My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2015: New type of skilled workers

Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


In fact, BMW made such a decision on the one hand because it is related to future survival.

After all, if you can catch the line of celebrity chefs, you will have the opportunity to share their technical dividends in the hybrid and electric fields in the future.

On the other hand, it is also because they understand the new city construction plan that the celebrity chef group is focusing on this time.

After understanding the ambition of the celebrity chef group, they knew that this opportunity should not be missed.

Because this plan is really great.

We must know that what the celebrity chef group intends to establish this time is a brand-new technical personnel training system.

And the training of this technician is not just as simple as letting workers screw screws on the assembly line.

It involves all aspects. First of all, a large part of the workers they train are skilled machine tool operators.

You have to know that those who used to play CNC in Rabbit Country can definitely be regarded as senior technicians.

Even those factory owners who have always detained Soso, in order to retain such employees, they are generous with a salary of seven or eight thousand.

This is not an exaggeration. You have to know that those bosses treat other workers, but they will only give you more than 4,000 for twelve hours a day.

But as long as you know how to play CNC, that's another matter altogether.

And this time the celebrity chef group intends to establish a need not just to train technicians who can operate CNC.

And every mechanic must master some basic maintenance and maintenance knowledge.

Not only need to be able to play around with the machine tool, but also to be able to set the processing program by yourself, even when the machine tool fails.

Know how to diagnose the problem and be able to repair it.

Such talents are definitely high-end talents that are in short supply in China.

And when there are more and more such talents, these people are savvy and interested in machine tools.

Deep learning will be carried out naturally, and when experience, technology accumulates to a certain extent.

And know that when workers face certain machine tools, the only pain points are.

These workers will find ways to solve these pain points.

And the technological creations and aspects they bring are the most useful utility model patents for enterprises.

When a company accumulates more and more utility model patents.

Then when they design new machine tools in the future, it will be easier for them to know where to start.

It is easier to update and iterate the technology.

It is through the transfer and accumulation of experience of these talents from generation to generation that those machine tool factories can grow up.

And if you think that the science and technology institute advocated by the celebrity chef group this time has only such a simple major, then you are quite wrong.

In this technical college, many new science and technology fields are also involved.

For example, future-oriented electric vehicles, and hybrid vehicles specialize in training.

Now the car has begun to enter the era of hybrid, electric, and fuel vehicles being sold in parallel on the market.

However, in the field of automobile maintenance, more fuel vehicles are used for maintenance.

For electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, they can generally only be repaired at the factory designated by the manufacturer.

Because the repair shop outside has no technology on the one hand, and on the other hand, it doesn't know much about the manufacturer's unique electric technology and hybrid technology.

If you repair it at will, it is very likely to damage the car.

But in this way, the cost of repairing the car may be greatly increased.

Moreover, with the large-scale popularization of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles in the future, consumers' demand for maintenance will also greatly increase.

In this way, people have set up auto repair majors for hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles specifically for this demand.

There is even a special modification professional established.

And this refitting profession can be broken.

It may seem inconspicuous, but it is a provider of personalized customized service experience specifically for consumers.

It is also a profession that is very scarce in the market.

For example, although many people have bought electric cars, they have an off-road heart.

However, many electric vehicles have only considered this type from the very beginning to cope with urban pavement.

But consumers have the need to go off-road, what should we do at this time?

It can only be modified, but who can change it.

This is not an ordinary fuel car. If you use the modification idea of ​​a fuel car to modify this electric car, it will definitely not work.

At this time, people who study this major will come in handy.

The most important thing is that the experience of these people can be passed on to the design manufacturers of electric vehicles to help us make electric vehicles stronger in the future.

There are also many professions that seem to be confusing.

For example, ocean miners, doesn't this sound very confusing?

But actually!

This is definitely a profession prepared for the future.

As we all know, 70% of the surface of our planet is covered by the ocean.

However, with the development of our country's economy, we have already manifested a lot of lack of mineral resources.

If we talk about iron and coal, we need a lot of imports.

There are also rare earths. We used to dig our own and export them directly.

But now we are importing other products, then processing, and then exporting.

In this way, we have become the largest consumer of resources.

But the problem now is that the prices of the country's commodities are not stable.

