My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 943: The representative of overtaking in a curve!

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Therefore, CCTV has carried out a special report on this self-service medical examination center.

Even on the news bulletin for several days in a row.

The bosses above are very happy, at the national level, they have been on various occasions.

Encourage enterprises to innovate and overtake in corners.

How many companies are there that really settle down and do practical things?

Those so-called business elites attend various forums and summits every day and talk about success every day.

Today I said that I am not interested in money, and tomorrow I said that it is easy to make money.

What Internet thinking is talked about every day, but what is preached in the bones is the idea of ​​fast in and out, making quick money and opportunistic ideas.

There are very few people who really promote to do things in a down-to-earth manner.

But this kind of thinking is welcomed by capital and ordinary people.

After all, who doesn't want to get rich overnight?

But there is a lot of propaganda like this, is it really good?

Those businessmen don't think about doing business in a down-to-earth manner all day long.

Instead, they ponder every day, what business model innovation is going on.

Your business model is innovating, can you still catch up with other American technological innovations?

There are also a few people who don't show up very much, but what they say is deceived by them.

They don't study any business model innovation, but they are all thinking about it.

Do whatever you make money, play games every day, and come out to cheat the money of elementary school students.

It can earn hundreds of millions a day, but what good is it for the country?

So sometimes the leaders above are really helpless and have very good intentions, but the monk with a crooked mouth below can just give you a crooked reading of the scriptures.

There have been many years of transformation and upgrading and technological innovation, but few can really do it!

Looking at the domestic market, Barabala, who can really get internationally competitive companies, in the final analysis, there is only a single seedling like Warwick.

Now only the Ninth Laboratory has been added!

However, the reason why Lab Nine was not promoted before was also because their products are good, but only cosmetics.

What do you say about this kind of thing?

Making money is very profitable, but after all, it's not easy to get on the table.

But before they came up with a new kind of health care product, and the effect of these health care products is surprisingly good.

Even some health products are used as prescription drugs in Western countries.

This makes the above feel quite exuberant.

In the past few years, there were also a few magical medicines in China, such as the hot Angong Niuhuang Wan which is being fired.

The price of a medicine has now been fired to hundreds of thousands.

But this is only a regular version. The really expensive one must be produced by Jingcheng Tongrentang before 1993.

That's the real good medicine, and it's not an exaggeration to have a few hundred thousand.

It can definitely save lives at a critical moment.

But now because there is a medicinal ingredient for Asian rhino horn, because the Asian rhino is extinct.

Therefore, this medicine has become out of print, and it is opposed by propaganda in Western countries.

At present, the bezoar and musk in this medicine have been replaced with artificial bezoar and musk.

So the effectiveness is not as good as before, but even such a weakened version of the medicine will cost a few hundred yuan each.

This medicine has a miraculous effect on brain diseases, especially diseases such as cerebral infarction.

But because it involves Chinese medicine, it is not widely accepted worldwide.

After all, the deliberate slander of the Western media for so many years has made Chinese medicine be regarded as a witch doctor by many people.

This makes the people above also very speechless.

Knowing the appearance of the Ninth Laboratory's rejuvenation series of health products has greatly increased the face of the people above.

Now when going out, there are often foreign leaders, or celebrities and politicians, and we want to make gifts of rejuvenation series of health products.

This has greatly increased the face of domestic and foreign relations.

This time, the Ninth Laboratory is so competitive, and Sunshine Hospital has teamed up to create such an epoch-making medical fluoroscopy device.

Now the top can no longer be calm!

On the one hand, the media was organized to report on this self-service medical examination center for many days.

With CCTV taking the lead, and other local TV stations, how can they not understand the meaning of the above?

Other paper media and online media also immediately understood the meaning of the above.

So it started to tout this self-service medical examination center, its level of numbness.

Even Xiao Feng felt a little embarrassed when he saw it.

It is abruptly shaped as a representative of overtaking in a curve.

And more than that. Recently, CCTV will send someone to the Ninth Lab to conduct an exclusive interview with He Xiaojun, the CEO of the Ninth Lab.

In addition, they visited Sunshine Hospital and gave quite a positive report.

Even the director of Sunshine Hospital, Guan Zhenhai followed frequently in front of the camera.

In the past, the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital could only rely on products and technology to speak.

Based on the national road, it can not be said that the road is smooth sailing, and there have been many twists and turns in the middle.

