My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2250: counter charge

The atmosphere of the scene, which was originally very solemn, immediately became a lot more relaxed.

In fact, most of the people in this command room are not professional soldiers.

These people themselves are some accountants, and gambling masters, and do security work.

Their daily job is to help D field bookkeeping.

There is also the constant monitoring of the operation of the D field to see if there are any fraudsters in the field.

Or is there a master who is proficient in gambling techniques to smash the game.

Other security personnel are monitoring the situation in the casino to see if there is any profiteering damage to the equipment.

Play theft, or fight, engage in fairy jumping.

After all, these criminal gangs go wherever they have money.

A D field as popular as them is naturally the favorite place for those criminals.

And they naturally can't let such a situation happen arbitrarily in their own territory.

That's why Li Xingkai recruited such a special team.

But no one would have thought that they would encounter such a group of gangsters today.

Captain Mu in front of them had to rush out of the corridor to meet the enemy. After all, they were in the corridor and they had no terrain advantage.

Can only be beaten, this situation is too passive.

Although there was no damage before, it was because they were lucky and the body armor was very strong.

But the enemies are not ordinary gangsters, they even have RPGs, and people will soon be able to figure out how to deal with them.

Therefore, Captain Mu, can't sit still and can only rush out to fight.

And these people in the bunker must arm themselves at this time.

Because as soon as Captain Mu and the others left the corridor, they would be in a completely undefended city.

It is very easy for the enemy to rush in. .

That's why Li Xingkai asked everyone to be prepared.

With him taking the lead, and the subordinates who had followed him also joined in one after another.

The other people who were recruited later also gathered up their courage one by one and went to the front to get their bulletproof vests and guns.

Chen Cheng and his friends, who were hiding on the side, also followed the group to the front to get body armor and guns.

When it comes to guns, Chen Cheng and his friends are no strangers.

When they were working on offshore mining before, they had specially invited security personnel on board.

Those security personnel are the people of the group, the people of the African branch.

And they all have heavy equipment, not to mention submachine guns, even heavy machine guns.

And in those days floating on the sea, when they were bored, they would go and get close to those mercenaries.

It's not that strangers are not allowed to enter, they get along very well, not only allow them to touch guns, but even teach them to shoot.

So the two of them are not first brothers when it comes to firearms.

The current situation is that it is obvious that they are going to be blocked here.

They are also unable to retreat, it is better to prepare with these people.

Fortunately, the equipment in the security room is quite sufficient.

Bulletproof vests are enough, and helmets are also available, although they are not as professional as Captain Mu and the others.

But compared with ordinary police equipment, it is also the highest level.

The two of them each took a Czech-made scorpion-type submachine gun, which is very popular now.

With good stability and great power, it is a leader in the post-MP5 era.

Everyone was properly equipped, when they saw Captain Mu and they had already rushed out of the corridor.

In the hall, there is a fierce battle with those gangsters.

At this time, the tourists in the hall were no longer worried.

Fortunately, in order to control the scene, the bandits drove the tourists to a dining room on the left.

In this way, the hall became the main battlefield for both sides.

From the monitoring screen, you can clearly see the situation of the two sides fighting.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side, occupying a dangerous position in the hall.

Captain Mu and the others only had five people, but they were not at a disadvantage when shooting against more than a dozen opponents.

Although the experience is obviously not as rich as the other party, who makes their equipment better than the other party!

Especially the layer of hard armor on their bodies has protected their lives countless times.

Several times, I saw them hit by each other, but after lying on the ground for a while.

The soldier actually regained his strength, sat up, and resumed the battle.

Not only did the people in the command hall see this picture with blood boiling, but the enemy on the opposite side was also dumbfounded.

The opponent has rich experience and has participated in countless wars, but he has never seen such a patient enemy!

At this time, they also realized that the enemy of the other party, the bulletproof vests on their bodies, are definitely black technology.

So the other party also adopted the tactics of fighting, that is, not fighting with you.

Anyway, as long as you don't rush to hit me, then I won't rush to hit you either.

Seeing an encounter, it is about to become a war of attrition.

At this moment, Li Xingkai's expression changed, and he hurriedly called out to the big fat man sitting in the front row.

"Quickly call up the surveillance video outside and have a look."

The fat man followed Li Xingkai's instructions, but when he saw it, everyone's expressions changed.

It turned out that outside the gate of D field, there were a large number of gangsters, UU reading was gathering.

And these gangsters are different from these guys in the house.

Because many of them are holding heavy weapons, such as the two guys walking in the front, holding a light machine gun in their hands.

There are even a few carrying rocket launchers.

Obviously, the enemy is really delaying, waiting for reinforcements to come and give full play to their strengths!

"Captain Mu, Captain Mu, hurry up and think of a way."

"The gangsters are coming. They come from outside. Many people have heavy weapons on their bodies. I'm afraid your bulletproof vests will not be able to carry them."

"If you really can't, then come back and retreat, let the corridor out, we still have some terrain advantages here."

Li Xingkai had already prepared for the worst and gave orders to Captain Mu.

After all, in their team, the only ones who can really fight are Captain Mu and the other five.

If he really died outside, don't look at the dozens of people in his hands now?

But these people are all chickens!


Captain Mu replied while contacting other comrades in arms.

Then the five people took cover alternately, and retreated to the corridor.

But after walking a few steps, there was a sudden bang.

The soldier who was at the back suddenly fell to the ground.

And this time was different from before. After the warrior fell, he never stood up again.

Everyone saw that a hole the size of a bowl appeared on his chest.

Blood gushed out from the wound like a fountain.

"Grass, the other party used an anti-material rifle!"

Captain Mu has rich experience and can see the clue at a glance.

Everyone in the monitoring room was stunned at this moment. This was the first time they saw their soldiers die in front of their eyes.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn.

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