Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1530: Planet Will

Wen Rensheng looked around and finally left.

The chief researcher, Professor Wen, took him to the gate, looked back, and said with some concern: "Yuanling is not an ordinary power after all. Human rationality has its ups and downs. It is strong when young and weak when old. Unable to hold anchor."

"Well, so you have to study a way to make their rationality grow, and collision can generate rationality. You can make good use of this principle." Wen Rensheng gave a suggestion.

"Thank you Teacher Wen for your advice, we will make good use of it." Professor Wen nodded.

He breathed a sigh of relief and watched Wen Rensheng leave before returning to the laboratory.

Teacher Wen is worthy of being the number one alien in the world. The feeling he gave him today is that he is very reliable, and no accident can defeat him.

That terrifying snake head scared his colleagues to run around, but Teacher Wen was able to restrain him in the blink of an eye.

In this terrifying world, it is really reassuring to have a reliable person.

In the era of peaceful competition, people will be very jealous of the strong people around them; but in times of war and danger, people will only hope that the people around them are as strong as possible.

Those who can still be jealous are people who are hopelessly stupid.

Wen Rensheng just walked out of the gate of the base not far, when a group of snakes appeared on a green grass.

The snake shadow is surrounded by Bai Yunzi.

"Hello, teacher." She looked very respectful.

"Is something wrong?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

He felt that the other party should also receive a real education, so as not to suddenly gain power beyond his own class and lose himself.

"Teacher, I once created a 9-star area. I hope that the teacher can help me and Snake Woman build civilization in Ophiuchus." Bai Yunzi said seriously.


Wen Rensheng was stunned.

The cheap student really dared to speak.

Is it that easy to create a civilization?

Last time I evolved a civilization, but after searching for a long time, I found a planet similar to the earth.

The other party came up and demanded the establishment of a civilization.

Do you really think he is God?

"I know the teacher is in a difficult situation, so I will tell the teacher a big secret, the secret about the coming of the source spirit." Bai Yunzi said.

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"Secret?" Wen Rensheng was stunned again.

But this time, it wasn't the other party's words that was stunned, but the mysterious seed came to remind:

"The origin of the spirit is coming: the crisis is coming, it is a crisis for many people, and an opportunity for a few people."


"Mysterious composition:?..."

Even the question mark is marked with an ellipsis, which indicates the secret that the source spirit comes with, and even the mysterious seed cannot be estimated by a single digit.

In the past, there were a few question marks.

to get.

"Okay, a teacher for one day, a father for life, a father can't ignore his children," Wen Rensheng said as a matter of course, "In that case, I'll help you once."

Bai Yunzi was covered in cold sweat, she had never experienced the scene of recognizing her daughter.

She is still too pure to understand the world of these top superhumans at all.

The face of mortals is completely out of their consideration.

"Okay, I trust the teacher, let's tell the secret now..."

Bai Yunzi had long known that Wen Rensheng's temperament was perfect, and such a person would not deny the promise he made in person.

Of course, the other party generally does not make promises.

"Go ahead."

"The coming of the source spirit is to descend on a planet and incarnate into the will of the planet. But the planet is a dead thing, something without any rational existence, and it cannot be simply attached."

"Earth civilization is a channel, but the earth is surrounded by deserts, and aliens only exist in science fiction."

"For the competition for the earth, the principals have reached an agreement to divide the share according to the height of rationality."

"And other planets, divided into each academy, developed by the academy itself, transformed it into a civilization planet, gave birth to reason, formed the anchor of the world, and then came."

Bai Yunzi said it in one breath.

These are also top secrets in the source world, and they are not the school secretary-level figures, so they cannot be heard.

Of course, if it is really leaking, the principals will not be very concerned about it.

Because they really don't care about human beings.

Both important and not important.

This is not difficult to understand.

The importance of chickens to humans does not need to be said, but how many people will attach importance to chickens?

The chickens that were directly smashed in the factory cannot be counted.

Because people know that no matter how you treat the chicken, it will not become extinct, because people can control its reproduction and death.

Likewise, principals can manipulate human reproduction and death.

Humanity will not go extinct.

But there will be a chicken-like fate.

The current human forces basically have a clear understanding of this.

"You told me like this, aren't you afraid that I will regret it? After all, this can be regarded as helping the enemy settle down and take root." Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"I believe in the perfect character of the teacher and will not do this." Bai Yunzi said to himself.

"That snake head, which one is behind it?" he asked again.

"The head of a snake is not a snake. It's just that people think that it is a snake. It is a snake. In fact, it is very friendly to people." Bai Yunzi shook his head.


Wen Rensheng has seen Yuanling who is truly friendly to people.

That hairball, completely weak, completely good-natured, has been inserted into a hedgehog and a porcupine, and has never gotten angry.

"You are still young, the water of Yuanling is too deep, you'd better be vigilant, only parents are truly good to their children in this world." Wen Rensheng sighed.

Bai Yunzi smiled, but didn't listen at all.

In her opinion, Wen Rensheng saw that she had gained a higher power, but she had not learned anything from him, so she wanted to say to cover up a certain mood.

It seems to be an acid.

It can't be said that, after all, Snake told her that his power cannot be compared with Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng was already a figure that the principal would look up to.

At that time, when she learned this from the information exchange, she was actually very impressed with this former teacher.

The height of the other party is too high, and even the living beings far above humans are afraid.

Snake is not his opponent.

If you face the enemy head-on, you will be crushed to death by the opponent in less than a moment.

But Snake Woman also has the effect of crushing against other human superhumans.

She once asked, "Why is that?"

"One of the principals speculated that because he has the will of human beings, or the will of your planet, the power he can use is far beyond what he has accumulated." Snake said this.

Wen Rensheng saw Bai Yunzi's mentality, and he didn't say much.

He had seen too many students like this, and just after making rapid progress, he felt that the world was a great place to go.

It wasn't until I met with blood and blood that I knew that I had to keep my feet on the ground and struggle slowly, so that I could make progress again.

"I will help you build a civilization in Ophiuchus, but you must promise not to be enemies of humans." Wen Rensheng said finally.

"That's natural, no one would be an enemy of chickens, ducks, dogs and cats." Bai Yunzi said as a matter of course.

Okay, so soon jumped out of the membership.

Wen Rensheng felt that it was time to teach this student.

Ask her to understand that people who have lost their roots will not get real respect anywhere, because others know that you have no support. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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