But this time with CCTV's endorsement, it's different.

These media came to conduct an interview the day before, and the next day leaders from the province came to inspect.

And these leaders were just the front stands, and within two days, the leaders of the central government came to inspect.

This is the above positive attitude, which made the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital once again show their faces in front of the national audience.

This is not only Wan Gongzi’s Penglai Pavilion APP.

The Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital were also on fire this time.

Just after this wave, a hospital soon came to the door and said that they would buy this set of self-service medical examination center equipment in their home.

The current hospitals, especially those large tertiary hospitals, are actually very troublesome with this medical examination.

Every morning, as soon as the door is opened, there are thousands of patients coming in.

Then one day after another, without stopping, a hospital would have to receive thousands of patients every day.

And most of these patients have to undergo a physical examination.

But the hospital has so many laboratory equipment and so many manpower.

Therefore, it is impossible to produce results quickly. Only some simple projects may produce results faster.

Otherwise, after a set of inspections, it will take a few hours or two or three days to get the results.

This is all normal.

The common people complained about such a process, and their hospital hated such a result.

They also want to treat the common people as soon as possible. They also don't want people to line up!

But after all, the current medical industry's testing equipment is at the same level, and they can't improve it if they want.

But now with this self-service medical examination center, this is different.

Simple, convenient, and completely foolish operation.

You don’t even need a doctor during the whole process. How can the hospital dislike such equipment?

The most important thing is the perspective imaging part of this set of equipment, which is simply drooling for major hospitals!

Although major hospitals are equipped with CT machines, to be honest, this machine is expensive.

Each hospital generally only buys one.

And there are too many people waiting to make a film, sometimes there are hundreds of numbers a day.

How can it be so busy with just such a machine?

Therefore, many patients often have to be scheduled for CT.

To be honest, patients who need CT are generally in serious condition, and their family members and patients are very anxious.

You let them wait for several days. How can patients and their families not be angry?

Moreover, the effect of CT machine on certain diseases is not very good.

If it is not an experienced expert, it is very likely that there will be a misdiagnosis.

This kind of problem occurs many times in the hospital every year.

But now it is different. With the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital, this self-service medical examination center is jointly launched.

The medical perspective, this is not a problem at all.

Even doctors in many hospitals secretly go to the self-service medical examination center after get off work to experience it.

Blood tests and urine tests, those are nothing.

They are mainly to experience the magic of this medical perspective.

After some experience, everyone was really stunned.

This thing is really amazing!

There is no need to worry about radiation like CT and MRI.

Anyway, people say it is completely harmless, and what special band electromagnetic waves are used.

In the end, I can actually perform 3D imaging of the whole body, which is amazing.

With this kind of fluoroscopy equipment, any disease in any organ in your body will be clear at a glance.

This greatly improves the accuracy of doctors' diagnosis and reduces the difficulty of reading the film.

With such a machine, many doctors even think that machines and CT machines can simply stay away from the stage of history.

A machine of that kind costs tens of millions.

And the asking price of this self-service medical examination center is only 50 million yuan.

The most important thing is that they provide a lifetime warranty!

This is not like those CT machines bought from abroad, which are quite expensive.

Limit the number of times of use every day, and then regularly ask dedicated engineers to come over for maintenance.

The cost of one-time maintenance is not a small number, which is really irritating.

Although there are several domestic companies that can produce CT machines, to be honest, there is still a big gap in the level of technology compared with foreign countries.

And now there is this self-service medical examination center jointly developed by the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital.

Everyone thinks that as long as they buy this machine.

After that, there will be no need to be angry with those foreign devils again!

So during this period, the threshold of the Ninth Laboratory was almost trampled on by representatives of hospitals from all over the country.

Purchasers from hospitals everywhere came with instructions.

Be sure to purchase a self-service medical examination center to go back.

The competition among hospitals is also extremely fierce these years.

Your hospital does not have CT, so patients will naturally choose a hospital with CT.

But that was before, and now this kind of self-service medical examination center is popular.

Is it good? The common people have already seen it from TV news and various online media.

When people go to the hospital, they naturally rush to this kind of self-service medical examination center. If your home has one, they will come to your home.

If your home doesn't have one, then people will naturally choose to go to the one that has it!

So even for the reputation of the hospital, everyone has to grab it!

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