Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 390: Handmade goods

When Wen Rensheng was surprised, the white vortex in charge of shipping seemed to have reached the waiting time, and something poured out from it.

It's all rubbish, scrap steel, and some broken ceramic pieces, and there are a lot of them...

Seeing those rubbish, Wen Rensheng suddenly thought of a place: Dayang Cemetery.

Thinking of the fog that gave him a familiar feeling before, needless to say, this is a new trick created by Dayang Cemetery!

After reaching this conclusion, he was completely shocked.

The Ocean Cemetery is tens of thousands of miles away. Does the other party have mastered space technology?

No, it should be done through the mysterious world, in order to handle items.

So what can these two vortexes do?

Wen Rensheng decided to continue the investigation.

At this time, the helicopter also landed on a flat ground on the top of the mountain, and three black-shirted men descended from it.

Wen Rensheng shook his head when he saw this, and knew that under such an unknown situation, those aliens would not come up in person.

They don't have puppets, but they have more useful men in black shirts, with a reserve of more than one billion, and almost unlimited manpower.

Wen Rensheng controlled the puppets, went forward to communicate with them, and then told them the preliminary information of the two vortexes.

This transaction gate is so obvious that it is impossible to keep it secret. Even if you don't say it, it will not take long for the other party to find its usefulness.

If he doesn't say it, there will likely be additional deaths, such as whether the man in the black shirt will walk in and see for himself...

After listening to the three men in black shirts, they immediately contacted the rear, and then conducted a test on the spot.

Someone threw a bill into it, and it was spit back quickly...

"This thing doesn't work?" An older man in black, who seemed to be the team leader, wondered.

The puppet man penetrated a trace of purple mist again, and the white vortex spit out a bunch of white beads again.

The white beads were thrown into the black vortex again, and the process was repeated for the three of them on the spot.

When he saw countless images appearing in the vortex, slowly spinning, the team leader of the man in black frowned and said, "There are so many things, how to choose?"

Wen Rensheng already had some idea in his mind, he controlled the puppet, and then a trace of mist came out, and he selected one of the items - a piece of wood.

The next moment, a piece of black wood with a slight aroma fell out of the vortex.

Agarwood is very valuable.

Wen Rensheng can now be sure that this thing eats mysterious power. Besides it, what else does it eat?

At this moment, the leader of the man in black seemed to think of something. He took out a sachet from his arms.

"Boss, is this what your sister-in-law made for you?" another younger man in black quipped.

"Don't be long-winded," the team leader of the man in black threw the sachet into the black vortex.

This time it really worked.

I saw a white vortex, spit out three or four crystal white beads, and it was right.

"It seems that it only eats things made by people..." The leader of the man in black pondered.

"So mysterious?" The young man in black was obviously very active, he was eager to try, and then searched from his body.

However, what made him depressed was that nothing on his body was handmade, but all industrial products.

Clothes are issued from above, weapons cannot be moved, and a few banknotes cannot be used...

Unexpectedly, in this era, there are so few things made by hand.

Probably the most is cooking.

Do you need materials to have a live barbecue?

The young black-shirted man said in distress.


At the same time, Wang Wenwen and the others, who had retreated to the middle of the mountain, began to talk about Wen Rensheng who was beside him.

"Teacher, what happened just now?"

Wen Rensheng had to repeat his discovery for the third time.

"Put in artificial, and then come out natural?" Wang Wenwen pondered, and suddenly clapped his hands, "I see, this is the prophecy Zhao Han said!"

After she finished speaking, she carried the fat doll on her back and immediately rushed up to the top of the mountain...

Sure enough, the persecution of parents is sometimes more terrifying than danger and death.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Zhao Han followed closely, she was also responsible for videotaping testimony...

"We're waiting here now?" Wu Shanshan looked at the black and white vortex on the top of the mountain, her eyes lit up.

As much as you give, you get as much.

Then the complete soul, is it also in it?

Of course, the cost of that, I am afraid it will be huge, right?

Sure enough, as long as you live, you will wait for a miracle.

A miracle is at hand.

But she didn't rush forward, this thing was on it, and soon after she came, it would be tightly sealed by the inspector and prohibited from entering and leaving.

But she is a xenogeneic and will have a chance to enter sooner or later.

This is inevitable, after all, the Shenzhou xenogeneic expert only has so many people, and it is her turn to get her.

Now all she has to do is accumulate, accumulate, accumulate.

Just as she thought, less than half an hour later, the Inspector General was notified, rows and rows of armed helicopters flew in, and there were hundreds of them.

It appears to have been rushed from a nearby military base.

Then countless black-shirted men descended from the sky, sealing the top of the mountain tightly.

Along the way, some people came down the mountain, and the whole mountain was blocked.

Of course Wen Rensheng and his party were also invited to investigate.

Wang Wenwen had come down from the top of the mountain with a happy face.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help but wonder, the other party didn't actually do anything on the top of the mountain. He just walked around and recorded a portrait, and was chased away by three men in black shirts.

Later in the investigation room, Wen Rensheng had to repeat it for the fourth time.

Fortunately, they all knew Wen Rensheng's identity, so they quickly ended the transcript and arranged a place for him to rest.

"This is the end of your business?" Wen Rensheng couldn't help but said to Wang Wenwen.

"What else? It's enough to fool my mother," Wang Wenwen said excitedly. "The effect is even better than I thought, Hanhan, your ability to predict is getting stronger and stronger. It's really good for you."

"Oh, I wish you happiness." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

Zhao Han also said excitedly: "It's all well taught by the teacher. After I went back to the ocean, I feel that I have made rapid progress."

Alas, the storm is coming, I hope they will always be this simple.

Wen Rensheng thought like this, there are some things that they don't need to think about, as long as they do some logistical work and live a life of happiness.

After the break, the group was allowed to Of course, before leaving, they had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Everyone signed and left.

Of course, those tourists are not so simple to deal with. They will be detained one by one, and they don't know when they will be able to go out.

Otherwise, people in this world don't like to travel, and they don't know when to travel.

These people are still lucky. After all, the Inspectorate is reasonable, and if it is Amelica, these people may really disappear completely and never appear in front of people again.


Three days later, Wen Rensheng was invited to the meeting again.

He expressed that his emotions were normal. It was strange that he, the first witness of such a big thing, and the mysterious expert, did not go to the meeting.

One note is not enough.

This time the level of the meeting was too high.

The location is in a conference room of the Jingshi Inspection Department.


There are only five of them at the same level as Director An of the Dongshui District Inspector General. You must know that there are only seven in Shenzhou, so there are only six.

Inspector Liu also followed. He was a bag holder, and he also served as a commentator after helping him and Director An.

"This is Director Wang, this is Director He, this is Director Xing..."

Inspector Liu introduced them one by one, Wen Rensheng stepped forward to shake hands one by one, everyone was very friendly, and there was a faint excitement in their eyes.

Obviously, the trading gate is a huge wealth, enough for everyone to eat with oil.

The person who presided over the meeting was a middle-aged lady with a good temperament and a kind face, which made people feel at ease at a glance.

"Everyone, after three days of preliminary investigation, the black and white vortex that appeared in the top of Dongyue finally came to a conclusion..."

Following the lady's words, lines of writing appeared on the big screen behind her.

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