My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 988: The magic drug combination that was almost classified as a strategic material

So the insurance company no longer cares about the attitude of the doctors.

I directly contacted the people of Suolun Company.

From the point of view of the insurance company, what if your group of doctors object to it?

If you can do it, you are on it? Rescue all the wounded!

No, you guys don't want BB!

You are just inferior to humans in terms of technology.

But our insurance company can't manage that much. What we want is survival rate.

It is best that none of these five thousand people can die.

If any of these doctors dared to object, they dare to jump out and explode.

The big guys of the insurance company definitely don't mind letting these guys taste the iron fist of capitalism.

But if you want to buy medicine from Xiao Feng, it takes some skill.

The official appearance of the United States is definitely not acceptable.

Considering the wonderful relationship between the two countries at this time, if you look for it at this time, it is very likely that you will be bruised and swollen.

And considering that if you buy blatantly, it might cause an embargo from the other party.

After all, they did it this way before, so they can't guarantee that the Chinese Congress will not do it.

In this case, it is most appropriate to find a third party to do it.

So there was the emergence of this beauty-loving company.

Anyway, it is also a vest under Sauron, as long as the medicine is purchased.

When the time comes, the food will be eaten and wiped out, and it will be a good thing for the Americans without admitting it.

At that time, no one will track down where these ointments come from and who got them.

Although Cage didn't say too thoroughly, Xiao Feng had already guessed everything.

"Well, how much do you need?"

Xiao Feng actually wanted to reject them, and then watched the jokes of the United States.

But his reason tells him that he must not do this.

If he does not agree, it is openly standing on the opposite side of the United States.

If these two guys take this news back, he will definitely become a national enemy in the United States in the future.

On the contrary, if you can be more generous at this time.

Then I can have a good relationship with this group of guys, maybe they will be able to give a hand if they encounter any trouble in the future.

Sure enough, Cage also Jensen heard Xiao Feng's words, and his expression immediately eased.

"Ah, Mr. Xiao, you really understand the righteousness!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao thank you so much."

"If you agree, we hope to purchase two billion US dollars this time..."

"Wait, how much?"

And Xiao Feng did not expect that these two people would actually give such a huge order!

Two billion dollars? Single purchase!

This is the largest order ever received by Sunshine Burns Hospital since its establishment.

It was Xiao Feng who had done so much business, and he was still surprised by the big hands of Americans.

"You heard that right, this time we are planning to purchase two billion dollars worth of burn and scald cream."


Looking at Cage, who was slightly bald in front of him, there was a serious expression on his face.

Looking at the Jensen beside him, he also had a poker face right now.

Xiao Feng finally determined that the two of them did not joking with him.

Two billion U.S. dollars, based on the current exchange rate, is 14 billion soft sister coins.

In terms of the current profitability of Sunshine Hospital, this money is enough for them to make a year.

Now that a single business can be done, it is no wonder that Xiao Feng is so uncomfortable.

"This... more than five thousand people can't use so many, right?"

Xiao Feng said with a faint smile, but he doubted whether the Americans were going to do something again.

Maybe there is another place where the war is going to be fought. That's why these supplies are stored.

And Cage hit haha.

"After all, it may be used in the future..."

Both of them are smart people, knowing that there are some words to stop.

Xiao Feng understood it immediately, and it seemed that the U.S. countrymen really had this thought.

It just so happened this time to use this idea to store some strategic materials generously.

Presumably they must have taken the scald ointment back before and studied it many times.

But there is definitely no copycat, but the effect of the scald cream is still very certain.

Otherwise, we wouldn't place such a big order. After all, Americans are not fools.

But since the other party was willing to buy, Xiao Feng would naturally not stop selling.

To be honest, he had been thinking about how to penetrate his medicine into the world's largest medical market, the United States.

Unfortunately, the FDA's control is too strict.

Especially with regard to Chinese medicines, they always look at the medicines from China with a discriminatory look.

And at every turn, it is forced to disclose the formula of the drug.

This is what Xiao Feng is most reluctant to do. Anyway, there are creatures like online purchasing agents.

So he simply didn't sell this scald cream and rejuvenation series health products to the United States before.

And this time, Cage and the others came to purchase scald cream, which actually helped him open the American market in disguise.

Because this was a military purchase and it was directly used to save lives, it indirectly bypassed the FDA regulations.

Once these medicines have been used by American soldiers and accepted.

Hey, the door to the US market will naturally open in the future.

After all, the United States is the country with the most guns in the world.

There are tens of thousands of shootings every year, and tens of thousands of people die at gunpoints.

