Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 322: fog of doom

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"Okay, I'm going to learn to fly. You can have fun with my master." Wen Rensheng slapped his face and stood up.

Fortunately, the black phoenix has been withdrawn, and it can be considered to achieve its goal, and it has not lost its face in vain.

Wei Yiqing raised her head and looked at him. She wanted to say something, but she said, "Then go ahead."

When Wen Rensheng left, Wu Shanshan said quietly, "You really want him to stay and play with you, right?"

Wei Yiqing didn't answer, and lowered her head to play with her phone.

"You are very pitiful." Wu Shanshan said suddenly.

Wei Yiqing still didn't speak.

"You seem strong, but you are actually very lonely. You want someone to truly recognize you, rather than being treated as a broom star. So when you find a life-saving straw that is tolerant and willing to accept you, you can't wait to grab it. ."

Wu Shanshan chattered.

How could such a smart woman not see Wei Yiqing's mind?

The other party remained silent, neither refuting nor agreeing.

"You should be thankful that you met him. If it were someone else, your mood would be used miserably. There are many villains in this world, and the lower limit is beyond imagination. You are actually very vulnerable." Wu Shan Shan does not let the other party go.

But it was Wei Yiqing who spoke up: "No, it's not luck and coincidence, but fate and necessity. I've met more than one of the kind of people you're talking about, but they all died, horribly."


Wu Shanshan originally wanted to chase after the victory, suppress the opponent, make the opponent realize his weakness, and then break through the opponent's psychological defense line, so that the opponent needs him, and then can establish an alliance with the opponent to deal with the immortals together.

In the end, she was proud of her words, but she forgot the characteristics of the other party's seed of doom.

Of course, it will also hurt those who have good intentions and want to sincerely help Wei Yiqing. This is its characteristic.

It is precisely because of this that when encountering a person like Wen Rensheng who has good intentions and can resist the halo of bad luck, the other party will firmly grasp it.

Even making breakfast for Wen Rensheng every day, such a humble act, if someone who doesn't know it sees it, it will definitely be inexplicable.

How could a powerful mysterious female expert do such a trick to please men?

Like Wang Cuiyan is the most normal female expert, tyrannical, decisive, strong in control, internal control of husband and daughter, external staff...

Thinking of this, Wu Shanshan immediately said: "You are right, then are you willing to watch the only life-saving straw become that person's plaything?"

"I bring him breakfast every day." Wei Yiqing said suddenly.

Wu Shanshan is a little confused, what does this have to do with delivering breakfast?

It is said that men and women cannot communicate, and women and women are sometimes the same.

"Just delivering breakfast is not enough, we need to join forces." She decided to go straight to the point.

After all, she had already seen that Wei Yiqing was actually very simple. She had not experienced anything, and was protected by the seed of doom, so she should not be isolated too well.

"The result of joining forces with me is what you looked like just now." Wei Yiqing stretched out her jade-like scallion fingers and pointed at the white note on the other side's face.

"Damn," Wu Shanshan tore it down and continued, "In short, you don't want to become part of that person in the end, right?"

"It doesn't matter." Wei Yiqing lowered her head and continued to play.

"Is it okay to die?"

"There is no such thing as life, and there is no such thing as death."

"Ah..." Wu Shanshan can't wait to grab the other's head and shake it vigorously to see what's inside.

How can a person be so negative?

She looked at the other person's phone and suddenly said, "If you became part of that person, it would be impossible to spend so much time playing with your phone every day."

"In it, I can also play." Wei Yiqing continued.

Wu Shanshan is slightly taken aback, the other party's words contain very rich meanings.

She hurriedly asked, "What's inside and out? Is there a world inside you?"

Wei Yiqing looked up at her and shook her head: "If you don't want to continue playing, just go out, you're too annoying."

When she was done, she lowered her head.

Wu Shanshan is helpless, she is not the temperament of Zhao Han, she can act like a spoiled child, act cute and pester others.

She had to stand up, after all, there is still a lot of gains today.


Back in her room, she called Wen Rensheng.

"What's the use of her bringing you breakfast every day?"

"Uh, probably to train her cooking skills?" Wen Rensheng said perfunctorily.

