Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 372: practice and parents

"It's really hateful, to be robbed halfway by the Sovereign Society, they are really bastards!"

On a fighter jet, Xie Yanjie said bitterly to Xie Linghui next to him.

"There are traitors." Xie Linghui said briefly.

"No, it's because our movement is too big. Anyone who pays attention to us can guess what we're doing. I really only hate to press the gold thread every year and make wedding dresses for others!" Xie Yanjie looked down at the window and seemed to be still Want to find traces of the sly parrot's escape.

"What should I do now? Losing millions of lives, but getting nothing, that earth king will not give up." Xie Linghui frowned.

"I still don't want to give up and help him deal with some rubbish, what else is he dissatisfied with?" Xie Yanjie said completely indifferent.

Xie Linghui was silent, if he hadn't been ordered to listen to the other party, he wouldn't have gotten involved in this kind of thing.

"Well, let's see," Xie Yanjie rolled his eyes and had an idea. "When I go back, I say that there are not enough sacrifices for sacrifices. It's only a little short, and let him exile 2 million people."

Xie Linghui sounded a bit harsh, but still said: "What if someone still comes to grab it?"

"This time it was me who took care of me. I thought they would wait and see for a while, but I didn't expect to make such a decisive move. It seems that the only way to do it is to let Zangyue come to the battle in person." Xie Yanjie gritted her teeth.

"Well, with him around, the armored puppet just now couldn't be so arrogant." Xie Linghui said while pressing his shoulder.

He also made a secret shot just now, but found nothing, but was counterattacked.

"The foundation of the Solo Club is still strong. I don't know how many strong people there are. Otherwise, I won't bear this breath, but one must have two. Next time they come again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xie Yanjie finally said ruthlessly.

Then the fighter jet flew all the way to Nanzhu, which was a fighter jet they hired.


On this day, Dongshui, Wenrensheng villa.

He had just received a package from the armored puppet, which contained the essence of those puppet materials.

Well, it can be used to continue practicing puppet arts, and the puppets created can also be sold to those wealthy students.

It's just that I always feel that something is not right these days, but after thinking about it carefully, I can't think of it.

Although the big changes are ahead, there is still a long period of stability.

When he saw Wang Wenwen and Zhao Han practicing illusion in the backyard from the window, he realized what was wrong.

I saw thunder and thunder in the backyard for a while.

If Wen Rensheng didn't know that Wang Wenwen was just trying to fool her mother, he would have thought that the other party was going to rebel and do something like "Da Chuxing, Chen Shengwang".

But what the other party wanted to do with these illusions, the other party never said, and he didn't want to ask.

After all, if you ask, you will have to bear Wang Cuiyan's anger in the future.

If you don't ask now, you can pretend you don't know.

He shook his head and continued to practice puppet art.

It's just that Ouyang Ling knocked on the door and came in after not practicing for long.

"Children, I have good news for you."

"It's good news for being late, right, are you going to be promoted to the expert level?" Wen Rensheng said calmly.

The last time that Huang Feng passed through the Ocean Cemetery, he was successfully promoted and changed his fate.

His mother, after the same battle, and after so many days, it is almost time for the absorption that should be absorbed.

"Yeah, it's really my confidante, Mo Ruozi," Ouyang Ling affirmed. "This time, I can bully your dad blatantly. It's a little exciting to think about it."

"One must know gratitude." Wen Rensheng had no choice but to say something for his father.

"Forget it, I just said casually, he is working very hard now, so let him breathe a sigh of relief." Ouyang Ling backed down.

"That's about the same, by the way, how is your puppet technique?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

Now that he knows the general trend of the future, of course he will let the people around him also learn from it.

"It's very difficult. I always feel that it's hard to change the perspective. It's not like me, it's like I've changed my body for nothing." Ouyang Ling said in distress.

Wen Rensheng said in surprise: "What's so difficult about this, it's like playing a 3D game, it's just a game character's perspective, just replace it with the game's protagonist."

"The problem is that when I play those 3D games, I get dizzy, and I rarely play those games, they are all things that make me lose my mind." Ouyang Ling rubbed her brows and said.

Wen Rensheng pondered for a while and said, "That's right, let me think about it, yes, I'll sign you up for a pilot training course, which has a special treatment for dizziness."

"Don't lie to me." Ouyang Ling knew that her son was perfect in front of others, but he was also very black-bellied occasionally.

Especially in the name of "for your own good" is...

"Don't worry, you are my mother, and I will definitely take care of you." Wen Rensheng vowed.

"That's true, forget it, I'll take a look first." Ouyang Ling also knew that puppet art was a learning boom in the future.

The cemetery appears and the mystery descends. If you don't master the puppet technique and rely on your flesh and blood to go to those dangerous places, even if the death rate is only 5 each time, in theory, after 20 times, there is a chance of more than 65 deaths. ...

If you don't go, others can rely on the puppet technique to obtain a lot of resources. Over time, the gap will be unimaginable.

After coaxing his mother away, Wen Rensheng continued to practice.

But today is doomed to be restless.

Not long after, father Wen Rende appeared again.

"Why did your mother come to find you?" He said directly when he came She already has an expert-level evaluation, and there is only one evaluation left. " Wen Rensheng replied.

Wen Rende suddenly had a headache and said, "No wonder she's been talking more stubbornly these days. It seems that I have to catch up, otherwise, my husband will not be able to recover."

"It's like you've been vibrating before." Wen Rensheng teased.

"How did I talk to your dad? However, the puppet technique you taught recently is very expensive, this sponsorship..." Wen Rende gestured.

"Father and son have to settle accounts clearly, don't forget to pay it back." Wen Rensheng took out his mobile phone and sent a sum of money to the other party, reminding him.

"I know this, I'm making rapid progress in this area, and prophecy seems to be very helpful to it. Would you like to learn prophecy from me?" Wen Rende reminded.

"Promoting? How did you come to this conclusion?" Wen Rensheng thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what the puppet technique had to do with the prophecy technique?

If there is a common characteristic, it is that cultivation is expensive.

It doesn't matter in the early stage of prophecy. In the later stage, every time a large prophecy is used, it will consume a lot of precious mysterious materials, and this is a consumption nature.

Unlike puppet art, it can be recycled many times.

"I think about it, yes, I remember that after making a prophecy once, I saw a future me, a present me, and a past me all appearing in the same screen at the same time, and then when I practiced the puppet art, I felt The efficiency seems to be more than ten times higher than before." Wen Rende said seriously.

"Did you incorporate another self into the puppet technique?" Wen Rensheng was startled.

This doesn't seem to be a matter of whether the cultivation is fast or not, but the rhythm of the game that is about to end...

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