My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 650: Sea fishing ground

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In fact, the concept of this ocean ranch has been around for a long time, and it was Australians who first proposed and implemented it.

And why Xiao Feng knew it was related to his previous job. He used to work for a high-end food import and export company in Beijing.

So I have learned some about the high-end ingredients produced in Australia.

Australia not only produces high-quality beef and lamb, but also high-quality blue flag tuna.

Over the years, with the export of Japanese culture, major developed countries in Europe and the United States have opened many high-end Japanese food stores, and the Japanese have also brought the culture of eating fish to all over the world.

In addition, Japan itself is a big country that consumes raw fish, so in one year, this high-end blue flag tuna is simply not enough for people all over the world.

It is precisely because of seeing this market that Australians have the idea of ​​cultivating tuna.

Because their country has a very long coastline and its own waters, especially the waters on the Indian Ocean side, it is also very suitable for breeding blue flag tuna.

So Australians put forward and implemented the concept of ocean ranch. They made many large cages, put them into the sea near some islands and reefs, and then kept tuna in captivity.

You must know that tuna is a very squeamish fish, but they rely on years of accumulation of technology and experience, and they just succeeded in breeding.

Every year, a large amount of Australian farmed tuna flows into Japanese food stores all over the world.

Although it is farmed tuna, it is completely deep-sea farmed and there is no pollution in the whole process. Therefore, the nutritional value of the tuna they raise is no different from wild tuna, and even in terms of safety and health, it is safer than wild tuna.

You must know that many wild tuna now carry many parasites, and it is not safe to eat raw.

But because Australian farmed tuna does not come into contact with wild fish outside, there will not be too many parasite infections, so the sales price has not been low.

For their product promotion, when they wanted to open the Chinese market, they found the company where Xiao Feng worked, and even showed them a video of their tuna farming.

He also introduced the situation of breeding. To be honest, Xiao Feng was very excited when he saw it.

Those fish farmers are also called cowboys, but they have to live on the sea all year round. This tuna can be produced in five months of farming, but the work is very hard.

In order to prevent tuna from being infected with germs and parasites, they have to clean up the cages regularly, and drive away the sharks that try to break the cages and eat their food inside. Sometimes they have to touch them when they are repairing the cages underwater. To go to sharks, they must have the courage to fight sharks with bare hands.

And when it comes to the day when the net can be fished, they must catch all the fish in one day, and because tuna is very delicate, in order to facilitate transportation and storage, it is absolutely not allowed to damage the skin during the fishing process.

So they can't use any tools, they have to fish with bare hands. Forty to fifty kilograms of big fish are caught in the sea with bare hands. How much effort does it have to do?

One cage can raise more than 3,000 fish at a time, and these sea cowboys can earn 300,000 to 500,000 Australian dollars in one season, and RMB 1.5 to 2 million!

When he heard these introductions, Xiao Feng really wanted to apply for this job. Unfortunately, when he thought of spending time with shark hard steel in the sea, he gave up that idea.

Precisely because I have had an understanding of Australian tuna farming, I have a better understanding of the salmon farming cage in front of me. It is nothing more than an enlarged version of the tuna farming cage!

At this time, Boss Ding was still talking to Xiao Feng about the situation of their cage.

"... Actually, this farmed salmon is nothing new. We raise them in our country. But they are all offshore, and all shallow water cages are used. To be honest, the effect is not good, because it is offshore, and the water quality No. The pollution is very serious. In order to prevent the fish from getting sick, a large amount of medicine is used. The fish is not raised and the quality is not very good. The most important thing is that the medicine is used to pollute the sea. The environmental protection of Novi State is so strict, it will definitely not That’s why we designed and manufactured this deep-sea fish cage..."

As Boss Ding said, he asked the secretary to bring the computer and show Xiao Feng and the others a slideshow with detailed information on the cage.

"Just now Mr. Xiao talked about the Australian tuna cages. Although our design concept of the cages is also derived from the Australian cages, it is very different from them. Ours is the first semi-submersible in the world. The structural design of the deep-sea fishery is quite different from the traditional cage-type structure. The first is the aquaculture volume. Ours is dozens of times larger than theirs. The diameter of our fishery is 110 meters and the total height is 69 meters. The empty ship weighs 7,693 tons and has a capacity of 250,000 cubic meters, which is equivalent to 200 standard swimming pools; the outer net covers an area of ​​35,000 square meters, equivalent to the size of 5 standard football fields, and the water covered by it is equivalent to 400 ordinary offshore nets. The water body covered by the tank. The cost of a single fish farm is 420 million yuan, and the service life is 25 years. It can raise 1.5 million fish at a time."

