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Xiao Feng had also heard about this before, but he was not involved in the pharmaceutical industry at that time, so he heard that he didn't know much about it.

But since He Fangzhou has said it today, he will let him explain it in detail to himself.

It's fine if you don't listen to it. When I heard it, he was shocked. It turned out that the truth in the medical world was so cruel.

At present, European and American countries attach great importance to the research and development of new western medicines, especially the United States, which is especially important, and several major industries such as electronics, finance, military industry, and aerospace are listed as the foundation of their country.

Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, etc. These pharmaceutical giants invest more than US$100 billion in pharmaceutical research and development each year.

The most critical step in medical research and development is to conduct clinical trials to test the side effects of drugs. This process is very long and requires a lot of patients and even healthy people to participate.

And such experiments are obviously not allowed in Western countries.

Not to mention that it costs a lot of money. Just paying for those patients may bankrupt them and also bring very serious legal risks.

Therefore, these world-leading companies have chosen India for their clinical trials.

It is even more irritating to say that when the country did not pay much attention to this aspect when it was just opened, and did not understand it, these large pharmaceutical companies even once placed clinical trial areas in China.

Later, because of fear of causing public outrage, it was quietly abolished.

Now they put most of the clinical trial areas in Africa and India, especially India is their favorite area.

All this is done first because of the existence of the Indian caste system. Because of this system, low-caste Indians can not even be regarded as human beings.

And these people are very poor. They dare to do anything for a little money, and their lives can be sold, let alone health.

The most exaggerated thing is that some don't even give money, and such an incident even happened in the past two years.

In a certain state in India, a local landlord, together with the police, joined forces to forcibly seal off a village, and then forced the children in the village to a hospital to forcefully participate in drug experiments.

Among them, 49 children died within three months one after another, and if this incident were not reported by the Times at the time, I am afraid no one would know about it now.

It's already the 21st century, and those landlords can still treat people as private property because they are low-caste untouchables in his eyes.

After the incident was reported, it immediately caused an uproar. Some media followed up on investigations and reports, but the investigation shocked them.

It turned out that since 2006, there have been at least more than 4,000 to more than 10,000 children who have been forced to participate in this drug experiment.

But the strange thing was that when this incident was reported, although it caused an uproar around the world, it soon disappeared.

Why? Because behind these experiments, most of them have the shadows of the large European and American companies. Once the reporters continue to study, it is easy to dig out these large European and American pharmaceutical companies.

At that time, it will be mixed, and it will cause a huge humanitarian crisis.

Western countries that have been promoting their fraternity and human rights before naturally cannot allow such self-slaps, so forcing the media to shut up has become an inevitable thing.

This is only for children's drug research and development, and in terms of adult drug research and development, it is no longer known how many Indians have been sacrificed.

No one dared to expose the many shady scenes behind this.

This is only in India, not to mention the situation in Africa.

It is a land of no ownership, especially in areas where warlords are fighting, where human lives are worthless. Many major European and American pharmaceutical companies have also set up laboratories there.

But later, because the warlords over there were not very strict about rules, they often spent money to buy test items, and this group of guys even came to rob them five times away.

In addition, there are many human experiments. Westerners are unwilling to do it themselves. Unlike India, Africa has a large number of English-speaking Indian doctors who are willing to do dirty work, so most of the laboratories in Africa have been abolished.

But some still remain in areas with better public security.

After He Fangzhou explained these shady scenes to Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng felt that his brain was about to explode. These blood-sparkling realities completely subverted his worldview.

To be honest, he didn't care much about the news about India before, so he didn't know much about this information.

He never expected that the reality would be so cruel.

Think about those Indians, who are on the Q&A websites abroad, and on Facebook every day, that complacent face, everything must be compared with China.

There are even some shameless people who have to speak fallacies and fallacies, and want to force the Chinese side. He really feels sorry for these shameless pens.

My country is like a slaughterhouse. I actually have to pick gold from the pit and compare it with others. I really don’t know how to describe these ‘proud’ Indians.

No wonder Europeans and Americans like Indians so much, these guys are simply good slaves.

