Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 42: Tour the city

But after Igna explained a little, Danitz understood.

He didn't say much, but looked at the two Silver City residents beside him.

Michelle Watkins, who was on the side, and the notary also made suggestions after the initial surprise. It is believed that this can be achieved by activating the "spirit".

The City of Silver has Sequence 5 spirit wizards of the Night Path and craftsmen of Sequence 6 of the Artisan Path, so it is possible to fix the spirits that can understand human speech and record them in language on a round belly pen or quill.

"Can it be realized? That would be great!" Ignat originally only tried to propose a possibility, but he never expected it to be possible. "Then can I ask Silver City to make such a pen or quill?"

Michelle nodded, but he immediately added: "But you need to provide the ritual materials needed to make such a pen. And it is for us to entrust those residents to make it, and it also requires a certain commission fee."

"How much is it?"

Michelle thought for a while and said, "Add all the ritual materials 20. But you need to provide the pen yourself. It is best to use the commonly used one. This will help us find a more suitable and friendly spirit for you."

"You know, spirits also have temperaments and choose their masters." Michelle laughed.

So amazing, so powerful, so cheap? The world's first voice input pen is almost the same as sending a letter by a messenger!

"Deal." Igna said without hesitation.

This time he went out with a traveler's ring, so he brought a lot of assets with him. Flawless fine gems also brought a lot.

And there are craftsmen in the City of Silver, which is really a surprise.

"When can I get this voice...pen?" Ignat couldn't wait to hear that there was a chance.

"It originally required scheduling and communication, but because it is your request and it is related to spreading Mister Fool's beliefs, it may take about three days to get the finished product." Michelle said.

Ignat counted the time silently. Today is Friday, and the three days are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. It just so happened that after completing Sunday's "course" and Monday's small gathering in Silver City, I could get the voice pen and then set off for research.

"Okay, then I'll go to investigate next Tuesday." Igna didn't hesitate.

This is a very good deal.

Ignat immediately pointed out a 20-pound bill, and handed it to Michelle, as well as a fine fountain pen produced by Intis.

The divine envoy Danitz glanced at it, and then he seemed to sit up straight.

"Apart from that, do you have any other needs?" Danitz asked proactively.

Igna thought for a while and shook his head.

"Then, the meeting is over." Danitz announced. Then he looked at Michelle and the justice officer and said, "I'll give you the crafted items and research assistants to find them."

"Okay, Your Excellency." The two respectfully sent Danitz out of the room.

After watching Danitz and Judge leave, Igna looked at Michelle who hadn't left.

"Is there anything you want to ask me for?" Michelle said to Igna with a smile.

"You saw it." Igna smiled embarrassedly, he did have a ruthless request to trouble the craftsman that Michelle knew.

However, since it was a personal request, he did not ask it in front of Danitz.

"It's an honor to be able to help you," Michelle said, bending over to Ignatius.

Igna did not hesitate. After thanking Michelle, he put forward his own request: "Can you help me entrust the craftsman to make an item that can solidify the ritual of summoning spiritual creatures?" Igna said. .

"Yes." Michelle nodded, "She can solidify the ritual on spiritual materials, but she needs you to provide spiritual materials."

"Okay." Igna took out the banknotes and wrote down the ritual of summoning the messenger.

If the method of summoning Miss Messenger can be fixed, there will be no need to hold the ceremony every time.

"The messenger?" Michelle took the paper and the small cloth bag handed over by Igna, and glanced at it casually, "If the messenger is accidentally summoned during production, give him a flawless fine gem... …”

Michelle showed a surprised expression: "Is it the kind of fine gem I understand?"

That kind of thing is not common in the Rorsted Islands. To be honest, he has not seen gems a few times since he came out of the City of Silver! He once heard others say that the price of gems is not cheap! Not to mention flawless, fine gems!

Gu Igna nodded: "So, I have prepared three in advance."

"Just in case." Facing Michelle's surprised eyes, Igna smiled and blinked.

Michelle quickly understood what he meant, nodded and said, "I will hand it over to the craftsman."

"Thank you very much." Igna laughed.


After saying goodbye to Michelle, Igna walked around the city-state of the New City of Silver.

The architectural style here is generally the same as seen in the dream, but it is different.

On the whole, the architectural style of the new Silver City is still the continuation of the old silver country's architectural carving style with the color of the second era. It also retains the sturdy and practical main structure that the City of Silver has survived in the Land Abandoned by God for 2,500 years to protect the lives of residents.

The big difference is that in the new City of Silver, each house has larger windows that allow light to penetrate. In the decoration of curtains, I like to use bright and exotic colors. Coupled with the bright sunshine of Bayam, it only makes people feel that the residents here are living a bright day.

The streets outside the residential buildings are also well-designed, preserving the orderliness of the City of Silver. All roads are accessible, at least for horses and carriages. From time to time Ignatius could see patrols patrolling.

"This is probably also related to the fact that the City of Silver has faced various monsters for two thousand years. In order to provide support to the residents as quickly as possible, this kind of urban design is needed." Igna secretly guessed.

Among the city-states, the most conspicuous is the Church of the Fools in the center of the city-state, as well as the six-member council tower that doubles as a library and various administrative centers.

The architectural style of such a city-state is different from Backlund, from Bayam, and from other countries in the world.

Walking among the masonry buildings, Ignatius has the illusion of walking in history.

"No, it's not an illusion." Igna shook his head mockingly, recalling everything he had seen in his dream before, "The City of Silver is a city-state that emerged from history."

"Maybe this can be used as a gimmick to promote it as a tourist attraction." Ignatius suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Bayam is often used as a place for wealthy businessmen in Backlund. If the new City of Silver can be well packaged, then Maybe it can be the talk of the middle and upper class in Backlund.”

When he was in Backlund before, he contributed to several travel magazines. But at that time, it was mainly to introduce Backlund's food and Aalto's style and music. Now maybe I can introduce the new City of Silver in the Rorsted Islands.

"There are historic buildings and a good public security environment here," Igna thought. "It is very suitable as a 'check-in' travel destination."

"The problem is just that the residents of Silver City mainly speak the language of giants, and their bodies are relatively large. It will make people feel intimidated."

"The new City of Silver has not been built for a long time, and it is still dominated by residential buildings in the city-state. Although there are some normal humans, there are still 'half giants' in the majority. Moreover, the catering facilities for tourism are also underdeveloped. "

"But what does it matter?" Igna smiled. "You can provide VIP customization services. Make the cake first, and then consider quantifying it to make it bigger."

"The Church of Fools is in a tight financial position. If it can develop aristocratic tourism projects, it seems that it can also increase its income. It is specially designed for those high-end customers, one-to-one customization, and let them experience the 'Land of Giants' left over from history."

Igna was thinking about it when he saw such a high-end customer coming not far away.

In the New Silver City, although some ordinary people who are not giants can be seen doing business, ordinary human beings wearing half-height silk top hats and a full set of elegant gentleman's clothing are relatively Noticing this gentleman, on the one hand, because of the hot weather in Bayam, except for the gentleman of Loen who is accustomed to civilization, few indigenous people can stand this kind of dress. On the other hand, this gentleman obviously has a good education and good strength.

Facing the half-giants who came and went, he didn't feel afraid at all! Moreover, he seems to be able to converse fluently with the residents of Silver City in Giant language!

Ignat immediately became interested.

He walked towards the gentleman with bronze complexion and soft features.



Happy New Year's Eve! Congratulations!

There is an update today at 19:45.

At 20:22, there is a Spring Festival extravaganza!

I wish you all a prosperous new year!

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