Later, after engaging in intelligence work, he took advantage of various opportunities to enrich himself.

Of course, he later resigned and joined this private research institution, which was more or less related to the crazy money making that year.

Of course, over the years, he has also taken on a lot of private work, such as helping many politicians and wiping butts with capital bosses.

These jobs also brought him a lot of income.

Because of this, he was able to buy a million-dollar mansion in Washington, D.C., in his thirties.

Bought multivitamins from Voegelin, along with his regular protein powder.

After checking out, I ordered a cup of coffee from the King of Fruits on the counter outside Voegelin.

Frank returned to the car slowly. Years of fitness made him accustomed to a cup of black coffee every day as the beginning of the day.

I drove slowly on the road, and soon the car drove into Columbus Street.

To be honest, in Europe and the United States, almost every city will have such a street.

And their research institute is located on this street.

And it's not a certain building on this street, but the buildings on the north side of the entire street, which are all their research institutes.

He drove fine into the yard and went upstairs with his coffee.

Then I went to the restaurant of the research institute to have breakfast. The province should spend money. Although he is not bad for money, it is a good habit for him to eat breakfast at the research institute.

Except the free coffee in the restaurant is not very good, there is nothing wrong with the meals in this institute.

Because there are many researchers in the institute who have to work night shifts.

After all, they are a research institute with a global perspective, and many staff members are not only concerned about domestic developments.

Also keep an eye on the movements of Asia and Europe on the other side of the world.

Therefore, the researchers here are divided into three shifts, working 24 hours a day without stopping.

Therefore, the restaurant here also provides food and beverages 24 hours a day.

And the most popular in the restaurant is the Chinese restaurant of Li's Restaurant.

That's right, the restaurants of the institute are basically outsourced.

Because I have tried to do it myself before, but unfortunately it was soon complained by the majority of researchers, and finally had to be outsourced.

Because most of the researchers working here are elites who graduated from famous universities.

Everyone gave up the high salaries of Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and came here to do such boring jobs, and the salary they received was only one-third of that of Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

Even so, everyone is still willing to do it, simply because everyone loves their motherland.

But if you can't even provide everyone with a good meal, it's a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, after some employees protested at first, the higher-level management quickly returned the original self-operated restaurant.

Then it was outsourced to many catering companies in the Washington area.

And these catering companies have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before moving in, and it has been tested.

Then their restaurants are enriched, offering food from all over the world.

There are traditional American breakfast, as well as Indian food, Japanese food, Chinese food and so on.

Compared with other meals, the most popular in recent years is Chinese food.

Frank also doesn't know why Chinese food has suddenly become so popular in the United States in the past two years.

And many old and beautiful, more and more like to eat which kind of original Chinese food, or slightly improved Chinese food.

This may have something to do with the increasing number of celebrity chef manufacturing in North America in recent years, and many old and beautiful tastes have been influenced by this Chinese restaurant.

In North America, there are also countless Chinese and Western restaurants, all learning the taste of this store.

Unfortunately, what disappointed everyone was that no matter how they learned, they couldn't learn their tastes.

Although Frank is an out-and-out dragon-hating party, for some reason, he can't hate this Chinese restaurant.

The first time he ate it, to be honest, he was reluctant and was pulled in by one of his girlfriends.

But once you've eaten it once, it's hard not to go a second time.

Even after a lot of visits, you will become addicted to this restaurant.

Every so often, I want to go to their shop to rub a meal, which has become a habit of many old beauty.

Including their research institute, even if they are studying how to deal with dragons,

But in fact, whenever it comes to Easter, or Christmas, such a major holiday, there is a time to celebrate.

People will still order a whole bunch of takeaways from the nearest celebrity chef for holiday food.

This has become a subtle rule in the office.

It seems that everyone has recognized that whenever there is a major festival, they must eat their food.

Damn, these bastards, they do takeaways obediently, can't they be restaurants?

Why do you have to make technology products?

You said that you have made carbon nanotube chips, and that's all. Since last year, you have also produced some second-generation high-precision flexible processing machines.

Nima, this has brought their military strength to a new level.

Although they are also tacit, they did not spread these technologies to the outside world. UU reading www.

But this also makes many people in Washington and North America feel restless!

Because everyone can see that the current brats are just like the United States that fought the Civil War back then.

I don't hear what's going on outside the window, and I only focus on cultivating internal skills!

Thinking back to the eagle back then, he practiced for decades in one breath, until he looked up at the world.

It was only then that I realized that I had become the number one in the world's GDP before I knew it!

Then they developed for another 20 years, and then they and Germany led the second industrial revolution, which is the era of electrification.

By the end of the second industrial revolution, their economy will be the world's number one in terms of volume and quality.

And now their opponent seems to have embarked on their old path.

And they seem to have found the direction of their own technological breakthroughs, which is what scares them the most.

In the past, they researched and studied other places such as Europe, Africa and so on.

But now all year round, their eyes are almost all on the bunnies.


Frank let out a long breath and pushed the door into the dining room.

In this restaurant, the most popular is Li's Restaurant, which is also a Chinese restaurant.

And their best skill is that they almost imitate famous chefs to create a Chinese restaurant with the most similar taste.

That's why I am qualified to be invited to come to the institute to cook a meal.

Early in the morning, there was a long queue in front of their counter.

Frank was at the back of the line, grabbed a plate, and followed the line slowly.

In the glass showcase in the dining bar, there are prepared dishes that you can order by yourself.

Frank got a steamed egg with shrimp, four steamed buns, and a cup of soy milk...

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