Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 159: not see

The ‘Black Ring’ is actually obtained by changing the appearance of ‘Aiken’s Silver Ring’, but the activation function of ‘Aiken’s Paralyzing Poison’ is missing.


Aldrich can naturally obtain the formula of the paralyzing poison through the Ring of God, but there is a material called 'Poison Saccharomyces' in the formula that is a managed product and cannot be bought at all, so he can only give up this function.


Fortunately, the lack of two characters did not affect its storage function.


As for 'Tianluo', it was transformed from 'Magic Conch'. Aldrich changed the shape of the core cyanite, then inlaid it on the silver foil, and then treated the inner layer with 'magic glue', so that the It can be worn on the pinna without piercing the ear.


As long as the distance is not more than half of the Wagnerian Empire, it can be used to communicate.


Well, by the way, the name 'Tianluo' comes from the anime that Aldridge liked very much in his previous life.


This set is worth 3,500 kinnars.


The 30,000 jinnars that Aldridge bought from a certain family have not been used much.


Sunderland and the others have one set, and Eve is also considered a full member, so Aldridge also got one for Eve.


Although 'Tianluo' is of no use to her, she still needs a face project.


At this time, it was late at night, the little girl had already fallen asleep, and Aldridge, who had been up for a few days, was working hard and kept writing in the study.


"The prototype of the internal framework of the organization must be completed as soon as possible."


"There is also an admission test."


He has faint dark circles under his eyes, but his spirit is very high.




After Mr. Black Mamba and Michaely left, Dylan washed the teacups, placed them neatly, and quickly took a shower.


He washed very carefully.


After confirming that he was completely clean, he wiped off the water on his body and put on a tissue robe.


The inner layer of white is matched with silk and soft, and the loose black straight-leg pants are light and easy to move. When he put on the 'crane cloak' and stood in front of the mirror, an indescribable mood enveloped his body.


"This... is it really me?"


The young man in the mirror is not tall, even a little thin. His face is pale because the injury has not yet healed, but his waist is straight and his eyes are firm and powerful.


The crane cloak is noble, mysterious and elegant.


Like a nobleman of noble birth.


"It turns out that I've changed so much."


It's been less than half a year since her parents' accident, and Tina is still by her side, but she has grown from a young boy who has never been too young to what she is now.


Vaguely, Dylan remembered the words that Mr. Mentor touched the top of his head and whispered in his ear.


"I will be your 'mentor', and we will walk side by side."


Dylan's mouth curled into a smile and whispered softly.


"Yes, Mr. Tutor."




Michelle didn't take a bath. When she got home, she checked whether Tina was sleeping obediently, and then immediately put on the full set of equipment.


She looked at herself left and right, and even though her face was covered by the expressionless 'white face', she could still reveal the taste of joy.


"It's not hot at all... It looks thick, but it's cool to wear."


Michelle looked in the mirror for a long time and felt so beautiful for the first time.


"Thank you, Mr. Teacher." Michael closed his eyes and prayed sincerely, then carefully took off his clothes, folded them neatly, and put them in order.


Suddenly, a little guy rubbed his sleepy eyes and pushed the door in, and said with a milky taste, "Sister Michael, you're back..."


The little guy couldn't even open his eyes. He was wearing a cute fan pajamas, and he instantly caught Mikuri.


"Tina, why are you awake?"


She walked over in two steps and hugged Tina, just two mouthfuls, leaving a face of drool.


"I feel like my sister is back and we want to sleep together."


Tina was kissed giggling, and in turn, the two kissed back, not at all.


Michelle was so happy that she quickly said, "Let's sleep together then."




May 2, Sunday.


Sunderland and Michaely have already accepted the task and set off for the capital Brando. After a busy week, Aldrich asked Carula to take care of Eve, and came to Spurs alone to prepare for the next day's class. Remains to be used.


Since the last time he lost his body, Aldridge had lost his trust in Ms. Valysa. After he took over the course from Dean Tannweiser, Aldridge would personally confirm the preparation of the body.


Just as he was about to enter the laboratory building, a shout suddenly came from behind him.


"Lecturer Aldrich!"


Aldrich turned his head and saw that it was Andre Mende, the former male companion of the Windsor Long lecturer.


It was the first time Aldridge had seen him since the last dinner party.


Aldridge stopped his feet and politely greeted, "Professor Andre."


Andre took a few steps closer and said with a little emotion, "Long time no see."


"Yes." Aldridge was not embarrassed, and looked at the other person without a trace, with the same beard, still elegant and mature.


He asked, "What's the matter with you?"


Andre hung an unnatural smile and asked, "Have you seen Lecturer Windsor Lang recently?"


They are not over yet?


Aldridge was gossiping in his heart, but he said, "I saw you on Monday."


"Really..." Andre frowned, looking very bad.


"What's wrong?" Aldridge asked.


"That's right," Andrea gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't seen her since Wednesday, and I haven't even returned to the teachers' dormitory."


Aldrich looked at him with strange eyes, how do you know they didn't go back to the dormitory?


Andre waved his hand quickly and said, "Don't get me wrong! I live very close to her dormitory... Her room hasn't been lit for a long time."


"Like this," Aldridge pondered for a few seconds, then said, "Does Lecturer Windsor Lang have a class after Wednesday?"


"There are classes this Monday and Tuesday." Andre blurted out, obviously familiar with Windsorron's class schedule.


"Maybe not at school, but at a friend's house?"


"She doesn't have particularly close friends in Spurssi..." Andre said with a little erratic eyes, and then he gritted his teeth.


Aldridge understood in seconds, this guy is worried that the lecturer Winsor Lang has a new Although I have long thought that Andre's 'derailment' is very strange, but I really did not expect the success of this career and social status The very tall professor is unexpectedly innocent!


really interesting.


Aldrich thoughtfully and politely said, "I'm not too sure...Professor, I still have something to do, you see?"


"Oh, okay, I'm sorry." Andre nodded embarrassedly and waved goodbye.


Aldridge smiled and said 'goodbye', and then went to the underground morgue, it's more important to do business first.


"1, 2, 3..."


Aldrich confirmed the remains one by one, but after a few seconds, he stopped in front of a female body with a blank expression.





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