My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2036: The best alternative to clean energy

Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


Because of this state, a large number of new energy power generation equipment is used.

In proportion, Texas’ solar and wind power generation accounts for about one-third of their state’s electricity consumption.

But when the cold current hit, those big windmills were frozen, and the surface of the solar panels was also frozen.

The two types of power plants were unable to generate electricity normally, which naturally caused the paralysis of the state's power supply system.

The paralysis of the power supply system led to the state's energy crisis.

The biggest victims of that energy crisis are the various wounded and sick in the hospital waiting for first aid.

As a result, because of the blackout, countless patients who were not suffering from serious illnesses died as a result.

Even more exaggerated is that there are even many elderly people who were frozen to death at home.

Therefore, the crisis gave us a wake-up call.

With such lessons learned, we naturally should not give up ordinary coal-fired power plants.

At least a considerable part should be kept as a means of backup.

Once the new energy power plant encounters extreme environments, it cannot supply power normally.

These backup heat and power will be reopened and burned, and will take on the role of supplying electricity to cities and enterprises.

But the question is, should we still let those thermal power companies burn coal?

Someone has done calorific value calculations before.

The calorific value content of one kilogram of burning coal is about 33.5 kJ. At this time, it refers to the finest anthracite.

One cubic meter of natural gas has a higher calorific value, about 39 kJ.

The calorific content of one kilogram of ethanol is about 30.3 kJ, slightly lower than coal and natural gas.

Therefore, many countries in Europe have changed their thermal power plants from coal to natural gas.

Because natural gas has a higher calorific value and produces less pollution.

Although the burning of natural gas will eventually produce carbon dioxide, there is no dust and smoke, and no other harmful gases are produced.

Especially dangerous gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide.

In addition, there is no solid cinder produced, and there is no need to worry about solid waste.

So this is also the main reason why LNG is used as a clean fuel that is currently advocated globally.

But in fact, if ethanol is used as a fuel, the environmental protection ability will be better.

Because if ethanol is used as fuel, there is no need to worry about solid residues.

Moreover, the final waste gas is also only carbon dioxide and water, which is cleaner than burning natural gas.

In addition to methane, natural gas also contains other impurity gases.

So ethanol is a relatively clean fuel.

The only downside is that the calorific value is relatively low. If you want to get the same heat of burning coal and natural gas, you have to burn more ethanol.

Before, why didn't ethanol become the main raw material for clean energy reserves?

It's simple, because the price of this gadget is relatively high.

Previously, there were two main sources of ethanol, one was chemical production.

It is the step of coal chemical industry to prepare coal into methanol, and then decompose ethanol from methanol.

The other is grain fermentation.

In the past, the main raw material was corn, which was fermented, degraded and purified, and finally a large amount of ethanol was obtained.

Then the ethanol is mainly mixed into gasoline and made into ethanol gasoline for external sales.

In previous years, when the world economy was operating normally, the price of coal was basically around 300-1,000 yuan per ton.

The price of poor coal with low calorific value is about 300-600 yuan per ton.

The calorific value of these coals is mostly between 2700-4500 calories per kilogram.

But if it is high-grade thermal coal with a calorific value above 5000 calories, the price will rise to around 900-1000 yuan.

At that time, the CIF price of LNG was 1,500 to 2,000 yuan per ton.

However, considering carbon emission standards, the conversion of coal to gas was still feasible at that time.

But after two years, with the global economy, due to pandemic factors, it was up and down.

After the prices of various commodities have gone up, the situation has completely changed.

For example, the price of coal, even the most common low-calorie coal, has risen to about 1,500 yuan per ton.

The price of thermal coal with a calorific value of more than 5,000 calories has directly risen to more than 2,600 yuan.

Even at such a price, there is still a situation where there is no market for prices.

The price of LNG, due to the tight global supply, has now exceeded 5,000 yuan per ton, and has even gone straight to 6,000 yuan per ton.

This makes our domestic power supply and heating companies unbearable.

At this time, ethanol, which was previously unsatisfactory, re-emerged on the market.

Although its calorific value is relatively low, compared with the best anthracite, in fact, the calorie per kilogram is not much lower.

In addition, it is more environmentally friendly.

After burning, no smoke or dust is generated, and there is no residue to be treated.

Calculated in this way, this ethanol has become a perfect new fuel substitute.

