My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 512: The situation is not good

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Don't tell me, this guy reports clearly and is well-founded, and he is really the type that leaders like best.

According to his report, Xiao Feng learned that last fall, both Benliu City and Shuangta City had a bumper harvest in agriculture, and the food produced was enough for humans in the entire Penniveira Peninsula to eat until the next year.

At this point, I have to say that to be able to get such a bumper harvest, I really want to thank the fertility of the land on this planet.

In terms of farming, the natives here have reached the level of entry-level farmers in China. Xiao Feng brought them many farm tools, such as hoes and fences, which greatly improved their work efficiency.

And a large number of domesticated animals, such as horses and cows, have also appeared, on the other hand, greatly improving their work efficiency.

Therefore, in the absence of chemical fertilizers and relying solely on manual labor for the removal of insects and weeds, they really have to thank the fertile soil of this planet for such a bumper harvest. In addition, it is also God’s face that no major natural disasters have occurred in the past two years.

There is another very key factor, that is, Xiao Feng has brought them more advanced storage technology.

In fact, in ancient times on the earth, people often went hungry and famines were not caused by insufficient annual harvests, but because of poor storage technology.

Every year there will be a lot of grains, due to improper storage, decayed, or harmed by snakes, ants, insects, and rats. After Xiao Feng brought these natives with very advanced storage technology and knowledge, the efficiency of grain storage was greatly improved. Up.

In addition, according to this Majes' report, after special training, his animal husbandry staff has also been greatly improved.

There are already special hunting teams in the wild. These people are doing the same jobs that the Biluodi ribbon people used to do. On the one hand, they go out to hunt wild animals and bring them back for storage.

Except for bisons that are not allowed to eat casually, other wild animals can be eaten openly, which provides tribal people with a lot of protein supplements.

In addition, they have to capture a large number of wild ox, wild horses, wild sheep, wild boars, and even pheasant wild ducks and other animals to come back to be domesticated.

At present, the number of livestock in the tribe has exceeded one million heads. This data shocked Xiao Feng.

However, the large livestock such as horses are listed separately. Xiao Feng was relieved. It turned out to be just some flat-haired livestock. This is normal. After all, these chickens, ducks and geese are easier to breed and domesticate. .

The stock of cattle and horses has reached 100,000. In order to better domesticate these large livestock, Majes also specially organized people to open up several large pastures on the wasteland outside the valley to the south.

With these horses, the tribe’s army can have sufficient combat effectiveness, and some horses are also good helpers for farmers. They can be used not only for transportation, but also for plowing the land. As for the cattle, not to mention, they are also good helpers for farmers. .

After listening to Majes’s report, Xiao Feng was very satisfied with the results of his work and patted this guy on the shoulder. Such intimacy from the top leader of the tribe almost made Majes excited. .

Seeing this guy's useful expression, Xiao Feng smiled secretly, this guy is really an official fan.

At this time, a series of bullock carts came in the distance, pulling various ore on the bullock carts, and the dwarves driving them yelled and drove the bullock carts, and transported the ore from this cart to a workshop in the south of the city.

As the convoy passed by, suddenly a dwarf jumped off the car and walked quickly to Xiao Feng.

"My lord, are you back?"

Xiao Feng saw that this guy was indeed one of the leaders of the dwarf tribe, that geologist who was good at prospecting, Dean. Ogelman.

"Haha, Dean, haven't seen you for a long time, why do you look so tired?"

Dean's clothes were worn out, and his hair was messy. It seemed that he hadn't washed for a long time, and he looked very embarrassed. Xiao Feng was very surprised by his image.

At any rate, they are also the main leaders of the base, how can they not pay attention to their image.

Dean scratched his head awkwardly: "My lord, my task is very heavy recently, so..."

Xiao Feng's expression changed after hearing this: "What? Is your workload heavy?"

He thought it was a dwarf, and he received some exclusion in the tribe, but he didn't expect what Dean said next made him let go of his worry.

"Yes, my lord, you also know that the population of the tribe has increased so much. It takes a lot of tools and ironware to eat, wear, and live. Therefore, our workload is very large. Not only do we have to go to the mountains to open mines, but also I want to come back to build tools. The other is city defense and the army, which require a lot of tools and weapons, so my task here is very heavy."

"I know the army. They have a lot more troops, and they really need a lot of weapons, but the city defense... By the way, on Friday, our city wall seems to have increased a lot, why should we build it so high?"

