Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 301: fixed probability

"How many people know in the world,


Even if there are thousands of mountains,

two places apart,

Oh my friend,

You and I are in love,

We will always be brothers..."

When this song rang from somewhere on his body, Hua Youcong was doing his best, dragging his two **** injured legs, and rushing towards his former brother.

What an irony.

He actually had hallucinations.

This song used to be my favorite.

It turns out that everything is a business.

Thinking like this, he still has to do the last thing in his life and die with his former brother!

Everyone knew that this was not a hallucination.

Hua Shang was in a desperate situation, and while fleeing, he shouted, "Beast! Hua Buer, listen to this, this is a song that your brother brought with him, can this not bring back your conscience? A different species can actually make you do it. Such an unreasonable thing! You are a complete lunatic!"

Hua Mu ran away, with tears still on her face, "Fu Er, did you even kill your mother? Did you forget when you were a child, I love you the most."

"Yeah, so you have to go to that world with me, so that someone can continue to take care of me!" Hua Fuji was completely crazy.

"Crazy, crazy!" The yacht driver was swimming fast, although he knew it was a waste of time, and even if it took time to kill them, they would be frozen to death by the sea water.

"Stop me all!"

A sonorous voice sounded.

This is not from Wen Rensheng, but from Wu Liansong.

Thousands of miles away, he couldn't help but slap his head, and he had a good chance to pretend, and was robbed like this...

I blame myself for being too hesitant before, and if I hesitate, I will give it in vain.

It turned out that a helicopter had descended from the sky at some point.

"It's you, Brother Wu!" Hua Shangtian cried with joy and waved to the sky.

"Uncle Wu? So you've been following me all the time?" Hua Youcong's swimming pace slowed down, with surprise and joy on his face.

"Why, why am I not as good as you in the end! The grades are not as good as you, and the aliens are also yours first, just because you are older than me?" Hua Buer saw Wu Liansong majestic descending from the sky, completely desperate.

He yelled, "I'm not convinced, this **** god, since you gave me a chance, why didn't you let me have the last laugh!"

Wen Rensheng sneered, this flower is unique, much like the little devil in the previous life, who absorbed the civilization of China and grew up, and then killed his father in turn...

Later, he absorbed Western civilization and killed his mother in turn, which is fair.

History once gave them the best chance, but they didn't cherish it. Instead, they fell into madness, beat everything, and finally beat themselves into people kneeling on the ground to eat.

People in this world don't know these stories, and in this world, he absolutely cannot let these things repeat themselves.

Therefore, he obviously had the opportunity to save the life of a dog that Hua Fuer had, but he would not save the other party.

He is a wise and resolute, perfect personality with a heart of iron, and he is by no means an indecisive Virgin.

Wu Liansong didn't even look at Hua Buer. First, he rescued Hua Youcong and urgently used the power of alien species to stop the bleeding. Although there was no medical effect, it was still possible to seal the blood vessels.

Then the other three were sent to the helicopter in turn.

"Save me, save me..." Hua Fuer stretched out his hand, begging.

"You bastard, do you regret it now!" After Hua Shangtian was safe, he felt relieved, and when he heard this, he became resentful again.

The stimulation he received today was no less than Hua Youcong!

After all, his own son wanted to kill himself twice, and any father could endure such a thing.

He doesn't care much about his family, but he gets a lot of money back every year, which is always objective; he believes that if it is posted online, there will be a lot of people willing to be his sons.

Hua Mu didn't turn her head away, wiped her tears, but it was hard to say what she wanted to say.

She suffered even more, and worked hard to raise two sons, but ended up killing each other.

This xenogeneic is really so good, want people to use flesh and blood to kill each other, and the father and son deviate in exchange?

Of course she didn't know that, for most people, if there is a different species, they will not change the throne; and around the throne, how many flesh-and-blood incidents have happened?

Not to mention ancient times, similar things are happening in modern times.

Wu Liansong looked at Hua Buer, he really wanted to kill this beast with one palm.

But he couldn't do it, and he had to hand this guy over to the Inspectorate to deal with.

But he has no obligation to rescue the other party.

So he just hung the other party under the helicopter and flew back towards the port.


On the speedboat on the other side.

The armored puppet said lightly, "Okay, let's go back."

"Boss, even though I've only tracked half of it, I'm still going to give you money," the speedboat driver said quickly.

He has now seen the process of the helicopter saving people. Although he doesn't understand what happened, he at least knows that it has something to do with the boss.

"Don't worry, I won't lose your money." The armored puppet took out his mobile phone.


The speedboat then returned to the small port.

Then the speedboat driver couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and wait for the transfer of money from the gold owner.

"13,454 yuan has arrived."

Very generous reward.

But the speedboat driver was still very surprised and said, "Boss, didn't you agree to transfer the fraction of the balance to me? The total amount is 791,345,445,000. I remember it clearly, shouldn't the fraction be more than 900,000?"

"You can be content. I didn't give you the real fraction after the decimal point. I'm already very particular about it." After the armored puppet finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Oh, forget it. Boss, remember to call me next time you have such a job. I'll give you the business card." Of course, the speedboat driver wouldn't really care.

As a businessman, he has seen many examples of others' promises and then backtracking. The boss was willing to keep his promises and gave him an extra 10,000 yuan in remuneration, which was beyond his expectations.

He originally thought that at most, in addition to the rent, he would give a few hundred more.

Change it to someone else, just make a random promise without even a contract, and expect others to pay the same, what kind of beautiful thing do you think?

There is a lot of money that cannot be recovered from the payment of a formal contract, and it is still a large contract of several hundred and tens of millions.


Calm and calm, the dust settled.

Wen Rensheng also got a hint that the event was complete.

"Xenotransplantation, one death and one injury, is the end."

"Mystery 15."

"Mysteriously formed Surface Brothers, Seeds of Sorrow."

"You completed a low-difficulty mysterious event, gained a little mystery, and the upper limit was raised to 278 points."

A drop in the bucket, but also precious. Mount Tai can only achieve its height without resigning from the cup of soil.

At this time, he got Wu Liansong's call again.

"Thank you for this time." The other party came up and thanked him.

"Uh, I didn't do anything." Wen Rensheng said truthfully.

"Don't be I didn't expect a tragedy to happen the next day. It was the disappearance of your puppet that made me vigilant, so I rushed to the scene in time to avoid a tragedy." He seriously road.

Wen Rensheng had no choice but to acknowledge the credit, "In that case, it's not wrong."

"Unfortunately, if it was back then..." Wu Liansong didn't say anything.

If I had been there back then, you wouldn't have had such a tragedy.

Wen Rensheng understood what the other party wanted to say, and he could only comfort him, "That's why we have to work hard to avoid similar tragedies from happening."

"Yeah, it's just that some tragedies are unavoidable. Like you said, it's a fixed number, a fixed probability that it will happen. As long as there are more people repeating it, someone will turn around sooner or later." Wu Liansong said.

Yes, as long as human beings still need xenogeneic species, and they need it to resist mysterious disasters, they have to endure the side effects it brings, just like antibiotics.

Injecting antibiotics can also cause allergies and kill people, but still use it.

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