Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Future landlord

From the analysis of these abilities, the opponent must be better at melee combat.


It's a good way to keep a distance, but the ability to swallow is a bit troublesome, and the impact must be taken into account.


What's more troublesome is that the sneak attack is unsuccessful, and the initiative has returned to the enemy's hands again.


No way, there are people hostage...


Aldrich's eyes flickered, the black gold body opened, floated directly under the action of the black gold particles, and entered the room through the window.


Compared with when he was in Spurzi, he made more disguise on his face. Even if he was a familiar friend, it would be difficult to find his identity if he did not consciously observe carefully.


To be on the safe side, he also wore a mask on his face that only exposed his eyes.


Lawrence stood next to Sureya, chuckled as he watched him come in, and asked without worry, "Sir?"


Aldridge ignored him, but looked at Surea and found that he was still unconscious, his chest heaving.


He looked at the thin man and asked indifferently, "Why arrest him?"


"Because of you." Lawrence grinned with a playful smile.


Aldridge stared at him, waiting for his further explanation.


Lawrence said, "The future owner has just been retrieved, but the funny thing is that she has secretly contracted a 'mystery' that has no subsequent cultivation of potions..."


The future owner... the Alva family? Andrea? Has she been captured by them?


Aldrich's heart was tense. As the overlord of the land, the 'Baztan Beast' did not find any news of cultivating potions in the Beyonder market.


There are very few people who can make secrets of this kind of 'mystery', let alone experiment with potions?


"But then we found out that she is already rank 1." Lawrence put his hand on Surea's shoulder, intentionally or not, and said, "She has no resources, and went to Spurzi, which is outside our sphere of influence... I'm very curious, she Where did the potion come from?"


Aldridge vaguely understood something.


Andrea came to Spurzi not only to study medicine, but to avoid this so-called 'family', so she left suddenly and decisively.


For some reason, they needed to find Andrea... to be the so-called head of the house, so they found Surea who was stranded in Tulle.


No, maybe Sureya stayed in Thule because of them.


Using Sureya to find Andrea, but found that she had a secret bond with the Baztan beast that could not grow, and grew to rank 1.


"So," Lawrence smacked his lips and said, "We just took the attitude of trying to see if anyone would come over. After waiting for a few days, we wanted to give up. Fortunately, you came."


No wonder this guy is not nervous at all!


They used the last remaining breath of Surea and Andrea as bait, basically to find sellers and seek potion trade!


Aldridge wanted to understand everything, took a chair from the side, sat down casually, and said indifferently, "I have what you want."


Lawrence clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's comfortable to deal with smart people. What do you want?"


Aldridge put his left leg on his right, his fingers ticking on his knees, and said, "See what you can give."


This deal is threatening, and Aldridge cannot refuse.


Are you angry? Kind of, but Aldridge had more in mind.


Once Andrea doesn't have the ladder to grow, this so-called family is not sure what will happen, and he can't risk Andrea's safety.


The other party is willing to wait for a person who may not appear, instead of "tear up the ticket" directly, indicating that for them, the position of the head of the family is very important... At least it is not a last resort, and they will not be replaced casually.


Hmm... There is another possibility, the Beyonder ability of Baztanmon is terrifying, they saw the possibility!


From this point of view, Aldridge will not reject this transaction subjectively, he can create advantages for Andrea and himself!


Lawrence said casually, "As long as you have potions and rituals that exceed rank 4, we can pay 20,000 Jinnars."


The price of 20,000 ginnars is a bit inflated.


The price of rank 3 potions on the market is about 2,000 jinnars, and the rank 4 potions and rituals together are about 10,000 jinnars.


However, considering the special nature of Baztanmon and the huge possibility of growth, 20,000 Jinnar can only be said to be sincere.


"Rank 2 to 4, 30,000 jinnars." Aldridge raised his hand to stop the thin man's urge to speak, and continued, "Besides, there are a few more requests."


Aldridge is no longer a rookie who has just come to this world. How can he let the other party take control of the transaction?


The threat is weak!


Lawrence's smile disappeared a little, feeling that the other party was not easy to deal with, so he remained silent.


In such a transaction, the lion's open mouth and bargaining are an inevitable process.


Aldrich looked him in the eye and said, "First, the transaction must be completed by Andrea and Sureya in person with me."


This is to ensure the safety of Andrea and her father.


"Second, separate transactions, it is impossible to provide all the recipes at one time, the first transaction rank 2, rank 3, the second transaction rank 4, the third rank 5, and so on."


It was a bit risky for him to reveal that he had the post-rank 5 formula, but the other party didn't dare to do anything to him!


They don't know themselves well, and their cards and backgrounds are illusory. Even if they find out the person 'Aldrich Alfred', they don't dare to act rashly.


Hey... an orphan who has become a Beyonder and possesses all kinds of potion resources, how could he have no background?


"Third, open up the material trading channels of your 'family' and conduct additional material transactions at each transaction."


"Fourth, the bottom line of trading is once a year, it can be more, but it can't be less."


Aldridge finally stopped, and Lawrence had lost his smile and was expressionless.


Lawrence said coldly, "Sir's request is a bit too much."


Aldridge chuckled and said, "You don't have to trade."


Lawrence gritted his back teeth, maintained his mentality, and said, "30,000 jinnars is too What do you mean?"


Lawrence pondered, "23,000 jinnars, at most, and it also contains a potion formula of rank 1."




Now I've caught your tail...


The corners of Aldridge's mouth rose up under the mask. Once the other party relented and increased the price in this transaction, it would show that his guess was correct. Andrea's identity as the future owner of the family really cannot be changed at will!


What's more interesting is that they want the potion formula of rank 1...


Andrea knows the potion formula of rank 1, and she has three cultivation directions!


However, they still sought a deal, indicating that Andrea did not give them the potion formula, and they had no way to get it.



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