Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


So it's no wonder that those parents are not at ease with those technical schools.

Because our current technical school is really unable to keep up with our domestic development speed.

There are not many schools that really train skilled and industrial workers.

And in the future, if there is no qualified professional and technical worker promotion system, don't even think that there will be parents who are willing to let their children be workers.

If we want to become a truly industrial power, we must re-establish a system for training skilled workers.

And to open up a real promotion path for skilled workers.

And this also happens to be very suitable to be done in the new area of ​​the provincial capital.

Recently, the state is also emphasizing that it pays attention to entities and is also directing funds to the entity industry.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that in the next twenty years, our physical industry will usher in a huge amount of capital.

However, the problem still exists, that is, although many physical factories will receive capital injection, can our physical industry develop?

There is an argument on the Internet that we just didn't pay attention to it before, but if we pay attention to it and increase investment, there will be no technical difficulties that we can't overcome.

But is the problem really that simple?

From Xiao Feng's experience, it can only be said that these people are too optimistic.

In fact, in the physical industry, there are too many technologies stuck in our necks.

You are like an industrial machine tool. Everyone can make a point when it comes to speaking.

But you said PLC or IGBT, what is this and what is it for?

I'm afraid few people know!

In fact, it is these seemingly humble gadgets that support the true backbone of modern electrical automation.

PLC is equivalent to the brain of automation, and IGBT is equivalent to the nerve node that transmits nerve signals.

For these two things, before Spark Technology, 90% of our domestic technology market was occupied by foreign companies.

Especially PLC, we mainly purchase this stuff from Siemens or Schneider.

And the penetration rate is very high, high-speed rail control hub, hydropower, thermal power, various steel plants.

As long as you use an automated production line, you can't do without PLC.

We all need to import the key electronically controlled brain, and our backwardness can be imagined.

It is also God bless me China, with the emergence of Spark Technology.

These previously seemingly inconspicuous technological shortcomings are being filled up piece by piece.

But the problem is that Xinghuo Technology was also tightened by Xiao Feng, and he didn't dare to let them use too much force.

Because if they let them go to full fire, what they can take out is too scary.

But there are certain benefits to doing so, and it can quickly improve our industrial strength in a short period of time.

But the problem is that this kind of uprooting is not good for our industrialization.

It will even cause many generations to occur in our industrial industry.

Because there is no accumulation of technology, more time will be wasted when moving on to the next step.

Here is the simplest example, take our defense industry air force as an example.

It can be said that our air force has a very high start, directly starting with jet fighters.

Because our air force was established after World War II.

At that time, Big Brother supported us with a large number of jet planes so that we could compete with Yingchan in North Korea.

But the problem is that when we developed our own aviation industry, we were dumbfounded.

Although the starting point is high, it is because of the lack of technology accumulated in the era of propeller aircraft.

For a long time, we even had a bad design of propeller airplanes.

Many people may not believe it, but if you have been on our Shenzhou X number, you will know.

Not to mention jet fighters, even if we introduced a production line from Big Brother.

But for a long time, we couldn't even make jet aircraft. Even if we imitated the big brother's aviation one by one, we couldn't imitate it.

For example, why do the turbofan blades in other aviation companies have to be arranged in this way, and what is the principle?

Our scientific researchers can't understand it all the time, because we don't have a perfect aerodynamic theory at all.

For example, we bought the Black Hawk of Eagle Sauce back then, thinking that reverse R&D would be easy, and then we dismantled the Black Hawk engine.

As a result, when I went back to assemble, but I couldn’t assemble it anyhow. In the end, there were a lot of screws...

This is the gap between experience and technology accumulation.

As a result, we had to spend nearly 30 years to make up lessons before we made up for the shortcomings.

However, we are still ten years behind the top aviation design concepts in Europe and the United States.

Therefore, Xiao Feng does not hope that our later industrial development will encounter such a bottleneck.

For example, our J20 and FC31 are all because of the latest machine tools provided by Spark Technology.

Not only has the machining accuracy been greatly improved, but the machining efficiency has been improved, and the latest model of engine has been installed.

But even so, its performance is only comparable to that of F22 or slightly weaker than F35.

But just when our Air Force was complacent just because of some of the achievements.