A country does not have its own language and is proud of speaking English. When you come to Europe and America, as long as you meet Indians, you will know that they are shameless, cheeky, and bragging.

Some time ago, many people said that the CEOs of many large companies in the United States are Indians, but there is no Chinese. This shows that our Chinese education has failed.

Xiao Feng has also contacted Indians before, and this time He Fangzhou explained a lot of inside stories about India. He only wanted to greet the ancestors of those who say India is good.

Why do large European and American companies like to use Indian CEOs?

First of all, because these guys voluntarily helped themselves to the European and American system, they were used as slaves by the British for hundreds of years, and they actually got a sense of pride.

I think that being a dog is also a kind of pride, which is very similar to the people who like to be maggots in the feces of the Great Yin Empire in a certain place in the south, and those people who like to recognize the foot pot dad on a certain island.

People in Europe and the United States have such an obedient son for no reason. Are they happy?

If there is such a person every day, kneeling and licking in front of you, you must also like such a guy very much. Without him, it would be cool to be licked!

The second is this group of Indians, they are simply shameless, kind-skinned to a certain extent, and they are especially good at bragging B!

Xiao Feng also has a few high school classmates who study computers. After graduating from university, he went to the United States to work in Silicon Valley.

When these classmates returned to Beijing a few years later, when everyone gathered together, almost no one had not complained to him about the shamelessness of the Silicon Valley Indians.

In very funny companies in Silicon Valley, these Indians are good at forming cliques and engaging in office politics.

But if you really talk about technology! That's it!

Together, the three Indian Asanjas are not as good as a Chinese technical elite, that is, Chinese people do not like to participate in politics, and they never thought about kneeling and licking Yankees. Therefore, in the position of CEO of a large Silicon Valley factory, they will Rarely see the shadow of Chinese people.

After all, Americans are not fools, and they have been guarding against the Chinese.

The reason why the status of Indians in the company is so high is to counterbalance the Chinese.

Xiao Feng's classmates once told him about the shamelessness of these Indians. It was obviously the code written by the Chinese and the results they made. This group of Asan brazenly dared to claim it for themselves.

Moreover, at the presentations attended by the company's leaders, these guys did a beautiful PPT, and they often dared to use the PPT to blow up. This is because they are so cheeky and shameless that they can fool the old beauty.

It is precisely because of this that they can climb to the top positions of those big companies.

After Xiao Feng learned the truth, he felt amused at the same time, he even felt a little ecstatic.

The more such Indians, the better. When they occupy a large area of ​​Silicon Valley, they will have the effect of bad money driving out good money.

A large number of Chinese people who have been bullied may choose to return to their country.

Of course, those who want to enjoy the sweet air of the United States will definitely stay in the United States with their breath, and such people are naturally not worthy of his care.

And those who return to China, as long as they have the ability, will certainly stand out in the country as well.

As for those Asan, where can the U.S. international giants take in the future?

Haha, look at Microsoft, which has been on its laurels for so many years, and you will know.

If it weren't for some of the old technology in the early years, which was used extensively by the current mobile Internet giants, and could collect large amounts of patent fees every year, what do you think of the current situation of Microsoft's report?

But now Microsoft's report and stock price are still very colorful. Xiao Feng naturally hopes that this situation will continue.

It will take a few years~www.ltnovel.com~ when the mobile Internet enters the next stage, see if they can still laugh.

Hasn't Boeing, a major US manufacturer, already filled the hole in person? Wasn’t the override code for the Boeing 737MAX that crashed a few times written by an Indian company that claims to be a big software country?

After dropping several planes in a row, look at the current Boeing, vomiting up and down, three souls went to seven souls, how good is that?

Let Americans continue to like Indians!

And when He Fangzhou asked Xiao Feng cautiously again: "Boss, look at us, do we also want to be in India..."

"Of course you want to do it? Other pharmaceutical factories have gone there for clinical trials. We naturally want to do it too. It's not bad for the money. There are Indian doctors to do it, and we don't need to dirty our own hands. It's not cheap. Don't account for the white!"

He Fangzhou heard that Xiao Feng had promised so happily, he immediately waved his fist happily: "Thank you, boss, I happen to have a few familiar friends in India, they can help contact this matter..."

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