After eating dinner and taking a break, I feel that my mental state has been adjusted to the best.

Chen Cheng returned to the driver's cab, then followed a few miners and put the robots in the sea.

This time their operating area is in the shallow sea, very close to the continental shelf, so it is not very deep.

Moreover, the sea sand on the seabed is very soft. According to inspections, this piece of sea sand is almost entirely volcanic mud formed by volcanic ash from a distant volcano.

It is rich in various trace elements and rare metals, which is their favorite rare earth mine.

It is said that the economic value of these rare earth minerals after mining is very high, and they can also be made into many electronic components and so on.

Chen Cheng didn't know exactly what he could do anyway. The only thing he knew was that mining these ore sands would significantly increase his income.

The mining work this time is relatively easy and does not require robots to use too many tools.

They only need to hold the water pipes that were laid down on the nearby freighter, and then walk into the soft volcanic mud to **** the volcanic mud onto the ship.

During the whole process, they only need to walk around with a straw, and of course check if there are some rocks in the volcanic mud.

If there are stones, they must be picked out in time to avoid damage to the pump.

Although this work is a bit cumbersome, the advantage is that the amount of mining is very large, and hundreds or thousands of tons can be mined in one day.

A 100,000-ton freighter can be filled in ten days...

Chen Cheng is very satisfied with this work efficiency.

Because the more mines that are excavated, the more numbers in his bank account.

He estimated that if he keeps on doing this, his income this month will exceed 300,000 yuan.

Yes, deep-sea mining like this means the more you do, the more you earn.

But he didn't have time to think about it at this time. He was sitting in the cockpit, holding the water pipe, and walking back and forth on the seabed.

Although the bottom of the sea is dark, nothing can be seen.

But the night vision lights above their heads can play a very good role in life-saving, and they have also arranged several large searchlights on the seabed nearby, which are enough to illuminate them.

Having been working for more than an hour, Chen Cheng already felt a little tired.

Although he slept for more than ten hours from last night to today, the tiredness accumulated over the past year cannot be made up by one night's sleep.

If in the past, such a job, he insisted on daring two and a half, or even three hours, it would not be a problem.

But now he has only been doing it for more than an hour, and he feels tired.

This situation is definitely not like him alone, most of the people on the ship are almost like this.

It's been almost a year since I went to sea, everyone is really tired.

Even if the body is not tired, but the heart is already tired.

Just as he was wondering whether he was holding on for a while or applying for a substitution right away.

Suddenly he felt a violent tugging on his waist, and a huge force was passed along the robot's sensor to the cockpit, and then passed to him through the sensor.

Although this sensor has reduced its force by a ratio of one to several hundred.

But he can still clearly feel that the force coming from this waist is very strong.

Is it possible that you have encountered another underwater monster?

He quickly instructed the robot to turn around, but this look surprised him.

It turned out that this speargun was shot from somewhere, and it hit the waist of the robot he controlled.

And behind the speargun, there was still a cable tied to it, and it was this cable that was exerting frantic force at this time, pulling him back to the country.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction of the cable. There was nothing in the darkness over there.

Obviously someone is making a ghost in the distance!

But they may not understand how we control the robots here, so they can only test it like this.

Chen Chengcheng reported the situation he had encountered, and Mr. Wang from Harbin Institute of Technology and the captain came to him immediately.

They all came to see what was going on here. After spotting the speargun, everyone's expressions became gloomy.

Obviously this is definitely not the way those pirates can think of, obviously this is another new force joining in.

It can also be regarded as the advanced version of pirates, they actually went straight to the robot.

I want to come too, those guys coveted our robots is not a day or two.

It's always like looking for an opportunity to get a few of them and have a look back!

It's a pity that they have never had a chance before!

The pirates were arranged to come and test before, but in the end all the pirates were abolished.

So this time the forces hiding behind the scenes should not be able to bear it, and they have personally arranged for someone to come over and do it themselves.

The captain reported the situation, and also gave the news above, let them make a quick decision, don't be afraid.

The captain discussed with Teacher Wang, and finally gave Chen Cheng an instruction, that is, to do everything.

So after confronting the opponent for a while, Chen Cheng pretended that the robot circuit was damaged and stopped struggling. UU reading

Then the robot was dragged by the cable like a distant place, and in a short while, it left the discerning mining area.

The other robots were pretended to be seen by the above, and they were still crazy mining over there.

The robot controlled by Chen Cheng was dragged all the way by that cable.

He could clearly feel that behind the other party's cable, there must be a piece of equipment operating.

Otherwise, relying on manpower, he would definitely not be able to pull his several tons of big guy.

After about a few minutes, he was pulled down behind a small ridge on the continental shelf, and the person who attacked him here showed his true identity.

In the distance was a small underwater work boat. In front of the boat was a ballista and then a winch.

Obviously the speargun was fired by the ballista, and the robot was also dragged by the winch.

And beside this small boat, there are several frogmen in diving suits.

This should be an upgraded version of pirates. Their purpose is very clear. They want to get a robot to take back and see how these robots do it.

At this time, a robot came over to cut the cable connecting him to the ship.

But at this moment, the robot that seemed to be paralyzed suddenly moved.

He just raised his head slightly, and knocked the guy who was ‘homework’ on his head broken.

Then he waved his hand and slapped a frogman guarding him with a large water gun to death.

The frogman on the other side saw that the situation was not good, and immediately wanted to escape. Unfortunately, no matter how fast he swims in the water, there is no robot fast.

In just ten seconds, he was slapped to death by Gundam.

For the first time to complete such a battle, Chen Cheng was both nervous and very exciting...

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