Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 105: Transshipment ceremony

Igna woke up again in a peaceful silence.

This is the third time he has crossed dependence, the second time in three days, so he is also familiar with it.

He skillfully sat up and took a deep breath of the faint fragrance of sleeping flowers that filled the air, which was a familiar and peaceful smell to him.

His soul was washed clean once again, leaving no trace of dust and filth, but peace and tranquility.

This familiar feeling made it easy for him to recall the deep mass that he held two days ago.

"Praise the goddess." Ignat gently drew the stars in the middle of the night in his heart.

In this incident, the goddess of the night provided help repeatedly, and performed mass and baptism for him, a "pagan", which really showed a big mind.

Originally, when Igna first crossed into this world, he was the goddess of the night. The goddess of the night was also a spiritual destination for him.

Moreover, the more he talked to Senior Xiao Zhou, the more Igna could vaguely feel that the relationship between Evernight and Mister Fool might be closer than he had expected.

After briefly thanking and praying to the Evernight Goddess, Ignat felt his hand on the wall and touched the wall at the location in his memory. He lit it up with a light spell.

The soft lights came on, and when I looked around, it still looked like the familiar basement.

"It seems that I have become a frequent visitor to this basement." Igna smiled self-deprecatingly.

With the light of the Lighting Technique, he carefully arranged his clothes. Because he knew that not long after he woke up, there would be other guests in the basement.

Sure enough, after Igna stood up and sat by the bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock --" There was a rhythmic, restrained knock on the door.

"Please come in." Ignatius said.

As Igna's voice fell, the door was opened, and it was indeed a familiar person from Igna who walked in from the outside.

It was His Excellency Crestai Cesima with a silver-white suitcase.

"Good day, Your Excellency Sesima." Igna greeted first.

"Good day, Mr. Sherin Hill, how do you feel?" Crestima Cecima found a stool and sat in front of Igna.

"It feels good. My body and mind have never been so calm, as if my heart is full of peace and harmony." Igna laughed, "Praise the goddess, praise Mister Fool."

"You slept for two days. The 'interrogation' of those three people has ended, and they have no accomplices in Backlund." Krestai Cesima said, "This incident can be said to be temporarily behind. Curtain."

"Okay, that's great," Igna said sincerely.

At the same time, he also recalled the information given by Arrodes before, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

He said that if these people are solved, this crisis will be solved.

"But considering the far-reaching impact of this incident, there may be some residual effects." Crestai Cesima said after a pause, "Therefore, the Nighthawks' personal protection for you will continue for three more years. moon."

"It's still up to me to protect you this week. In a week, your guardians will be replaced by squad leader Dunn Smith and his squad."

Igna was stunned, and before he could speak, Crestai Cesima added:

"You still have personal freedom. You are our hero, not our prisoner, so if you have a private matter to deal with, you can apply to us in advance. We will not stop it." Crestai Cesima said, "Pie Human protection is to ensure your safety. You saved Backlund, and we do not want heroes to die inexplicably. We are a partnership, not an opposition, and I hope you can understand.”

This is really a very human consideration. Ignatius never imagined that he would still be treated like this.

"Of course I understand." Igna nodded quickly, "Thank you very much for your help."

"If you have any needs, you can also tell us." Christie Cecima said, "The church highly recognizes your contribution, so we will try our best to help during this time."

Christie Cecima Road. His voice was rigorous and serious, but not condescending at all. I don't know if it's a Sequence feature, even if it's Sequence 4, Igna doesn't feel scared when standing in front of him, just feels calm and soft inside.

So after hearing Sesima's words, he immediately chose to believe it.

"Thank you for the church's affirmation. But I don't need it for the time being." Igna smiled and replied.

"But there are only two small things I want to apply to you. I am a little hungry and need some bread. Also, I also need free time. Please give me 24 hours of personal time from now on, will you?"

He still has a lot to deal with.