"Don't perfunctory me, tell the truth."

"Okay, don't tell the outside about this matter, it can actually improve my mysterious resistance, but don't try it, it will really kill people..." Wen Rensheng couldn't help but admit it.

"So that's the case," Wu Shanshan finally came to a realization, and then she was very impressed, "She is really kind to you."

"Uh, this is mainly because I am honest, and the master is afraid that I will suffer in the future." Wen Rensheng explained.

"When have you suffered a loss? There are only as many women around you. You have suffered a loss. I think you're pretty much happy every day." Wu Shanshan said angrily.

"There is no way. There are always pros and cons in this world. People who are too perfect are easy to have this kind of distress. I have done a good job. If someone else has the conditions like me, it will not be a feast for the eyes or a song every night." Wen Wen The man sighed.

Wu Shanshan has nothing to say, as far as she knows, it's pretty much the same.

For example, she has several college classmates, and her family is very good. When she was in school, she dated many girlfriends at the same time... and even got married several times early.

"Forget it, you can do it for yourself... Zizi" Wu Shanshan just heard a noise coming from the phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

She hurried out of the room and headed for the cockpit.

She soon found through the cabin corridor window that there was a thick fog outside.

"Why is there such a big fog? This is 10,000 meters high."

After all, she is a college student from a famous university, and of course she knows that flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters will hardly encounter such weather as clouds, snow, fog and frost.

Those weather are often encountered at low altitudes during takeoff and landing.

Once encountered, it will be extremely dangerous, and the blocked vision means that many dangerous situations cannot be avoided in advance.

The others also walked out of the room.

Wu Shanshan walks to the cockpit door, which is tightly closed.

She knocked on the door, Wen Rensheng came out, and then said, "Let them all go back to the room to stay, you go back and look after Xiaoqing."

"Hmph, sometimes it's called Master, sometimes it's Xiaoqing, which one is the real name?"

Despite saying this, Wu Shanshan obediently turned around and left, letting everyone return to the room.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and returned to the cockpit.

"Kevin, put me in the driving seat."

He said this to Kevin sitting in the driving seat.

"No, you don't have a pilot's license, I can't violate the rules." Kevin immediately refused.

"If I don't sit up, the fog will not disperse." Wen Rensheng advised.

At this time, the Shenzhou pilot on the co-pilot finally spoke: "Captain Kevin, I will control the plane, let Mr. Wen Ren sit on it, you watch."

"Zou Yan, what is the logic to solve the problem?" Kevin didn't get up, and he couldn't give up his responsibilities if he didn't understand the reason, even if the other party seemed to have status and power.

Because this is the life of a plane man.

"This is the logic of solving mysterious problems. Ordinary flying is for us ordinary pilots. Now there is a mysterious fog, and only mysterious experts can solve it." Zou Yan said seriously.

"It turns out that, I understand, now I hand over the control to you." Kevin nodded.

Then there is a standard handover process, and the control right is transferred to the co-pilot Zou Yan.

Wen Rensheng then sat down. Not long after he sat down, the heavy fog suddenly dissipated.

"So mysterious, so amazing!" Kevin couldn't help shouting.

He had been standing behind Wen Rensheng just now, staring at each other's hands and feet without blinking, lest the other party make a wrong move.

But Wen Rensheng didn't do anything.

Just like that, the fog dissipated.

" This is the mysterious world, there is no logic in the real world." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Alas, it's so frustrating, I've flown more than 7,000 hours, and it's the first time I've met... wait, no, no, I remember, I met before. The reason why I came to China is because of that During the next flight, I encountered a similar thing, but no one helped me solve it, and the tower on the ground just asked me to pray for God's blessing... So I came to China." Kevin suddenly babbled.

Obviously, he was excited.

Wen Rensheng didn't say anything. It was very troublesome to solve the mysterious incidents encountered in the air.

The time is tight, the danger is high, the cost is high, and the mysterious experts are not willing to go... The disposal plan given by the airport tower in America is actually very common.

Of course, it is different in China. Generally, emergency rescue will be carried out. The more inspectors are in charge, the more burdens they have to bear.

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