My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 287: came back! Sage!

PS: So many first, there will be lessons tomorrow, everyone includes. Pull cow cow m

"Lily, I'm back." Kailar's return is not surprising. Merchant ships that have been in circulation after the ice season will almost fill the entire English Channel. The ghost knows how much Carmelo saved during the winter break. Good things, soybeans, black beans, barley, wheat, potatoes, winter melon and so on. Product is the most luxurious first-class product, but it is this first-class product that has made all businessmen break their heads.

It is not that the Camelot royal family does not want to release inventory, but as the next few years or even decades of war, the royal family has been continuously storing food from the upper positions of Kailar and Altria for three years. The royal family, which purchases the largest grain and materials every year, finally starts to release grain. Of course, the old grain and old materials will reduce prices. However, as the royal family, taxes alone are extremely high. Where are you afraid of price reductions? Moreover, Carmelo, who controls the copper coin minting industry, almost controls the direction of the basic economy.

It should be known that although in the large flow of trade flows, Carthian Fund coins and Roman silver engravings are used by a large number of people, but below this, there are thousands of times the flow of copper coins.

The amount of minted copper coins alone is enough to fill the pot of Camelot's drill.

Due to the continuous improvement of iron smelting technology, all weapons have begun to be replaced, including a large number of bronzes.

Carmelo took advantage of this and almost became the world's largest importer of copper and copper ore, but replaced it with the largest exporter of copper coins.

The price difference is self-evident.

Carmelo through the hydraulic method and the engraving printing method can cast a large amount of smelted copper into coins for a small cost. Every day, thousands of copper coins are stamped and manufactured by water conservancy and then circulated to the royal family. Used in the market due to the credibility and military strength of the Camelot royal family. Until now, there has not been any situation in which Carmelo copper coins are in circulation or are not trusted.

Kailar did imagine the age of man-made steam by inventing the steam engine, but it was frightening that despite the steam engine. Britain ’s coal mine reserves are also very sufficient, but because the steelmaking process cannot be upgraded, even if the steam engine is manufactured, it is just a tiger. Once the steam engine technology is used by mainland countries such as Rome and Macedonia, the reforms brought about The change is definitely a disaster, and the gap between Camelot and the other side will be widened.

After thinking about it, Kaylar finally gave up the idea of ​​carrying out the industrial revolution in this century.

Things are relative, not anything good, but something, as a leader. Kailar had to see a decade. Twenty, thirty years later.

If nothing else, if the steam engine was invented and learned by Romania, then the territory of Romania will bring a huge increase in manufacturing. It will also bring a huge leap in strength. After encountering Plato and Aristotle, Kailar did not dare to underestimate the wise men in this world. If ordinary people still have the limitations of the times, then, There is no genius. Seeing Da Vinci, Einstein and others are completely beyond the forefront of the times. Even if people in the 21st century look back and look back, they have to marvel at the pace of geniuses. .

Kailar did not catch the risk.

Not to mention, if Kailar is in a province in China, even the worst status. He dares to relax and struggle with others to develop speed and security.

But here it is.

The spy consciousness of the people here has not yet sprouted!

The so-called Assassin organization is an assassination organization and has nothing to do with spying.

And Nero's secret organization is more to exclude dissidents, as if there were ten rebellious governors who had their heads cut off at night in the 22 provinces, except for the six directly garrisoned by the local garrison that day.

It is even more so for Keral. Young intelligence organizations can't bring enough information. In this era of clogged information, it is simply a waste of money.

So what about being a man, and being a strong country? Still honestly, sit forward step by step. Start with basic handicrafts.

However, there is no industry, but the handicraft industry and the textile industry are not affected.

Kailar invented the Jenny textile machine ten years ago, and now every year Carmelo imports a lot of raw silk from the outside. Although these raw silks are not considered good by the Chinese, but for people here But they are all luxury items used by nobles and even kings.

These raw silks are woven into a delicious piece of cloth by a textile machine, and then dyed and dyed on the dyeing house, and then cut and bought and sold. This alone solves the employment problem of 100,000 people of Camelot. These are women, and the benefits created are absolutely amazing!

No one in this world works with women.

First of all, women's physical strength is not enough. Most of the farm work is heavy work, and industry is the hard work. The woman can't do it. As for the female warrior Camelot, she was an Altolia and a Bedwell in the century.

Larger girls are now being used and men are being fully exploited, plus schools that continue to provide talent to the country.

Kailar himself felt that he was scheduling well, but when he came back, he saw that Lily and Mordred were luǒ on chuáng and didn't know what Kailaer was doing. They closed the door awkwardly. "Kay, You're wrong! It's not like, "Master Father! You misunderstood ..." Voices like ~ mō nose, Kaylar went through in his heart and felt like he didn't do anything to make Lili change xìng-oriented things, is this the legendary ... Well, it seems that it is much more convenient than looking in the mirror. Has Lily been so lonely during the time she was absent ... You have to compensate her at night.

Shaking his head, Kailar slowly walked down the road to the office.

Celti didn't like places with a lot of people, because explaining her head was too troublesome, so she lived in Kailar's tree house, and the disciples heard that Kairal's return had already set about her own affairs. Kie rushed to the class.

Kailar's purpose of going out this time is very clear, alliance, and academic inquiry.

Although Kailar has been delayed for a long time on the road due to the journey, and only spent a few days in Greece and Macedonia, who is the teacher?

Almost all of Kailar's disciples have a blind confidence in Kailar. This is something that Kailar has never had in himself. Obviously, this is entirely because of the fact that Kailar is too omnipotent. . !! .

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