And even with a few rounds of skyrocketing fuel prices, the market price of ethanol is around 3,500 yuan per ton.

Therefore, ethanol at this time is relatively more marketable.

Compared with coal, it is still slightly more expensive.

But when it comes to economics, LNG has already exploded.

And our country had wanted to import a large amount of LNG before, after all, we are a natural gas-poor country.

If you want to use this kind of clean energy, you have to import a large amount of it from the Middle East every year.

Importing LNG requires shipbuilding and storage and maintenance. Anyway, this thing is not very cost-effective.

According to the development of the current global economic situation, all countries have triggered a large amount of currency in order to save the economy.

This means that for a long time in the future, if there are no major technological breakthroughs.

The prices of bulk commodities on the market are difficult to come down within a certain period of time.

In this way, energy prices will remain high in the next year or even several years.

And this is exactly the main purpose that Xiao Feng asked Pan American Agricultural Development Corporation to develop a super corn.

It is to be able to beat the price of ethanol, and then use ethanol as our domestic reserve energy.

After all, compared to LNG, in Xiao Feng's view, ethanol, a clean energy source, is more reliable.

Because this energy is renewable, and the production capacity is controllable by ourselves.

To achieve mass production of ethanol, in addition to improving the production process and storage technology on the one hand.

On the other hand, it is natural to work **** raw materials.

After all, more corn is the key to ethanol production.

Because most of the ethanol currently on the market is almost all extracted through corn processing.

And to grow more corn, there is another advantage, that is, the price of feed can be beaten down.

In this way, the cost of raising domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, and poultry can be greatly increased.

In the past two decades, with the rapid development of China's economy, the quality of life and dietary structure of the people in our country have also been constantly changing.

Just like before, the main thing we have to solve is the problem of filling our stomachs.

With the advancement of agricultural production methods, we can get a bumper harvest every year, so it is no longer a problem to keep the people full.

But what we have to face next is how to make the people eat well.

According to our own dietary science survey, we found that although our people have solved the problem of food and clothing, there are still many unreasonable diets in our diet.

For example, China is currently the country with the highest incidence of diabetes in the world...

Moreover, the diet structure of our country, after research by the world's top scientific institutions, has also found that it is not compatible with safe diet at all.

Even in the world, it can only be ranked outside fifty.

But our neighbors, Japan and Southern Dynasties, can be ranked in the top ten in the world.

Many people don't understand now, how is this possible?

If you want to say that the Japanese diet is healthy, we believe this, because they really eat lightly.

But you said that the southern dynasty’s diet is healthier than ours. How could this be possible?

You see, they eat kimchi from meal to meal without any oil or water. How could it be healthier than our diet?

Although many people are dissatisfied, the fact is that it is precisely because they eat less oil, or that they do not eat stir-fried vegetables at all.

That's why their diet is healthier. Kimchi is indeed unhealthy, but it is still much healthier than we stir-fried vegetables.

There is another reason why our country's diet is low in health index, because we eat too many staple foods.

It is that we eat too much rice and noodles. In other words, our dietary philosophy is wrong.

Many older generations believe that people gain weight because they eat too much meat.

In fact, it is true that people gain weight, not because of eating too much meat, but because of excessive intake of starch.

The main sources of starch we eat are rice and white noodles.

According to scientific research, the whole-wheat product that an adult should consume every day, that is, starch, should be around 240 grams.

To be straightforward, just a bowl of white rice is enough.

In other words, it is enough for an adult to consume a bowl of rice starch a day. The problem is that we eat a lot of rice and white noodles almost every day.

For example, you can eat fried dough sticks in the morning, rice at noon, and noodles at night.

Too much carbohydrate intake leads to obesity problems, which will eventually lead to diabetes.

In recent years, with the popularization of medical science, people have become more and more concerned with the concept of health.

The dietary concept that has been formed for a long time is also changing.

Many families have begun to gradually adjust their diets and begin to increase the protein content of their diets.

This will eat more meat, but where does the meat come from?

Originally, we ourselves are a big pig-raising country, but with the diversification of people's diet, more and more people start to eat beef, mutton, and only fish.

And our own output is not enough, we can only import a large amount from abroad every year...

And not only import all kinds of finished meat, but also import a large amount of feed from overseas every year...

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