Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 296: hands-on

Although I don't want to admit that the one who can start a war with the Wagner Empire, there is a high probability that it should be the Fibo Empire!

Aldrich naturally knew about the 'Sea of ​​Whirlpools', but he wouldn't be surprised if the Fibonacci Empire found a way to cross the Sea of ​​Whirlpools - nature can often limit human beings for a while, but not for a lifetime.

What corroborates his conjecture is his past memory:

Some of the actions of the Fibo Empire in the north were too radical and of little value, such as the destruction of a small country, a plague event, and the war had not yet begun. These methods were not on the table and could not bring too much loss to the Wagner Empire.

Also, the two Beyonders who once kidnapped the gem master Ferro did not hide in the north of the empire after they succeeded, but instead ran to the port of Dorenco in the south of the empire!

Thinking about it now, the other party should know that the Fibo Empire has a plan to go south before making such an action.

Aldridge believed that what he could think of, the top executives of the empire and the church couldn't have imagined that Spurzi must have been prepared for defense.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

If the Fibo Empire wanted to open a breach from the south of the Wagner Empire and carry out a landing operation, it would have sent a large number of troops. The Spurzi army that was rushed to the battle and had insufficient training might not be able to withstand the impact of the opponent!

Even ordinary soldiers would be skeptical about the fact that the Fibo Empire hit the southern part of the empire, and the combat power can be imagined.

The biggest impact of this incident is not only in this attack, but also means that the entire coastline of the Wagner Empire will be exposed to the artillery attack range of the Fibon Empire from now on!

The Changfeng Fortress, which is located in the middle of the continent, has plummeted in its strategic significance, but the Wagner Empire can't beat it back.

Aldridge also has a heavy heart. People who have survived in peaceful times undoubtedly hate war even more, and he is no exception.

Personal safety, safety of people around you, organized activities, etc., will be greatly affected!

Thinking of this, Aldrich's forward flight speed suddenly increased by one point.

About 30 minutes later, Aldridge's moving body suddenly stopped. It was almost an instant from extremely fast to stillness. The picture was very awkward. However, Aldridge, who had turned on the 'black gold body', was not affected by any adverse effects.

During the flight, his 'spirit' had been in a state of release, but just now, his 'spirit' suddenly became disordered!

"There are extraordinary people around."

Aldrich thought silently for a second, then his body quickly retreated to a distance of a thousand meters, then fell, and with a 'thump', he went straight into the sea, and returned to the previous position from a depth of nearly 100 meters on the bottom of the sea - this is to avoid the opponent Determine your location.

The white fog can block the view at sea, and you can see more underwater at this time!

Just a few hundred meters away, there was a patch of black shadows all over the sea—that was the part of the battleship that sank underwater.

Counting it down, the number is more than 300!

Sure enough.

Aldrich's heart sank, and he felt a little numb for a while.

These warships are huge in size just from the underwater part, and the troops they carry will never be small.

Letting such a fleet attack Spurzi, once it can’t hold it, the offensive pressure Spurzi will face can be imagined. The most important thing is that this place is not far from Spurzi. Normally, it only takes half an hour. Arrived in less than an hour.

Wait, Aldridge squinted his eyes and looked at himself, the part exposed underwater doesn't seem to be made of wood!

It turned out to be an ironclad ship?

Aldrich's expression changed greatly. The Fibonacci Empire has already used steam engines in navigation, and even completed military use!

The Wagner Empire didn't even have a small car, but the Fibonacci Empire was already so much ahead.

How did they solve the power problem?

How to solve the corrosion problem of iron ships?

Aldridge didn't care about the shock, he just noticed that the propellers behind these ships and the other side's speed were faster than normal ships.

Half an hour... No, the other party might be able to see Spurzi in another 20 minutes!

Do you do it?

Aldridge hesitated.

First of all, the direct and frontal participation of the Beyonders in the war may cause the extraordinary forces of the Fibo Empire to aggressively attack, and the subsequent impact will be great.

Secondly, there are high-order Beyonders in this fleet. After all, his 'spirit' was disturbed by other people's 'spirit' just now.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Aldridge decided to do it!

He is not a hero, nor is he for the Wagner Empire, but purely for Eve, for Johnny, and for the safety of the mysterious Holy See.

If he acts as a strange Extraordinary, this is an excuse for the Fibo Empire to use Extraordinary, but he can imitate the other party's methods.

Gemini Island was slaughtered, and it would not be the extraordinary power of the Fibo Empire who did it. From the perspective of spiritual bodies, it is almost 100% sure that it was the 'Soul Sect'!

In other words, the Fibonacci Empire hit the edge.

Then, Aldrich can also use this method to use extraordinary power in the name of the 'Mysterious Holy See' - as long as the information is returned to the Wagner Empire, they will naturally come to wrestle with the Fibonacci Empire!

You should play this method first, don't say second brother.

The only problem is that the "Mysterious Holy See" will enter the official line of sight of the Wagner Empire from now on, whether it is good or bad is unknown.

Of course, as long as the features are hidden well, the possibility of exposure will not be too great.

Aldridge thought of this, and his body continued to sink under the action of 'black gold manipulation' until it reached a depth of 1,000 meters.

There was almost no light here, and the surrounding area was pitch black, but the strong water pressure did not affect the black gold Aldrich.

Aldridge consciously communicated with the Black Gold Beast, and then the Black Gold Beast began to pour out of his body, condensing its shape in front of him, and it was also unaffected.

Compared with rank 3, its body becomes larger, and it can directly convert more black gold particles!

Aldrich stroked its body and sensed its unwavering emotions. Then, when the 'spirit' moved, the black-gold beast immediately transformed into countless black-gold particles, which almost filled the area of ​​nearly 500 meters.

It wouldn't take long for the other party to notice the movement, Aldrich didn't stagnate, and immediately started "black gold vibration", not low frequency, but high frequency!

Of course, not to the extremely powerful ultra-high frequency.

The ultrasonic waves produced by such a large number of black gold particles can travel a long distance in the sea even if the wavelength is short. Aldrich does not use it to kill the enemy, but uses it to drive away the creatures in the sea.

Once he starts, his indiscriminate attack method, I am afraid that it will not be able to kill all the creatures in this sea!

I can keep a little bit of it...

Time is short, the opponent's Beyonder can definitely notice this movement, Aldrich needs to do something before the opponent finds him!

Then, the black gold particles surged up and were divided into hundreds of strands and affixed to the bottom of all the warships. Even with so many pieces, the number was still considerable.

: . :

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