There have been several wars under Benliu City before, the most tragic one almost collapsed the container wall that Xiao Feng had brought.

After that, the city wall was strengthened once. In that time, large stones were re-excavated from the mountain, the foundation was dug again, and the foundation was laid with these stones, and then the container was placed on these foundation stones.

After that time, the height of the city wall remained at eleven or twelve meters, but it was much stronger, but this time it was raised to more than 20 meters, which is very manpower and material resources. The original height of the city wall is already in Xiao Feng’s eyes. It was insurmountable, but why did he cultivate so high this time? He also didn't understand.

So I asked about Friday casually. I didn't expect that my face changed after I heard it on Friday. He looked around, and finally grabbed Xiao Feng's sleeves and led him directly to the city wall.

Xiao Feng found out that the construction of the city wall had not been completed yet. Someone was still raising the female wall on the city wall. Some people were building arrow towers, large trebuchets and so on. It looked like he really wanted to build this city wall. A copper wall and iron wall!

Moreover, this city wall was even higher than the mountain on the right hand side. On the other side of the mountain, someone was actually building a city wall on the ridge along the mountain. That situation reminded Xiao Feng of the Great Wall.

It seems that the city wall has to be repaired to the farthest cliff with a steep angle of ninety degrees before stopping! Moreover, at the foot of the mountain, there are still many people who are cutting trees and clearing the terrain. Some gentle slopes must be repaired to steep and non-climbable angles.

But how much manpower and material resources will it consume?

Hasn't a piece of ground ahead, the Huluxia land already been laid? As a military buffer zone, it is already large enough. Why is it necessary to build such a high wall?

"My lord, the situation is a bit bad. You are not here during this time, and you may not know the situation here. Let me explain to you one or two..."

Then this Friday, I took Xiao Feng to talk to him in a whisper. It turned out that after Xiao Feng left last time, everyone started to perform their duties.

But until the winter last year, Kyle and Bloom brought Bumblebee General Pan Deli back to gather all the leaders for a meeting.

It turned out that the last time Xiao Feng led the team out of the Napal Prairie and went to the Karachi Mountains to bring the mage Flamel back, this action caused an uproar in the tribe of half-orcs.

Originally, their army was in the south to conquer those human empires at the end of the crossbow. They didn't pay much attention to the human beings on Xiao Feng's side, but because it was a mustard disease, it was not to be feared.

Although they defeated a part of the orcs and captured the Gourd Gorge, from the perspective of the upper class of the orcs, it was nothing more than taking advantage of the orcs army to go south, the rear was empty, and the defeated were all the old, weak and sick, so Nothing terrible.

Once the orcs have calmed down the south, and after returning, give them a thunderous blow, and they will be able to get rid of them.

But how can I think that these guys are so courageous, it is not honest to lay down the Gourd They dare to go deep into the hinterland of the orcs to burn, kill, and looting. This is unbearable, because it makes them feel their own The old nest is threatened.

So the half-orcs alliance drew a part of the army from the south, retreated overnight, and finally rushed back to the nest before winter, but they did not return to the secret forest. ,

Instead, they chose to camp on the Napal Prairie, because it was about to enter winter and it was not suitable for battle, so they kept making preparations there.

Kyle and the others have been investigating the news of this orc camp, and because of the existence of Pan Deli, a traitor of the orcs, they can get a lot of news that they couldn't get in the past.

It may be because of the mountain torrents during the expedition to Qukai last year, or it may be because there are too many troops on this expedition, and logistics must be prepared, or it may be to block the mountain pass and prevent the human army from taking the gourd. Rushed out from the gorge.

These half-orcs did not rush over to attack the Hulu Gorge, but began to build a city at the foothills of the Hulu Gorge mountain range close to the Napal Prairie. From here, after a few days of mountainous land, you can reach Qukai City. , And then Huluxiadi.

And this movement of the orcs caused Kyle and the others to be alert.

Especially after sending the Bumblebee, and after Bloom riding the eagle, spying on the camp of the orcs several times, Kyle and the others were even more panicked.

This time the Orcs really took them seriously. According to the information spied by the Bumblebees, this time the Orcs Alliance has organized a fifth of the alliance's army. It is said that there are 300,000 Orcs in the camp.

This time I came here to wipe them out in one fell swoop!

An army of 300,000 half-orcs! When the Toulon Empire was annihilated, the half-orcs only dispatched a hundred thousand troops!

Kyle felt desperate when he thought of this number!

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