant father and daughter, who were bound by the 'Gangtou vine', thought that the woman wearing the black and silver crane cloak was the enemy, but now she sounded more like a Wagnerian, and they were a little surprised.

The paralyzing effect has disappeared, except that they can't move, they don't feel any discomfort, but it is difficult to understand what these things are binding them.

"Leave those two to me." The woman lifted her left leg and opened it flexibly into a vertical 'one', her calf twisted for a while, the flesh shrank and the bones were revealed, turning into a handle Oddly shaped bone knife.

As she spoke, she had already rushed towards Mary.


At this moment, a loud noise came, the wall behind the building exploded, and a humanoid monster 3 meters high crashed in. The exposed part of the body was covered with fine dark blue scales, and some parts were bleeding.

The woman's face changed, and she immediately stepped back to avoid the gravel.

Mary breathed a sigh of relief, the person who came was the ' although she looked a bit miserable...

"Damn it." The woman frowned, this person was not killed by her companion?

After keeping up with the tail, she and the other person were divided into two parts, one was in charge of the outside and the other was in charge of the inside. Now that the people from the outside came in, you can imagine what happened to that guy.

In an instant, she had the intention of retreating, and then without hesitation, she flicked one leg, and was about to run outside.


At this moment, the door she fled to was pushed open, and a man also wearing a black and silver crane cloak appeared in front of her.

Her heart skipped a beat, and a white mist that was enough to cover her whole body spurted out from the opponent's white face, and the extremely cold temperature could be felt from a distance.

As soon as the woman gritted her teeth, she was about to jump away, but her body suddenly became numb, and several yellow arcs beat on her body, which were electromagnetic waves.

This moment of paralysis was enough, the fog rushed towards her body frantically, the extreme cold climbed up her body in an instant, and penetrated into her body, her body was frozen in a few seconds, and even her blood was affected. .

This is Xia Zuo's rank 1 ability 'Pure White Cold Current'!

The low temperature created in an instant is not as good as the "rapid cooling" of rank 0, but it makes up for his extraordinary ability to play a role at rank 0, which is equivalent to zero distance, and can cause linear law damage at a long distance.

Mundo, who said nothing, held a dark golden axe in his hand and slashed the axe in the woman's terrified eyes!

Mysterious Holy See

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