Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 114: The fog is getting thicker

When Herbert heard the movement, he rushed out of the cabin with messy hair, ran over and asked, "What's going on?"

"It suddenly became foggy." Aldridge pointed to the surroundings and said, "I remember you told me that it was foggy that time, right?"

Herbert was startled, his expression became inexplicable.

Of course he knew what Aldridge was talking about when he crashed into the ghost ship, when the old captain was killed!

"I'll wake up the captain." Herbert gritted his teeth, all kinds of pictures came to his mind.


At this time, the Zhanlang was already close to the Roman, but it was getting further and further away from Ledger behind him. It might be that the opponent's standard-bearer was sleepy, or the opponent didn't understand why.

Aldridge can't control them, it's good to be able to rely on the Roman. No matter whether the fog is natural or unnatural this time, it is undoubtedly safer to gather Beyonders together.

The captain Helena finally came out of the captain's room with red eyes and swollen eyes, with Herbert by his side.

"Mr. Aldrich, will you really encounter a ghost ship?" Helena asked seriously.

Aldridge glanced at her, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, just take precautions."

Herbert said: "The sea we are currently in should not be foggy this season."

He has spent many years at sea, and his experience with natural phenomena far exceeds that of Helena, a rookie captain.

"That means it's very likely, right?" Helena's face darkened.

Herbert nodded, his face darker than Helena's.

"Very good, huh," Helena laughed suddenly, but not at all flattering. She turned her head to look at Aldridge, her eyes cold, and said, "Mr. Aldridge, I have a new commission."

Aldridge pouted and said directly, "If it's about the ghost ship, I refuse."

"3000 jinnar!" Helena stared at him without moving her eyes, "As long as you can help me destroy it, 3000 jinnar is yours!"

Aldridge sneered in his heart, too lazy to say anything, turned his head to the other side.

"Mr. Aldrich! I just want revenge!" Helena's voice was high-pitched and harsh.

Aldrich's heart was not fluctuating, and he said calmly, "What does your desire for revenge have to do with me?"

As the granddaughter of the deceased captain, there is nothing wrong with wanting revenge, but pulling a boat full of people to take revenge is unreasonable. It is okay to work for you, but not to entrust your life to you.

Helena couldn't say anything, and Herbert was even more silent.

The Zhanlang came to the right side of the Roman, and La Masia appeared on the deck, making a questioning gesture.

Aldridge didn't care that he didn't know La Masia at all, and returned a cautious gesture.

Although the spreading fog could not be clearly seen with the naked eye, in just a few minutes, the visibility dropped a few steps. The Roman and Zhanlang were less than 20 meters apart, but in Aldridge's sight, the other party had already become hazy.

He turned his eyes to the rear, and he could barely see Ledger's ship, only a little black shadow.

"Ledger can't be so slow, what happened?"

As an old man at sea, Ledger was much more experienced than Aldridge, so he shouldn't be unresponsive in the face of the sudden fog.

Herbert walked over with a gloomy expression and said in a low voice, "The compass is out of order. You are right to be worried. It was the same last time."

"Get ready." Aldrich's brain hurts. According to Herbert's previous description, the ghost ship is like a phantom. When it passes through the hull, everything is broken and decayed.

How to prevent this kind of attack?

What Helena made Aldridge so angry about was that she didn't consider the reality at all, and she did things based on her emotions.

It doesn't matter if you do it yourself, it's disgusting to spend money to let someone else die for you, isn't it?

Once the ghost ship is really targeted, the whole ship may not be able to escape. Aldridge has already begun to consider a retreat.

I really don't know if this trip is right or wrong. I thought the trouble would be in the so-called ruins, but I didn't expect that there would be a lot of trouble before the ruins.

It was foggy and the visibility was already less than 10 meters.

Aldridge looked at the compass in Herbert's hand.

In scientific terms, the magnetic field disorder in this dense fog has infected the operation of the compass, but from the perspective of mysticism, isn't this a typical extraordinary phenomenon?

The unnaturalness of this fog verifies the possibility of danger.

"Are we in a remote location now?" Aldridge asked Herbert, not knowing how to distinguish the location at sea.

Herbert nodded affirmatively and said, "Well, we start from Spursey and head slightly eastward to the south. There are undeveloped islands here, and even three days ahead will reach the 'edge of the world'. , almost no ships will come here."

Aldridge's original intention was to analyze the law of the appearance of ghost ships from a place, but he was attracted by the "edge of the world".

He asked, "The edge of the world... what is that?"

Herbert gave him a puzzled look and explained, "It's the critical line of the world. According to legend, beyond the edge, nothing is left."

After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but say, "How could you not know, I heard that you are still a university lecturer..."

Aldridge smiled bitterly, he really didn't know.

According to normal logic, they shouldn't be on the same planet. How can there be such a saying as 'the edge of the world'?

This world is much more mysterious than Aldridge's impression, but it is difficult for him to accept the setting of 'the edge of the world' Aldridge shook his head, thinking that these are useless now, he still has to go back current situation.

"Is it far from here where the ghost ship was last encountered?" Aldrich asked again.

"It's more than a day's sea journey." Herbert answered with certainty after a moment's calculation.

This is amazing.

Let's assume that the ghost ship is wandering around in the sea. After all, there are incidents of encountering ghost ships everywhere, but what is the probability of encountering them twice?

Absolutely small!

Aldridge can finally make a very likely judgment:

All kinds of encounters and all kinds of accidents along the way, all of which are inevitable.

These seemingly accidental events must be controlled by some kind of force.

Could it be the storm goddess?

But... not to mention whether the Storm Goddess has fallen after losing her authority, let's assume that all these troubles are caused by the Storm Goddess. What is the reason?

Aldridge believes that as the victim of the curse, he was forced by the Storm Goddess to find the people of the three families and ask them to do something.

Opening the ruins may be the purpose. Aldrich even guessed that there are traces left in the ruins, such as the 'antidote' of the curse, the blood of God.

If this is the case, why did the Storm Goddess create all kinds of troubles to hinder them?

What's more, the previous few times as a god's handwriting were too "children's play".

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