Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 348: hypocrite

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Mr. Yu, Wang Cuiyan's friend, lives in Xingluo City, North Central Region.

This is a prosperous central city. The housing price is higher than Dongshui, which is twice as high. Now there are more than 40,000 yuan per flat.

This is also a feature of this world. Although the coastal areas are prosperous, housing prices are not so high.

People tend to rent public housing there and invest the money they earn in big inland cities to buy permanent real estate.

Although there is no war, the mysterious disasters that appear from time to time are more frightening than war. The sea area is convenient for transportation, but the frequency of mysterious disasters is several times that of inland areas.

Typhoons, tsunamis... These disasters that can be resisted in previous lives are often mixed with mysterious factors in this life, and ordinary people can only avoid them in advance.

Every major typhoon and tsunami warning will lead to a wave of population migration, which is also an economic feature of this world.

Wen Rensheng and a group of people, after making an appointment in advance, came to Mr. Yu's home-a high-end community with good security and elegant environment.

The development direction of Xingluo City is not heavy industry, but tourism and a livable city, playing the role of a haven for developed coastal cities.

Mr. Yu greeted everyone at the gate of the community. He was in his fifties, but he was well maintained, his face was rosy, but his eyes looked a little haggard.

After the two sides chatted, they entered Mr. Yu's house, an independent three-story building.

He has no children and lives alone in this small building.

In the living room, several people sat together and talked face to face.

It's just that Wen Rensheng's eyes occasionally land on the human-shaped locust tree opposite.

The brown-green torso and the tree branches extending to both sides are about 1.6 meters high. At first glance, it really looks like a human shape, and even a faint and strange grace can be seen.

"My wife died 10 years ago. She was buried alive in my backyard. At that time, the police sent people to investigate. I also asked some people to investigate, but they found nothing. Mr. Yu smoked a cigar and said indifferently.

Calm tone, thrilling story.

Several others looked at each other with sympathy, especially Wu Shanshan.

She has always been rational and strong, but in this infatuated man, she thinks of her own father.

Didn't the other party come here alone for more than ten years?

Red dust has its own infatuated people, don't laugh at infatuation too crazy.

Wen Rensheng nodded, then said to Zhao Han: "Okay, now it's up to you."

"Understood, teacher, I will definitely help Teacher Yu find the murderer!" Zhao Han said indignantly.

"Well, I'm here to help too, I'll help you paint the ceremony." Wang Wenwen followed.

She also thought of her father who was abandoned by her tough mother. In all fairness, her father had never done anything wrong. It was only because he was not motivated by his mother that he was abandoned...

Moreover, she also hated her father. Even if she was bullied like that, she didn't know how to resist. If her father resisted, her pressure would not be as great as it is now.

Soon the two women began to toss with great energy.

Wen Rensheng and Wu Shanshan were doing some research around.

They began to check the items left by Mrs. Yu, including but not limited to diaries, supplies, online traces...

After all, it is the information age, and a person's network traces can be preserved for decades.

Wen Rensheng was flipping through a piece of Mrs. Yu's online blog, which seemed to be well preserved.

"My dear husband, give me a unique birthday present this year."

A photo appeared, it was the human-shaped locust wood seen in the living room.

"That's it. He said he would carve it into my face, starting today and ending on November 1, and he would give it to me on my birthday."

"It's so exciting and I look forward to that day with all my heart."

"He's already working, he's starting to design..."

"He finally made the design and started to cut the knife. When the knife was cut, I seemed to hear a scream of pain, maybe it was my hallucination."

"The days go by, and the piece of wood is taking shape day by day. My husband seems to be throwing himself on the wood carving, and he doesn't even have time to say hello to me..."

"I know he wants to give me a perfect gift, so I can understand him, but why is he reluctant to leave the wood carving even when he is sleeping? It's just a piece of wood."

"Day by day, the wood carving gradually took shape, but I couldn't help it. He almost forgot me for a piece of rotten wood!"

"Damn, I'm going to have a showdown with him! I can't go on like this anymore, his vows are all false! He's actually obsessed with that piece of wood!"

"Bastard, I'm going to let him bury that log today!"

Seeing this, Wu Shanshan's face turned ashen.

"Damn, it looks like that Mr. Yu is the murderer! He didn't bury the wood, but buried his wife alive! This ruthless, heartless villain!" she said angrily.

She would be deceived by a hypocrite. It seems that she still can't be completely rational, knowing that words are the easiest to deceive people, or she will be deceived by the infatuation performance of the other party.

"Just looking at these records, we can't tell for sure. Otherwise, the previous investigators wouldn't have found anything." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Then he called the local police station to adjust the relevant files.

The local police station is very cooperative. Although Wen Rensheng is a consultant of the inspection department of another region, he is also a member of the system. They are happy to help with this trivial matter.

And with a little effort, you can form the favor of a mysterious expert. As long as you have some worldly affairs, you will not refuse this request.

Wen Rensheng quickly got the investigation file of that year from his mobile There are three suspects, the biggest suspect is Mr. Yu himself, but after investigation, it is found that the other party has a complete alibi, Mrs. Yu is Buried alive at night. On the night he was buried alive, he was in a high-end shopping mall, shopping for some expensive fashion clothes, and he had a complete track of surveillance activities..."

"The second is a neighbor, and a person who had a holiday with Mrs. Yu, but after investigation, all suspicions have been ruled out."

"Could it be that they'll just let it go?" Wu Shanshan asked a little depressed.

"That's the truth. There are many murders and disappearances in this world. You are not Zhao Han, you should know." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"Damn, an infatuated woman like Mrs. Yu was brutally murdered like this. You men are all bastards! Even a piece of wood is not spared!" Wu Shanshan said bitterly.

Wen Rensheng had nothing to say and didn't want to argue.

He just continued to investigate, and he already had a rough outline of the truth in his mind.

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