Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1224: 1 point

Then Wen Rensheng and Xiao Huan entered the warhead.

After entering, after going through a complex unmanned detection level, the two followed a series of prompts from the voice just now, circling around seven times, and finally came to a computer control room.

"Strange, why is there no one to receive us after we came in?" Xiao Huan said in surprise.

"Maybe there is no one here." Wen Rensheng glanced around.

"Yes, there are no people here, all computer control. This is Refuge No. 114, and the Go world you are in is one of its experimental projects." The voice just now came from a computer screen, Then a man's avatar appeared simultaneously.

The man's face was slightly darker, with some whiskers on his cheeks, and he was wearing a white coat.

"Experimental project? Is it a virtual world again, but that world is real?" Xiao Huan said in surprise.

She has made virtual worlds several times by herself, of course she knows this thing.

"The world is naturally real. That world was left by a monster. After the nuclear bombing, that monster disappeared without a trace, was discovered by us, and then used as a social experiment." The bearded man affirmed.

"So that's the case, I said it couldn't be fake." Xiao Huan believed to himself.

Of course it can't be fake, how can a fake be worn around? Wen Rensheng had no doubts about this.

But what did the other party say about the shelter social experiment project?

It reminded him of the Fallout series of games he once played.

"What is the purpose of your project?" Wen Rensheng continued.

"The purpose is very simple. It is to see what kind of social form will not attract monsters to invade. Now it seems that the feudal society that seems to be full of superstition is the least likely to attract the interest of monsters. Instead, it is a modern society with prosperous technology. , the most likely to attract the interest of monsters." The bearded man said bluntly.

"I see." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"Why?" Xiao Huan scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks.

"Because science and technology are prosperous, it does not mean that technology is sufficiently developed. When it solves people's basic needs, it also magnifies the greed and desire in people's hearts. The desire of a modern person is a hundred and ten times that of the ancients. Because they have seen more things. Modern technology can support more populations, which is naturally more attractive to monsters.”

"There were only a few hundred million people in the world in ancient times, but there are billions in modern times. This is because the developed places are all caught in a vicious circle of fertility decline. In fact, there are more people that can be supported."

The bearded man narrated one by one, as if he was teaching a class to a student.

"Then why did you choose Go as the world theme?" Wen Rensheng asked suddenly.

"Because I love to play Go, this project is hosted by me. Other shelters are also hosting other projects. They choose football, basketball, tennis, singing, dancing, etc..." The bearded man smiled, " Your chess skills are very high and have reached their peak."

"No, that's because I used deduction techniques in addition to using the "must be undefeated" strategy. Every move you take is within my expectations, so I can find a way to win." Wen Rensheng He also revealed his own secrets.

"So it turns out, no wonder I'm tied up, even if I use a quantum computer, I can't beat you." The bearded man said suddenly.

"Oh, it seems that the secret of this Go world is like this. I will play like this next time." Xiaohuan was very interested.

"If you dare to play like this, I will dare to hit you." Wen Rensheng taught a lesson.

"Then you should hit him first." Xiao Huan pointed at the bearded man.

Wen Rensheng smiled, then suddenly punched the screen:

"You're right, I should hit him first!"


The screen shattered, the bearded man disappeared, and the computer control room disappeared with it!

The entire warhead was completely empty!

"How could this be? Did we enter an illusion? But why don't I feel anything?" Xiao Huan ate a pound at the moment, "Old Wen, when did you find out?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head, it was normal for Xiao Huan not to see it.

This monster is a powerful catastrophe that can control an entire world!

It is much higher than the level of Xiaohuan!

"Do you remember? The scavenger said before that a nuclear war broke out under the control of a monster. The question is, why did the monster control humans to break out a nuclear war? After the nuclear war, the monster broke out again. Where have you been?"

"There is only one truth, and it is here!"

In fact, he was able to discover this because after listening to the other party's explanation, the Mysterious Seed did not give any hints. Only then did he realize that the other party was actually lying, and he had not yet figured out the mystery of the Go world!

So he first knew who the murderer was, and then went back to find evidence...

Of course Xiao Huan didn't know this, she just looked at Wen Rensheng with great admiration and awe:

"Jiang is still old and hot. You can find the truth from a sentence. I need to learn more from you and Lao Wen."

"It's okay." Wen Rensheng said triumphantly, this kind of expression is rare for him.

At this moment, inside the projectile, the previous voice sounded again:

"Your chess skills are high enough, but your reasoning ability is higher than your chess skills. I really shouldn't play these small tricks."

After speaking, a string of numbers suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.


This number, like a string of holographic projections, floats in the air.

"You are right, I am the monster you mentioned before. I destroyed the world, because I found that I can be reborn from the destruction, and now I am integrated into their technology and become a string of numbers."

"Vault 114 is named after me, you can call me 114."

"114? It's very interesting, you are controlling two worlds? What is the real origin of the two worlds? What is your real purpose?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

"That Go world is my original world, and this world is the world owned by human beings. I am testing, what method can be used to better improve my strength." 114 replied.

Wen Rensheng nodded, the other party was right to say so, which was in line with all his previous knowledge.

At this time, the mysterious seed finally gave a hint.

"You have solved the mystery of the operation of the two worlds, and the upper limit of the mystery has been increased by 20 points, from 5486 to 5506."

What a shame, these are two worlds!

Wen Rensheng thought bitterly.

"So that's the case, then we're going back." Xiao Huan said hurriedly.

Wen Rensheng didn't move.

"How is it possible to leave? As I said before, since you are in the sky, it is impossible to go back." 114 sneered.

"We can go back if we without your consent."

Wen Rensheng said lightly, and then regained consciousness.

"Don't leave me alone!" Xiao Huan shouted.

"You close your eyes and come back."


Wen Ren went home.

"Oh, I was almost trapped by that 114." Xiao Huan patted his chest and said in fear.

"How could it trap us? No matter how deep the water is, I can still hold it," Wen Rensheng shook his head slightly, "It's just a pity that my big cat has used it for a long time."

"When I get stronger, I'll ask it back next time." Xiao Huan comforted rarely.

"You really grew up a little bit."

"Just grow up a little bit?"

"Just a little."

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