In fact, just after the three intruders were killed the night before. His astrologer potion was completely digested.

Just as Senior Xiao Zhou expected. This event started because of astrology, and ended in perfection when astrology was disturbed. It perfectly fits the qualities that an astrologer should have.

Fate can be glimpsed, but not limited by fate.

Therefore, Igna now needs to prepare for the promotion of Apprentice Sequence 6. However, such preparations obviously cannot be done in front of the Nighthawks.

"Okay. The bread will be delivered to you later." Crestai Cesima said. He opened his pocket watch and showed the time to Igna, "It is now three in the morning on the night of May 3rd. According to your request, at twelve midnight tomorrow, someone will start a vigil for you."

"Okay." Igna expressed thanks again, "Thank you very much, His Excellency Crestai Cesima."


After sending off Crestai Cesima, Igna did not leave the room immediately.

Instead, he waited in the room for a while. He didn't move until he got a Dixie pie, a pizza, an Intis baguette, and a cup of sweet iced tea from the night watchman.

After adjusting his breath a few times, he stood up again, took out the silver dagger he carried with him, and created a sealed spiritual wall in the basement.

He intends to perform the transshipment ritual taught by Senior Xiao Zhou here to avoid the gaze of the "contaminated moon".

Carrying out the ceremony within the influence of the Church of the Evernight Goddess was suggested by Senior Xiao Zhou.

He said that the ceremony could be completed under the blessing of the Evernight Goddess after the deep mass of the Church of the Evernight Goddess. The goddess doesn't mind that. And completing it at the Church of the Evernight Goddess also has other meanings.

Igna blinked at the time, and some wanted to ask why.

But Shou Zhou Mingrui did not mean to explain.

Igna didn't ask any more questions.

He just needs to do as Senior Xiao Zhou said.

Igna took out the food provided by the night watchman and placed it in the four corners of the room.

He took a deep breath, came to the center of the room, calmed for a few minutes, and then took a dignified step, taking a square counterclockwise.

Taking the first step, he chanted in a low voice, "Fusheng Xuanhuang Immortal Venerable."

In the second step, he sincerely and silently recited: "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianjun."

In the third step, he held his breath and whispered: "Fusheng Xuanhuang God."

In the fourth step, he exhaled the turbid air, and said silently: "Blessed is the Xuanhuang Tianzun."

After returning to his place, Igna closed his eyes and waited for the result in place, feeling a little uneasy, hopeful and frightened.

Can it be effective?

Can he avoid the gaze of the "polluted moon"?

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to stop flowing, becoming extra viscous and weird.

Immediately following, sometimes fine, sometimes sharp, sometimes illusory, sometimes manic, and sometimes mad whispers sounded in his ears.

He was very familiar with these voices, and he could hear it every time he recited Mr. Fool's honorable name in the past, and when he saw Senior Xiao Zhou through the gray fog.

But this time, something was obviously different.

Those roars have never been so close, and there has never been so much pain in my mind and body.

He felt a very severe pain in his head, as severe as if a steel needle had just been inserted and churned in his mind. Igna only felt that his head was about to explode, and his thoughts were also dyed with psychedelic colors. There were also wisps of fine blue-black mist intermittently emerging from his body.

In the continuous Igna's whole body became more and more tense, he felt that he would collapse at any time, and he suddenly thought to himself with some self-deprecating: "The transshipment ritual provided by the gods is really not something that people can bear. of."

Just when he felt that he couldn't bear any more, the roars and murmurs in his ears receded, the surroundings became very quiet, and the atmosphere was quite erratic.

Not only the atmosphere, but Su Yuanning also felt that his body was also erratic.

He tried to open his eyes, this time very easily.

Familiar feelings and familiar scenes came into his eyes, and sure enough, he came to the gray fog.

In front of him was a familiar study built above the gray fog.

Senior Xiao Zhou's study.


The description of the transshipment ritual comes from the ritual in the fifth chapter of the first volume of "Joker".

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