Because the pricing power is not in our hands, so many people see that we have a large demand for certain resources, and then sit down and set the price.

This also makes us very troubled.

Where to find more resources is precisely to solve this problem, Xiao Feng advocated shifting his attention to the bottom of the sea.

In fact, under the sea, there are countless abundant natural resources waiting for us to develop and mine.

Unfortunately, because of technical or cost issues, these seabed resources have not been effectively used and developed.

For example, iron ore and coal mines, under the continental shelf of my country's Bohai Bay, have very rich and huge reserves.

Moreover, the Bohai Sea is relatively shallow, and these seabed resources are actually relatively easy to exploit.

But the problem is, if you want to mine, you have to develop a new set of mining technology.

This will push up the cost, so so far, there are few seabed mining in the world.

There are only mineral resources with high economic value, such as oil and natural gas.

But in fact, in Finland and Canada, people already have two seabed iron ore mining shafts.

And it can create hundreds of millions of economic benefits every year.

Of course, the burial layer on their side is very shallow and the mining difficulty is very low.

The local mining company only needs to drill a 2.5-kilometer inclined shaft on the coast to the seabed to complete the excavation of the seabed iron ore.

On our side, the difficulty is slightly greater.

And considering our own relatively fragile marine environment, Xiao Feng has no plans to develop on the seabed of our homeland at all.

His target is the submarine volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean...

Speaking of volcanoes, many people may have the impression that it is a big chimney, the acne of the earth.

If this thing erupts, it is definitely a doomsday effect.

Fortunately, although there are many volcanoes in our country, most of them are extinct volcanoes.

Or it is a dormant volcano. There are not many active volcanoes, or even none.

And when many people talk about volcanoes, besides knowing that this thing will spit fire, I am afraid they don't know what other effects this thing has.

But in fact, what everyone doesn't know is that the magma and volcanic ash spewed from this thing actually have high economic value.

Especially volcanic ash, this thing is simply natural waste.

For example, Indonesia is currently one of the countries with the most active volcanoes.

And some of their large islands are very barren because they are in the tropics and there is plenty of rain.

So on their big islands, the green vegetation is very dense, so the land should be fertile.

But in fact, it is quite the opposite. The land on those islands is very barren because of the rain washed all the year round.

But Java Island is an exception!

Because there are many active volcanoes on this island, and they erupt frequently.

The volcanic ash that falls after each eruption is a fertilizer with extremely high nutritional value, so over time, the land on this island becomes very fertile.

Even in the early years, there were people who bought local volcanic ash and transported it back to the country for fat fields.

Later, Indonesians also discovered this problem and banned the export of volcanic ash.

The volcano on the bottom of the sea is another matter entirely. The magma erupted by the volcano will quickly cool down in the sea.

Volcanic ash also reacts directly with sea water, and various minerals are directly deposited.

If you salvage these volcanic ash and magma, bring them back for grinding and crushing.

This thing is not only a very good building material, and temperature and heat insulation materials, the most important thing is that this thing is also very rich in minerals.

For example, phosphorus can be refined into phosphate fertilizer.

There are tin, iron, etc., which can be refined after crushing and used as industrial raw materials.

In fact, many countries have inspected volcanic magma before and found that this thing is mainly composed of silicon crystal salt.

And it is also rich in some other minerals.

In fact, it is the various minerals in the mantle during volcanic activity.

These minerals were melted, mixed with magma, and then erupted.

And when the submarine volcano erupts, it will greatly change the structure of the submarine geology.

Some of the minerals originally hidden deep in the seabed were spewed out together and floated on the surface of the seabed.

This mixed submarine silt has become a mineral rich in various metal elements.

It's a pity because the mining cost is high and the technology at that time is not up to date.

Therefore, no one wanted to develop these seabed resources before.

But now it’s different. Now the price of coal has broken two thousand yuan.

Not to mention the price of iron ore, it has already broken the horizon.

Although everyone knows that this is only due to factors such as the increase in the price of bulk commodities caused by the irrigation of countries in the context of the epidemic.

But in fact, from a long-term perspective, we are indeed a country with relatively poor resources.

Therefore, in order to ensure that our mineral resources are self-sufficient, we must find more suitable resource collection channels.

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