The gunshot wounds are countless.

Gunshot wounds are by no means simple, it is as simple as a bullet hitting the body and causing trauma.

Almost all gunshot wounds are accompanied by hot burns.

Because the bullet flies at high speed, it carries high temperatures.

When hitting the target body, it will not only penetrate the injured person's body, but also cause severe burns and scalds to the wound and internal organs.

Therefore, treating gunshot wounds is definitely not as simple as imagined.

Previously, Mr. Zhu from the 521 Hospital led a team to conduct scientific research in the Sunshine Burns Hospital.

The main content of this scientific research project is to study how to use Sunshine Hospital's burn and scald cream to treat gunshot wounds.

And this study found that the hemostatic gel and burn ointment launched by Sunshine Hospital.

It is very effective for treating gunshot wounds.

For example, the most troublesome problem for military doctors is after the bullet hits the soldier's body.

Damage caused to internal organs and tissues of soldiers.

First of all, we all know that although the bullets fired by modern firearms have a small caliber, their power is not small.

Once the bullet hits, after entering the human body, it will roll quickly in the human body, causing a cavity effect.

The rotating bullets will shred muscles and organs of the human body.

Therefore, the wounds of many soldiers who were shot are not big from the front, but the inside is actually completely rotten.

Especially the more delicate organs like the liver and kidneys, once they rot, it will be very difficult to rescue them.

And if it is a penetrating injury, the rotating bullet will only enter a small hole from the front.

But when it came out of the back, it was a big hole.

All muscle and visceral tissues are torn.

In the past, doctors were such casualties, and stopping bleeding alone was a big problem.

For many wounded, the blood may not stop, and the people have already left.

And even after the bleeding is stopped, when cleaning up the broken internal organs, it may cause secondary bleeding.

Therefore, it is often very difficult for doctors to perform this kind of clean-up operation.

Moreover, after the operation, there is a serious anti-infection barrier, and many wounded are often unable to survive this step.

Because the bullet carries a high temperature, after the bullet hits the human body, not only will it cause serious lacerations and damage.

It will also cause severe burns, not only the external wounds, but also the internal organs will be scalded.

So when you watch TV, those heroes seem to be invincible, and they can still fight after being shot.

Don't take it seriously, just treat it as a joke.

If in reality, even if it is only hit by the smallest caliber point 22 pistol, it will end up belching on the spot.

But now with the hemostatic gel and burn ointment launched by the Sunshine Burns Hospital, the treatment process is much simpler.

The doctors at 521 Hospital discovered that they were treating gunshot wounds.

In the case of using this hemostatic gel, they can safely and boldly open the wounds of the wounded and clean up the broken internal organs.

There is no need to worry about heavy bleeding at all, because of the effect of this hemostatic gel, it is not an ordinary cow breaking.

Even if you have a major artery blowout, use a red bottle to insure and spray to stop the bleeding immediately.

Then use the white bottle of gel to smear it, and there is no need to suture it. The special glue can immediately bond the blood vessel wound.

The best thing about it is that there will be no After cleaning the wound, apply the gel to the wound, and then apply a layer of burn and scald cream on the affected area.

Even if the wound is not burned or scalded, this kind of ointment can be a strong anti-bacterial infection.

New therapies developed using such combination agents.

In one fell swoop, the survival rate of gunshot wounded patients was increased by 50%.

Anyway, as long as you are shot and not burp on the spot, you are not hit in the head or heart.

Doctors, there is a good chance that you can be pulled back from the ghost door.

The doctors at the 521 hospital even regarded the two new drugs developed by the Sunshine Hospital as a combination of magical drugs.

Some people even wrote a letter asking their superiors to list these two drugs as strategic materials and strictly import and export them.

After all, the combination of these two ointments is too obvious for the life-saving effect of gunshot wounds.

However, the above consideration is that the combination of these two ointments also has a very important life-saving significance for ordinary patients.

So this proposal was not approved!

However, many hospitals and doctors in the country have sealed the Sunshine Burn Hospital as the industry's black technology base!

Because in their view, these two ointments are simply alien technology.

If it weren't for the sun burns and scalds, the hospitals really did.

They really have to wonder whether these two ointments were developed by the hospitals in China.

And the combination of these two magical medicines is so powerful that they can't hide from these American people with a keen sense of smell.

So this time they directly opened a big order of 2 billion.

The fate of the Chinese is fate, and the fate of the Americans is also fate!

What's more, the introduction of this ointment combination into the United States is useful for everyone!

Who makes this a country where you can't help but shoot...

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