Although he also knew that such a fishery could raise no less than one time, Xiao Feng was surprised when he heard the introduction of the boss, and he could raise 1.5 million salmon at a time! ! !

How much money can one vote earn if this is cultivated?

In fact, salmon is salmon. It is also called sockeye or salmon in China. Generally, one piece weighs only three to five catties. The meat is delicious and has few spines. It is very popular among the people.

Although the economic value is not as expensive as the blue flag tuna, it is not low to raise so many at a time.

The cost of this deep-sea fishery is 420 million yuan, which sounds very expensive, but if it can be used for 25 years, the average annual cost is not high.

At this time, Director Ding was still eloquently introducing his fishing grounds on the sea.

"Our fishery is divided into three parts structurally. Below is a group of buoys composed of 7 buoys. They provide different levels of buoyancy. In the middle is the core aquaculture frame structure of the fishery, and its main body is a 12-sided all-steel The "giant cage" composed of the structure. The white building above is the working and living area for the staff. For such a fishery, only 7 workers are enough. And our fishery is absolutely safe because of the ultra-high-strength steel used. , Can provide more than 10 tons of pretension, so it can resist 12 typhoons, and its stability is much higher than that of traditional aquaculture nets. It also covers two layers of fishing nets, so the waves or sharks don’t even want to tear our fishing nets at all. Worried about loss."

While explaining, Director Ding was also observing and paying attention to Xiao Feng's expression. He was happier watching Xiao Feng listen very carefully.

Xiao Feng is definitely not bad for money. If they can find a suitable seller in China for this set of offshore fishing grounds, then they will open up a new way of making money.

"Tell me about salmon farming!"

After listening to the introduction of this offshore fishery, Xiao Feng asked about this matter again.

Although tuna farming is profitable, Xiao Feng pays more attention to the market that can move in quantity. Salmon is undoubtedly very suitable for his positioning.

"Okay! Mr. Xiao, this salmon is a cold-water fish. It is not as sensitive to water quality requirements as tuna, but it can only grow well in certain waters. They generally live in areas where the water temperature is 15-18 degrees. In fact, they are currently living in China. On land, there are some freshwater aquaculture. The trout they raise is called trout, which is also a type of salmon. They are usually sold at about two catties, and they are certainly not as valuable as the sea. The fish raised in the sea can generally be used. It grows to 4-6 kg, which is the optimal weight for salmon, and it usually grows in half a year."

Don't even think that boss Ding is just a shipbuilder, but he knows a lot about deep-sea aquaculture.

He glanced at Xiao Feng and then smiled.

"Before I did shipbuilding, I did aquaculture. Now I have a few brothers who are doing this business, so I know a little bit."

His few words greatly enhanced the credibility of those words he said before.

Xiao Feng nodded when he heard it, and a batch of them matured in half a year. He just asked Zhu Ziqi, who was with him, to check the price of imported domestic salmon.

The domestic standard for imported salmon is generally 6 kilograms per piece, and the price per kilogram is about 100 yuan for the Novi product and more than 80 yuan for the domestic copper.

And the price in the market, that can go too high.

But even so, it is still very popular in the market.

This price is already in the category of high-end ingredients, but it is still in short supply. It seems that this market has something to do!

"Manager Ding, I also want to order a fishing ground to try."

"Oh? Mr. Xiao, do you have a suitable breeding area?"

When Boss Ding heard this, his eyes brightened. You must know that over the years, many domestic bosses have had the idea of ​​cultivating salmon, but in the end they only managed to raise trout that is suitable for freshwater.

Everyone knows that salmon produced in the sea is more but there is no suitable sea area for breeding this kind of fish in China!

There are also a few countries in the world that have fishing grounds suitable for cultivating this fish. Nuowei is number one, Tongguo is number one, and there are several other countries, which are not good crops.

Besides, such a lucrative business, people still can't make it by themselves. Would that allow you Chinese to intervene?

And this time Xiao Feng wanted to order an offshore fishing ground. This boss Ding naturally felt very curious, but he regretted it as soon as he said it.

This is a business secret of others, and if he asks indiscriminately, he might annoy them.

Fortunately, Xiao Feng just slapped him, not angry, which made Boss Ding feel relieved.

What Xiao Feng pondered was that hehe, with this fish farm, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

At that time, I will get some salmon back from another world every three to five. Anyway, they are all raised in the fishery on the sea. Can others go to his fishery to check it?

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