The American GE suddenly announced that it would develop the next generation, the sixth-generation aeroengine, and it has already made major breakthroughs.

The main feature of their new generation of aviation engines is the adaptive cruise engine.

The starting principle is equivalent to the variable section engine of our car's turbine.

The cross-section of other people's turbofan blades can be deformed and adjusted.

In this way, the air intake of the engine can be adjusted at any time, thereby changing the working state of the engine.

Other aviation engines can have high fuel efficiency and can switch between high thrust and high power modes.

When you need to save fuel, people use fuel-saving mode to fly.

When entering the combat mode, people use the high-thrust working mode.

The advantage of this is that it can not only ensure the economy and longevity of the aircraft, but also ensure the high efficiency of aircraft operations.

The most important thing is that the ultimate thrust is still very large!

And this kind of flight can also effectively end the F35's short leg problem.

The proposal of such a concept is something we didn't even dare to think about before.

And you shouldn’t just talk about it because they just announced that they will develop a new aircraft.

The back foot was announced for this special ceramic material specially developed by Xinhangfa.

This shows that this is just a technical reserve of others.

The reason why I didn't do it before was because other people's F22 and F35 have already been defeated.

For economic considerations, there is no need to take out this set of technologies.

But when you get closer, they will take out this set of technology, and at the same time they have begun to develop and reserve the next generation of technology.

This is enough to prove the thickness of the United States in terms of scientific and technological reserves.

And our latest engine technology, there is still a full twenty years away from the new generation technology...

In fact, if you want to talk about Spark Technology, if the firepower is full.

Then just come up with a set of technology, it can crush the current top technology in the United States.

But the question is what do you do after you take it out?

Do you think Americans are fools?

Don't talk about the United States, but what kind of eyes will our people look at you?

Do you think people suspect that you have an affair with Alien Technology?

After all, anyone who is engaged in science and technology knows that in the real high-tech field, there is only one thing to say about changing lanes and overtaking.

But there has never been a saying about overtaking in a curve.

And for a technological breakthrough like yours, this special lady has definitely opened a cheat device.

At that time, there will be no need for the Americans to do it, that is, we ourselves may grab their faucets from the inside and take them to the laboratory for sectioning.

Therefore, Xiao Feng did not dare to let Spark Technology use too advanced technology.

It can only be said that in some areas, a little bit of the release of technological dividends can only serve as a boost, but it does not dare to take the lead suddenly.

In this way, the development of Spark Technology and Tuguo's future technology will require a large number of scientific research and technical personnel.

And the mechanics mentioned here are not those workers who can only slab bricks and sledgehammer in the factory.

It's the kind of workers who really have skills, love to use their brains, and have a solid theoretical foundation behind them, and who like their jobs.

This kind of talent is called a craftsman, and what we lack most now is this kind of craftsman.

Some people have even done statistics, and out of a hundred workers, the ones who can really become craftsmen in the end.

It would be good to have thirty, and among these thirty people, it would be good to have two or three craftsmen in the end.

In the past, we did have a good training system for workers and craftsmen, and it was in the provincial capital with a strong culture of workers.

It is a pity that the subsequent reforms, and for some reasons, led to the complete decline of our worker training system.

Many workers are heartbroken...

But now in the province, I want to re-seek development and position for future urban development.

This makes Xiao Feng feel that he has found a good entry point.

Although they are developing well in Bencheng.

However, the future development position of Bincheng has already been determined by him.

In the future, Bincheng will be a city where medical, pharmaceutical, and biopharmaceuticals are the main development directions.

And because the provincial capital has a deep industrial foundation, he feels that in the future, UU can become our city of heavy industry.

Because only when we have made major breakthroughs and developments in heavy industry, can our industrial upgrading be truly updated and iterated.

After all, in the next twenty years, we cannot expect to flood our factories with machine tool production lines in Japan, Germany, and Europe.

Let these guys lie down and earn our money for nothing, but also point fingers at us.

Such days cannot continue.

Therefore, the strategy proposed by Xiao Feng and Shengli this time is to build a brand-new city of workers.

And reshape a new set of technician training system!

Let those parents feel relieved to send their children here, so that all children can find suitable jobs in the future.

And let all workers be able to make money, provide for and depend on the elderly.

The tragedy that happened before is absolutely not allowed to happen again...

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